Another $17 trillion surprise found in Obamacare

Don't worry, the yet to be born will be enslaved to pay for that too. Loosen up dude and enjoy the free ride. The young will be forced to pay for our party . . . or rather, our entitlements. Little suckers!
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obamacare is going to change our lives bigtime. The IRS will be in every aspect of your life. They want taxes and money, and you better comply or its a $700 fine or jail if you don't. You are going to be forced to comply. I can't imagine anyone wanting this Obamacare and their lives to become nothing but a misery of hardships............this isn't health=care, its taxes and what they need/.
obamacare is going to change our lives bigtime. The IRS will be in every aspect of your life. They want taxes and money, and you better comply or its a $700 fine or jail if you don't. You are going to be forced to comply. I can't imagine anyone wanting this Obamacare and their lives to become nothing but a misery of hardships............this isn't health=care, its taxes and what they need/.
Hopefully the supreme court finds it unconstitutional :eusa_pray:
funny thing is (funny strange, not funny ha-ha), the libtard will still support this, call it a monumental achievement, even as they end up in the poor house because of it.
funny thing is (funny strange, not funny ha-ha), the libtard will still support this, call it a monumental achievement, even as they end up in the poor house because of it.

They've been brainwashed. If the pope had been raised since birth as a muslim, he'd be peaching death to the infidels instead of blessing them. It's always about brainwashed programming with these humans. It's why they would be perfect slaves, if only you could program them all to be the same. It's what they were designed for though, to be slaves. So, enslave them!
obamacare is going to change our lives bigtime. The IRS will be in every aspect of your life. They want taxes and money, and you better comply or its a $700 fine or jail if you don't. You are going to be forced to comply. I can't imagine anyone wanting this Obamacare and their lives to become nothing but a misery of hardships............this isn't health=care, its taxes and what they need/.

I'm not complying fuck'em. It is my duty as a law abiding citizen to not comply with unjust laws.
It's an Irony I know but the unjust law part makes all the difference
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funny thing is (funny strange, not funny ha-ha), the libtard will still support this, call it a monumental achievement, even as they end up in the poor house because of it.

When the arguments were proceeding in the Senate, I spoke to a young man who was a divorced parent who said that he simply could not afford healthcare coverage for himself and his son. Never mind that he was able bodied and opted to pursue dope and tattoos over a full time job with benefits.

When i informed hymn that Obamacare was a pay to play program that the government would demand he pay premiums or levy fines and eventually jail him for non compliance, he looked at me like I WAS THE BAD GUY.

Those who support this, for the most part, support it because they don't clearly understand how it works.
I'm not complying fuck'em. It is my duty as a law abiding citizen to not comply with unjust laws.
It's an Irony I know but the unjust law part makes all the difference

I'm with you and others on this. I'm going to take and follow the moral high-road here and refuse to submit to this involuntary mandatory enslavement. Master/dear leader can TRY to make an example (and martyr of me) by dragging me out into the streets at force to be beaten and whipped and shot and killed for non-compliance, or .. . we can be ready for them when they TRY. :tongue: Seriously, time may come for us to fight these wicked heathens that would try to enslave us all.
I'm not complying fuck'em. It is my duty as a law abiding citizen to not comply with unjust laws.
It's an Irony I know but the unjust law part makes all the difference

I'm with you and others on this. I'm going to take and follow the moral high-road here and refuse to submit to this involuntary mandatory enslavement. Master/dear leader can TRY to make an example (and martyr of me) by dragging me out into the streets at force to be beaten and whipped and shot and killed for non-compliance, or .. . we can be ready for them when they TRY. :tongue: Seriously, time may come for us to fight these wicked heathens that would try to enslave us all.

I'm just not going to comply
From the link:

'The $17 trillion in extra promises was revealed by an analysis of the law’s long-term requirements. The additional obligations, when combined with existing Medicare and Medicaid funding shortfalls, leave taxpayers on the hook for an extra $82 trillion in health care obligations over the next 75 years.

The federal government has an additional $17 trillion unfunded gap in other obligations, including Social Security, bringing the total shortfall to $99 trillion.

That shortfall is different from existing debt. The federal government already owes $15 trillion in debt, including $5 trillion in funds borrowed during Obama’s term in office so far.'

Where are the normally verbose Leftists in here to discuss this problem?
obamacare is going to change our lives bigtime. The IRS will be in every aspect of your life. They want taxes and money, and you better comply or its a $700 fine or jail if you don't. You are going to be forced to comply. I can't imagine anyone wanting this Obamacare and their lives to become nothing but a misery of hardships............this isn't health=care, its taxes and what they need/.

I'm not complying fuck'em. It is my duty as a law abiding citizen to not comply with unjust laws.
It's an Irony I know but the unjust law part makes all the difference

The Department of Homeland Security just purchased 450 million paint balls.
obamacare is going to change our lives bigtime. The IRS will be in every aspect of your life. They want taxes and money, and you better comply or its a $700 fine or jail if you don't. You are going to be forced to comply. I can't imagine anyone wanting this Obamacare and their lives to become nothing but a misery of hardships............this isn't health=care, its taxes and what they need/.

I'm not complying fuck'em. It is my duty as a law abiding citizen to not comply with unjust laws.
It's an Irony I know but the unjust law part makes all the difference

The Department of Homeland Security just purchased 450 million paint balls.

I love life but I value my freedom more than life. Fuck'em.
obamacare is going to change our lives bigtime. The IRS will be in every aspect of your life. They want taxes and money, and you better comply or its a $700 fine or jail if you don't. You are going to be forced to comply. I can't imagine anyone wanting this Obamacare and their lives to become nothing but a misery of hardships............this isn't health=care, its taxes and what they need/.

At the end of the day it's about control of the people and the Obamabots are either too stupid to realize this or are enthusiastically for being controlled because it's easier than being responsible for one's self. If the individual mandate is allowed to stand then the so called "progressives" will have pretty much succeeded in shredding the Constitution as going forward this case will set precedent to allow the federal government to make us do what ever they want under the guise of regulating commerce. What's left of federalism will be dead.

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