Another American citizen is detained in North Korea, taking total to four

in the case of journalists i pretty much agree . The journalists think that they are Noble heros but all they are doing is working for MONEY Sunni .
All of our hero's work for MONEY, and risk their lives daily. Journalists play an important role in society.

Easily disproved.

"Anti-Trump media: 91% coverage negative, 96% of donations to Hillary"
Anti-Trump media: 91% coverage negative, 96% of donations to Hillary

"Journalists' as simply shills, and you aren't smart enough to recognize it.

Media gives trump negative coverage because all he provides us with negativity.....
Journalists risk their lives to chase facts and communicate them to the world. Especially risky business writing against putin, he has journalists killed like it is a sport/hobby.
----------------------------------------------------------- like i say to all the worshippers of pro journalists , i wish them no ill but i have no use for them . Most do not practice journalism which is simply reporting of the FACTS of Who , What , Where and When . The WHY of the matter is up to the reader to decide and i learned what i just said in 3rd or 4th grade back in the 50s when Journalism and reporting was still journalism and reporting Aries .

"Journalists" is far too high a rating for these rats..

The more accurate term is amenuensis....

noun, plural amanuenses

[uh-man-yoo-en-seez] (Show IPA)
a person employed to write what another dictatesor to copy what has been written by another;secretary.
the definition of amanuenses

A perfect example:
"#PodestaEmails: Politico journalist seeks OK from Clinton before running story"
#PodestaEmails: Politico journalist seeks OK from Clinton before running story
I see you have been reading her emails, I think before I can finish them I will be dead...30k is a lot of reading.
North Korea showing the world how weak Trump is

I expect Trump to retaliate by sending a mean tweet
All of our hero's work for MONEY, and risk their lives daily. Journalists play an important role in society.

Easily disproved.

"Anti-Trump media: 91% coverage negative, 96% of donations to Hillary"
Anti-Trump media: 91% coverage negative, 96% of donations to Hillary

"Journalists' as simply shills, and you aren't smart enough to recognize it.

Media gives trump negative coverage because all he provides us with negativity.....
Journalists risk their lives to chase facts and communicate them to the world. Especially risky business writing against putin, he has journalists killed like it is a sport/hobby.
----------------------------------------------------------- like i say to all the worshippers of pro journalists , i wish them no ill but i have no use for them . Most do not practice journalism which is simply reporting of the FACTS of Who , What , Where and When . The WHY of the matter is up to the reader to decide and i learned what i just said in 3rd or 4th grade back in the 50s when Journalism and reporting was still journalism and reporting Aries .

"Journalists" is far too high a rating for these rats..

The more accurate term is amenuensis....

noun, plural amanuenses

[uh-man-yoo-en-seez] (Show IPA)
a person employed to write what another dictatesor to copy what has been written by another;secretary.
the definition of amanuenses

A perfect example:
"#PodestaEmails: Politico journalist seeks OK from Clinton before running story"
#PodestaEmails: Politico journalist seeks OK from Clinton before running story
I see you have been reading her emails, I think before I can finish them I will be dead...30k is a lot of reading.

Welcome to the board and the battle.

No, I haven't read any of said emails. The article reveals that 'journalist' Thrush applied to Posesta for an OK before he would publish.

BTW....his punishment for journalistic malpractice: hired by the NYTimes.
sorry typo it should say the people are dirt poor but the elite are rich not , the people are dirt people but the elite are rich.
There is an "edit" feature that lets you fix such typos for a certain amount of time. Look at the lower left corner of the window of your post.
Thanks guy I was looking for something like that myself it should help the poor people read my trash.
Otto Warmbier comes home in a coma...

Family of Freed Student Adjusting to 'Different Reality'
June 15, 2017 — The father of an American college student who was imprisoned in North Korea and was returned to his home state of Ohio in a coma says the family is “adjusting to a different reality.”
Fred Warmbier told Fox News' Tucker Carlson on Wednesday that his son, Otto, was “terrorized and brutalized” during his 17-month detention and has been in a coma for more than a year. “The day after he was sentenced, he went into a coma,” the father said in an interview scheduled to air Thursday night. He said he and his wife, Cindy, only learned of their son's condition last week. The 22-year-old University of Virginia student was medically evacuated from North Korea and arrived in Cincinnati late Tuesday. He was then taken by ambulance to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. His parents plan a Thursday morning news conference, and UC physicians will discuss his condition Thursday afternoon.


Alison Lebrun, center background, helps tie blue-and-white awareness ribbons near the family home of Otto Warmbier, in the Wyoming suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio[=/center]

The parents' public appearance will be at Wyoming High School, one of Ohio's top-rated schools. Warmbier graduated from there in 2013 as class salutatorian and had played soccer. Residents of the northern Cincinnati suburb tied blue-and-white ribbons, the school colors, to trees near the family's home. Joy at his release was mixed with concern over his condition. In its first official comment since Warmbier was returned home, North Korea said it released him over humanitarian reasons. The state-run Korean Central News Agency on Thursday said he had been sentenced to hard labor but did not comment on his medical condition. Former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said there should be an investigation into what happened to Warmbier leading to this “tragic situation.”

Richardson, a Democrat, credited the Department of State with securing Warmbier's return from North Korea without any preconditions but said a forceful response from the U.S. government would be required “if its determined that there was a cover-up and Otto's condition was not disclosed and he didn't get proper treatment.” City councilwoman Jenni McCauley said the tight-knit community was “thrilled” to have Warmbier back. “Even though they're saddened by his condition, they're just glad for the family that he is home,” McCauley said. “For any parent, this is their worst nightmare. ... We're hoping that he will be OK.”


Visitors and medical personnel enter a transport plane carrying Otto Warmbier, before he is transferred to an ambulance at Lunken regional airport​

Warmbier was serving a 15-year prison term with hard labor in North Korea after he tearfully confessed that he tried to steal a propaganda banner while visiting the country. Such detentions in the totalitarian nation have added to tensions between Washington and Pyongyang. Three Americans remain in custody. The U.S. government accuses North Korea of using such detainees as political pawns. North Korea accuses Washington and South Korea of sending spies to overthrow its government. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Tuesday that his department was continuing “to have discussions” with North Korea about the release of the other three imprisoned American citizens. When asked by Fox News what he would tell the families of those detained, Fred Warmbier said, “I wouldn't know what to say to them. This is, I've been told, not precedented.”

Family of Freed Student Adjusting to 'Different Reality'
Just what in the hell are these Progressives doing in North KOrea teaching courses on Freedom or how to take over a gov....Stupid. people.
He more then likely was teaching them that freedom is way overrated.
Pinko commie countries are so pathetic that they have to build walls to keep their people in the country.

1. Yet....there are Americans, called 'Democrats,' who have the same aims as those countries:
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

2. "....we are now free of that inordinate fear of communism...."
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter: UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME - Address at Commencement Exercises at the University

3.Hussein Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and communism, claiming that they are just “intellectual arguments.” He urged those at atown hall eventin Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday to “just choose from what works.”
Obama Downplays Difference Between Capitalism, Communism [VIDEO]

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