Another Big Blow to Dems: Third State Lawmaker in a Month Flips to GOP


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Another Big Blow to Dems:

Third State Lawmaker in a Month Flips to GOP

10 Apr 2023 ~~ By Nick Arama

We’ve been seeing people who might have normally identified themselves as liberals in the past now flipping over and voting for Republicans because the Democrats have moved so far to the left.
Twitter CEO Elon Musk posted a graphic last year that explained it and why he was now voting Republican for the first time.

He doesn’t think he’s moved; he thinks, as many Democrats do, that the party has left him.
You see it in folks like Bill Maher — although still a Dem, he gets how far left they’ve moved with the woke insanity, for example, and is regularly calling them out for it these days.
But we’re also now seeing it with more politicians changing from Democrat to Republican.
We reported on how Rep. Tricia Cotham in North Carolina just flipped, giving the House Republicans a veto-proof majority against Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper. Cotham explained why she switched:

Now there’s a third politician fleeing the Democrats within a month, the second in Louisiana. In addition to Thompson, Rep. Jeremy LaCombe, a Democrat who was elected in 2019 to District 18, which covers parts of Pointe Coupee and West Baton Rouge parishes, said on Monday that he is switching to Republican, according to The Advocate, a local Louisiana paper


Even CNN was busting Biden on how only a third of Americans thought he deserved another term. I’m surprised it’s even that high given what a disaster he’s been.
But this is one big flashing alarm that Democrats are in a bad place as we move into 2024.

Anyone who believes in civil rights has to vote with Republicans now, Maoist/DSA Democrats have completely lost their souls. They want a totalitarian government that is omnipotent and will control every aspect of Americans lives.
If this isn't a signal to Democrats that they have a big problem with their extreme agenda. What is?
People who have any conscience or serve their constituents aren’t going to stand with it.
The Maoist Commie Democrats presently holding power in D.C. have one to far even for moderate Dems. Their tyranny over te kess Keft Democrats is showing.
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Well, they can keep stabbing the people in the back but I'll keep being me.
The opposite is true. You right wing bastards are so far to the right at this moment in history that you're starting to compete with the fucking taliban. Seriously. The left if anything has moved right since 2008 and that isn't good.


You leftist ****s are so cute when you screech about bullshit that has nothing whatsoever to do with the post.

Thanks for your thought provoking post.

Now go ask Dylan Mulvaney if he'll lend you a Tampax.

The opposite is true. You right wing bastards are so far to the right at this moment in history that you're starting to compete with the fucking taliban. Seriously. The left if anything has moved right since 2008 and that isn't good.
More populist which passes for Prog Socialist condemnation of constant rants of it being extremist right-wing agendas. The real test is if the Prog agendas would survive and economic downturn or human or natural disaster.


You leftist ****s are so cute when you screech about bullshit that has nothing whatsoever to do with the post.

Thanks for your thought provoking post.

Now go ask Dylan Mulvaney if he'll lend you a Tampax.


Another stupid pointless post from our resident howler monkey. Throwing shit at the passing humans.

These turncoats need to be sued by their constituents for betraying the positions they ran on.
Another stupid pointless post from our resident howler monkey. Throwing shit at the passing humans.

These turncoats need to be sued by their constituents for betraying the positions they ran on.

Hey, miketx, how about the very original imagery of this poster. I think I usurped someone here. Don't ya just love it?

Thank you for your thought provoking, albeit stale and unoriginal, post.


FOURTH DEMOCRAT Lawmaker Exits Party…

Joins Republican Party

18 Apr 2023 ~~ By Amber Crawford

On Monday, West Virginia Del. Elliott Pritt announced his switch from the Democrat Party to the Republican Party, becoming the fourth Democrat to do so in the last two months. Just last week, Louisiana Rep. Jeremy LaCombe ditched the Democrat Party for the Republicans.
Pritt, who works as a teacher, serves as the minority chair of the Committee on Fire Departments and Emergency Medical Services, the minority vice chair of the Committee on Education, the minority vice chair of the Committee on Jails and Prisons, the minority vice chair of the Committee on Pensions and Retirement, and on the Committee for Economic Development and Tourism.

it’s always nice to see people abandoning the party of slavery, KKK and Marxist Socialism.
Although, He’s a POLITICIAN!!!
Ain’t none of them worth a bucket of cold cow chips.
I am not now, have never been, nor will I ever become a member of a political party or any other criminal organization.

Another Big Blow to Dems:

Third State Lawmaker in a Month Flips to GOP

10 Apr 2023 ~~ By Nick Arama

We’ve been seeing people who might have normally identified themselves as liberals in the past now flipping over and voting for Republicans because the Democrats have moved so far to the left.
Twitter CEO Elon Musk posted a graphic last year that explained it and why he was now voting Republican for the first time.

He doesn’t think he’s moved; he thinks, as many Democrats do, that the party has left him.
You see it in folks like Bill Maher — although still a Dem, he gets how far left they’ve moved with the woke insanity, for example, and is regularly calling them out for it these days.
But we’re also now seeing it with more politicians changing from Democrat to Republican.
We reported on how Rep. Tricia Cotham in North Carolina just flipped, giving the House Republicans a veto-proof majority against Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper. Cotham explained why she switched:

Now there’s a third politician fleeing the Democrats within a month, the second in Louisiana. In addition to Thompson, Rep. Jeremy LaCombe, a Democrat who was elected in 2019 to District 18, which covers parts of Pointe Coupee and West Baton Rouge parishes, said on Monday that he is switching to Republican, according to The Advocate, a local Louisiana paper


Even CNN was busting Biden on how only a third of Americans thought he deserved another term. I’m surprised it’s even that high given what a disaster he’s been.
But this is one big flashing alarm that Democrats are in a bad place as we move into 2024.

Anyone who believes in civil rights has to vote with Republicans now, Maoist/DSA Democrats have completely lost their souls. They want a totalitarian government that is omnipotent and will control every aspect of Americans lives.
If this isn't a signal to Democrats that they have a big problem with their extreme agenda. What is?
People who have any conscience or serve their constituents aren’t going to stand with it.
The Maoist Commie Democrats presently holding power in D.C. have one to far even for moderate Dems. Their tyranny over te kess Keft Democrats is showing.

Generally I think it's hard for most people in the US to identify with either party. Usually people OPPOSE the other party for one thing they've done.
US politics is ridiculous. You can't fit 50% of the people into the same political party, it just doesn't work. There needs to be a minimum of 6 political parties for people to have a proper choice.
That a rich person is going more and more towards the party of "we look after the rich" is hardly much.

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