Mind Control of MSNBC, FOX and The Net


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
Beware! This post might anger you, if you're a "Sheeple"!

The media has done an amazing job of literally hypnotizing hundreds of millions of people in America at a time. Not just television but Liberal websites like DailyKos and Conservative ones like AmericanThinker.
I recall Dailykos being caught in an outright lie about Hawaii's laws concerning birth certificates. But Libs believe everything they see on that site.
Americanthinker wrote an article about how the FL Swat Team waited until services were over and took off their boots before arresting some terrorist imam and his son. Yet Conservatives believe everything they see on that site.
So it's not like we get our information from only FOX or MSNBC. But it's no coincidence that the views on FOX all coincide with those promoted by World News Daily, AmericanThinker, Drudge etc... Just as the views promoted on MSNBC just happen to coincide with those on DailyKos etc...

And hundreds of millions of people believe they think for themselves - and that it's just another "coincidence" that they agree with all those other people on myriad unrelated issues.
Sheeple, Drones, Kool-aid drinkers, Obamabots, Wingnuts, Moonbats - both sides call each other names when disagreeing. But usually they don't realize that the name they are calling someone else, applies directly to them. The hypnosis is that complete.
We used to be a nation of people who leaned Right or Left. But no more. It's all or nothing and anything other than complete submission on 19 of every 20 issues, makes you the enemy.
Are you hypnotized? Not hard to tell. If you have the exact same opinion as is promoted by MSNBC or FOX on 19 out of 20 unrelated issues, you might as well not even post. You're not expressing your opinions, you're expressing "theirs".

Here's a couple dozen issues that make it easy to see if you're under the spell:
1) Unions are hurting America and American business.
2) Obama's effectiveness as a president.
3) Obamacare is horrible and should be repealed
4) Nancy Pelosi's hypocrisy
5) Harry Reid's corruption
6) Michele Bachmann's lies
7) Whether we should eliminate Gun Control laws or increase them
8 ) Obama's actions on Libya
9) Obama's success fighting terrorism and protecting the USA
10) Bush's water-boarding being the cause for getting OBL
11) Clinton's Fair Housing Law causing the housing crisis
12) Bush's deregulation of the Mortgage Industry causing the housing crisis
13) Global Warming being a certainty
14) Occupy Wall St being comprised only of Socialists who want handouts
15) Treatment of Islam in America
16) Treatment of Christianity in America
17) SEC Regulation
18 ) Corporate Taxes
19) Gay marriage rights
20) Drill Baby Drill!
21) Alternative Energy
22) Abortion
23) Sarah Palin's treatment by the press
24) The Idea that "Corporations are People"

Now seriously, those are two dozen issues tht are largely unrelated. Yet the moment most people read them, they know which side they're supposed to take on every single one of them. Are Gay Rights, Global Warming, Gun Control and Corporate Taxation related in any way? Nope. But those "under the spell" have the exact views expressed by FOX or MSNBC on 20+ out of the 24 issues listed. They think 30 million people have magically all come to the exact same conclusions and opinions.

So how do Independent Thinkers determine if someone else is Liberal or Conservative?
By their stance on issues. How else would you make such a judgment? There's a funny surprise answer to that question.
When I disagree with Independent Thinker on issues above, they argue the issue. When I disagree with those under mind-control, they do what they have been taught to do: Label me a "super-secret-agent-<Lib / Conserv> infiltrator!". So it's not my political views that earn me the label they apply. it's that this is what they have been taught to do - keeps them from having to address issues & questions directly, and more importantly, eliminates the need to think for themselves. If nothing else, this place IS entertaining!

I'm sur they'll be easy to spot on this thread: They'll attack this thread. They'll attack me for having the gall to point out they are the very robots they claim others to be. Outrage and indignation are always the reaction to unwanted truth.
But they won't dare discuss the issues. We know why :ack-1:
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This is a fair post. Thank you!

Everyone should be able to read different points of view and be able to discuss them.
Yes, clearly only Independents and moderates have their heads screwed on straight and are never troubled with annoying things like "thoughts"
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Yes, clearly only Independents are moderates have their heads screwed on straight and are never troubled with annoying things like "thoughts"

Why Frank, thank you! I didn't expect anyone to come in and prove the point of my post so quickly!
1. Nothing on the issues.
2. Nothing to support or counter the topic.
3. A post which is EXACTLY as I predicted in the last sentence!

You da man, baby! (lemme guess: you'r 22+ out of 24? :lol: It's okay, we knew).
Yes, clearly only Independents are moderates have their heads screwed on straight and are never troubled with annoying things like "thoughts"

Why Frank, thank you! I didn't expect anyone to come in and prove the point of my post so quickly!
1. Nothing on the issues.
2. Nothing to support or counter the topic.
3. A post which is EXACTLY as I predicted in the last sentence!

