Another epic failure of Hillary/Obama policies.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Hillary's State Department Refused to Brand Boko Haram as Terrorists - The Daily Beast

Hillary's State Department Refused to Brand Boko Haram as Terrorists

Under Hillary Clinton, the State Department repeatedly declined to fully go after the terror group responsible for kidnapping hundreds of girls.

The State Department under Hillary Clinton fought hard against placing the al Qaeda-linked militant group Boko Haram on its official list of foreign terrorist organizations for two years. And now, lawmakers and former U.S. officials are saying that the decision may have hampered the American government's ability to confront the Nigerian group that shocked the world by abducting hundreds of innocent girls.

In the past week, Clinton, who made protecting women and girls a key pillar of her tenure at the State Department, has been a vocal advocate for the 200 Nigerian girls kidnapped by Boko Haram, the loosely organized group of militants terrorizing northern Nigeria. Her May 4 tweet about the girls, using the hashtag #BringOurGirlsBack, was cited across the media and widely credited for raising awareness of their plight.

On Wednesday, Clinton said that the abduction of the girls by Boko Haram was “abominable, it’s criminal, it’s an act of terrorism and it really merits the fullest response possible, first and foremost from the government of Nigeria.” Clinton said that as Secretary of State she had numerous meetings with Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan and had urged the Nigerian government to do more on counterterrorism.

What Clinton didn’t mention was that her own State Department refused to place Boko Haram on the list of foreign terrorist organizations in 2011, after the group bombed the UN headquarters in Abuja. The refusal came despite the urging of the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA, and over a dozen Senators and Congressmen.

“The one thing she could have done, the one tool she had at her disposal, she didn’t use. And nobody can say she wasn’t urged to do it. It’s gross hypocrisy,” said a former senior U.S. official who was involved in the debate. “The FBI, the CIA, and the Justice Department really wanted Boko Haram designated, they wanted the authorities that would provide to go after them, and they voiced that repeatedly to elected officials.”

In May 2012, then-Justice Department official Lisa Monaco (now at the White House) wrote to the State Department to urge Clinton to designate Boko Haram as a terrorist organization. The following month, Gen. Carter Ham, the chief of U.S. Africa Command, said that Boko Haram provided a "safe haven" for al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and was likely sharing explosives and funds with the group. And yet, Hillary Clinton's State Department still declined to place Boko Haram on its official terrorist roster.

The White House declined Wednesday to say whether or not the President will push for Boko Haram to be added to the UN list.

“Boko Haram, the terrorist organization that kidnapped these girls, has been killing innocent people in Nigeria for some time,” National Security Council Spokesman Jonathan Lalley told The Daily Beast in a statement. “We’ve identified them as one of the worst regional terrorist organizations out there. That’s why last November we designated them as a Foreign Terrorist Organization and as Specially Designated Global Terrorists.”


Maybe he should apologize to this terror group. Since apparently he and the other morons in his administration felt that was a good strategy.
Gee you mean Clinton a women who showed such respect for women that she allowed her husband and those who worked for him to abuse and slander them wasn't against girls being kidnapped and having only Allah knows what to them?

Color me not surprised.
Gee you mean Clinton a women who showed such respect for women that she allowed her husband and those who worked for him to abuse and slander them wasn't against girls being kidnapped and having only Allah knows what to them?

Color me not surprised.

What is even more shocking is how the kind sweet loving liberals, who care so much for the poor and down trodden are not showing any disgust whatsoever for the kidnapping of 200 girls and being sold into sex slaves.

They are so pathetic and predictable that we all know if the people that happened to do the kidnapping were white with cowboy hats and southern accent.

Their expressions across the nation would be something akin to.....


Here is my shocked face to their lack of outrage to the terrorists who did this who just so happened to be the color of a thick molasses....


When it comes to left is really all about this.....

Gee you mean Clinton a women who showed such respect for women that she allowed her husband and those who worked for him to abuse and slander them wasn't against girls being kidnapped and having only Allah knows what to them?

Color me not surprised.

What is even more shocking is how the kind sweet loving liberals, who care so much for the poor and down trodden are not showing any disgust whatsoever for the kidnapping of 200 girls and being sold into sex slaves.

They are so pathetic and predictable that we all know if the people that happened to do the kidnapping were white with cowboy hats and southern accent.

Their expressions across the nation would be something akin to.....


Here is my shocked face to their lack of outrage to the terrorists who did this who just so happened to be the color of a thick molasses....


When it comes to left is really all about this.....

truth is most liberals only think of women as walking Vaginas.

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