Ann Coulter refers to Ted Kennedy as, "Glad he's gone human pestilence" on MJ.

She sells books because she's a good writer, and knows her subject and backs up her statements with historical factoids.

Something a liberal cannot do, and thus finds abhorrent.
Come on man, READ the excerpt from Coulter's book. She uses extremely vile and incendiary language to demonize Democrats as monsters. She does EXACTLY what she accuses Democrats of doing. Can't you see that?

The title of the thread mentions Ted Kennedy. Ted idolized his older brother Jack. Ted dedicated his public life to carrying out our late President's agenda.

HERE is how liberals and Democrats really talk:

I grew up during the height of the Cold War. There was no one more demonized that the 'evil' Russians. Yet, 5 months before his assassination President Kennedy delivered the most poetic foreign policy speech of his life, a speech that would go down in history as the "Peace Speech." In this stirring address, J.F.K. would do something that no other President during the cold war—and no American leader today—would dare. He attempted to humanize our enemy. No matter how "profoundly repugnant" we might find our foes' ideology or system of government, he told the American public, they are still—like us—human beings. And then Kennedy launched into a passage of such sweeping eloquence and empathy for the Russian people—the enemy that a generation of Americans had been taught to fear and despise—that it still has the power to inspire. "We all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal."

Khrushchev was impressed by Kennedy's speech, telling Undersecretary of the State Averell Harriman that it was "the greatest speech by any American President since Roosevelt." He allowed the speech to be rebroadcast in the Soviet Union without censorship.

The following month, the U.S. and the Soviet Union reached agreement on the Limited Test Ban Treaty, the first significant restraint put on the superpowers' doomsday arms race.

Read more: Warrior For Peace - The Lessons of J.F.K. - TIME

You find the truth vile and incendiary. That's the problem. You don't want the truth to be spoken if it's less than flattering.

You can use that to whitewash the Kennedies all you like. But we won't use it. We'll continue to paint you as you are.

That is truly sad. I honestly feel sorry for you. You have a very distorted and false view of liberals and Democrats. Liberals founded this nation, and liberals and Democrats have been behind every meaningful piece of legislation that has made this a more free and just nation, for ALL it's citizens.

"When a man's ways please the Lord," the Scriptures tell us, "he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him." And is not peace, in the last analysis, basically a matter of human rights--the right to live out our lives without fear of devastation--the right to breathe air as nature provided it--the right of future generations to a healthy existence?"

President John F. Kennedy - Commencement Address at American University, June 10, 1963
You wanna see Republican about Reagan.

He did some of THE most unAmerican and "un-Republican" things in history, yet hard RWers live in this bubble of Reagan's a god.

Just whisper his name and watch them drop to their knees. Try it.
Liberals are monsters, and should be feared.

Because they are members of a mob. They promote death, destruction, and the erosion of human rights. What's to like?

This is EXACTLY the same claptrap and swill that the Bush'n'Cheney Administration pulled on America to fear them into wars. Remember the cloud? Remember the color codes?

Fear, fear, fear, all day long, be afraid. Then we can protect you by locking up all Muslims and all-who look like Muslims. That would justify us spying on you. That would justify us taking away your privacy rights.

It's quite a stunt. And suckers like koshergirl are falling for it all over again. Then at some point in the near future they will say they never did.

You find the truth vile and incendiary. That's the problem. You don't want the truth to be spoken if it's less than flattering.

You can use that to whitewash the Kennedies all you like. But we won't use it. We'll continue to paint you as you are.

That is truly sad. I honestly feel sorry for you. You have a very distorted and false view of liberals and Democrats. Liberals founded this nation, and liberals and Democrats have been behind every meaningful piece of legislation that has made this a more free and just nation, for ALL it's citizens.

"When a man's ways please the Lord," the Scriptures tell us, "he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him." And is not peace, in the last analysis, basically a matter of human rights--the right to live out our lives without fear of devastation--the right to breathe air as nature provided it--the right of future generations to a healthy existence?"

President John F. Kennedy - Commencement Address at American University, June 10, 1963
You wanna see Republican about Reagan.

He did some of THE most unAmerican and "un-Republican" things in history, yet hard RWers live in this bubble of Reagan's a god.

Just whisper his name and watch them drop to their knees. Try it.

Well maybe some will drop to their knees.
You Obamabots have yet to get off your knees over him..
Thanks for the excellent posts on this topic.

This is a great example of wingnut received wisdom. They believe that Gore didn't recognize a bust of Franklin, just like they believe that Gore made up the story about being an inspiration for the character of Oliver in Love Story.

Maybe they think Jefferson would have sat around Monticello with looking at a bust of himself with admiration---or maybe they don't realize that Monticello was Jefferson's home.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Why pay any attention to her?

She's a professional rightwing hate-monger and you know it.

Don't you ever get tired of being outraged by professional propagandists whose job it is to delight or outrage partisan imbeciles?

A quick jaunt down the aisles of your local Barnes & Noble book store will illustrate quite clearly that the quickest way to sell a book these days is to make partisan, over the top claims. People like Coulter understand that...just like Michael Moore understands that he won't be successful if he makes a movie that's impartial.

There is a difference. Whether you agree with him or not, Moore is a very creative filmmaker. All Ann does is open up her freaking mouth. Any idiot Republican can do that (and a lot of them do).
I believe that's about all they do, and they do it well. And their angry listeners swallow it whole.
It's also the reason Huntsman is so low in the polls, despite being the most consistently conservative and experienced candidate, executively and diplomatically.

Why is it that libs are the only people who believe Huntsman is a conservative?
What makes him not conservative?

List it if you will.

I don't know that.
Nor does anyone else who pays attention.

Your links haven't proved anything, except that you guys are asshats.


Sad, very, very sad. :(
Democrats can never get forgiveness, not even from God. Republicans never even need to ask for it.

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