You da man, baby! (lemme guess: you'r 22+ out of 24? :lol: It's okay, we knew).

I believe in personal responsibility. Not becuase Fox tells me to. Becuase it works for me.
I beleive regulations costs jobs. Not becuase the right tells me so...but becuase I have expoerienced it..and it is also economic logic.
I believe in a womans right to choose. Not becuase of the "when life begins debate" but becuase I am a conservative and I dont feel I have the right to tell ANYONE what they can and cant do

I beleive in gay marriage...but that is becuase i find girl on girl really hot to watch....nah....I believe it in for the same reason I believe in freedom to choose....although I really do find girl on girl really hot to watch.

I know very few people that believe in what they do becuase "they are supposed to believe that way"...

And as for me? I get blasted by conservatives on here nearly as often as I do by the liberals.
Kill your TVs, folks.

Here's another idea. Watch as much FOX as you do MSNBC (or vice versa). Watch Univision (if you speak Spanish), read sources that are outside the norm. The Hong Kong Standard, Times of India, Munich Times, London Telegraph, Moscow Times and more, are all available in English and free online.
Step outside the box for a bit.
Of course, there are people who prefer to believe that only one media source, in only one country in the entire world, is right about evrything. Think about that idea.
Same applies to websites.
I agree with just about everything in the OP. My answers to the points in questions:

1) Unions are hurting America and American business. - A few unions do, due to corruption, but certainly the majority exist to protect the rights of the American worker.
2) Obama's effectiveness as a president. Meh, his intentions were good for the most part, but his leadership skills have been lacking.
3) Obamacare is horrible and should be repealed Certainly not, modified perhaps, but not repealed.
4) Nancy Pelosi's hypocrisy What hypocrisy are we referring to, specifically?
5) Harry Reid's corruption All politicians are corrupt. Harry Reid no more than most in the congressional leadership.
6) Michele Bachmann's lies What "lies" specifically? Certainly the mental retardation from HPV shots was a doozy, we can all agree on that, but what else?
7) Whether we should eliminate Gun Control laws or increase them Gun Control should be eliminated, except for exploding projectiles (rocket launchers) and the stupid-assed laws that have recently been put in place in several states allowing people to bring guns into bars.
8 ) Obama's actions on Libya Certainly more intelligent actions than those took by Bush in Iraq, but that's not really saying much.
9) Obama's success fighting terrorism and protecting the USA A+. Certainly more effective at a lower cost than the actions of the previous administration.
10) Bush's water-boarding being the cause for getting OBL Only to a very small extent.
11) Clinton's Fair Housing Law causing the housing crisis Partially true, but certainly not the whole picture.
12) Bush's deregulation of the Mortgage Industry causing the housing crisis It was the Republican Congress of 1994 and 2000 in combination with Clinton that brought us the deregulation that brought us to our current situation. I wasn't aware that Bush had anything to do with that. Though certainly Bush defunded the SEC, and helped bring about a massive bubble by lowering capital gains rates to levels not seen since the decade that immediately preceded Black Friday and the Great Depression.
13) Global Warming being a certainty Global Warming IS a certainty. The only area there is doubt is about the cause of Global Warming. Though a large part of the scientific community believes it to be man-made, they have not yet given proof of that theory.
14) Occupy Wall St being comprised only of Socialists who want handouts This is just crap. Misinformation to try to get people to forget that the POINTS made by OWA are correct.
15) Treatment of Islam in America Meh.
16) Treatment of Christianity in America Meh.
17) SEC Regulation Woefully underfunded.
18 ) Corporate Taxes Perhaps set at too high of a rate, but they are avoided by most of the major corporations anyway. Lower them a bit, and do away with all loopholes, especially the ones that allow corporations to avoid taxes by putting their money in offshore accounts.
19) Gay marriage rights Why is this even an issue? Marriage is dictated by the state. The Federal Government is not given any power in this area by the Consitution. Unless we're going to have a Constitutional Amendment, it's stupid to argue this.
20) Drill Baby Drill! Whatever, as long as the laws surrounding spills are changed to make Oil Corporations criminally culpable for damage they cause, then it's fine with me.
21) Alternative Energy This is just a no-brainer. There are just so many positives to alternative energy expansion, that it doesn't matter what side of the fence you sit on, there's something good for you.
22) Abortion Meh.
23) Sarah Palin's treatment by the press Anyone who actively tries to get as much attention as Sarah Palin deserves the results of said scrutiny.
24) The Idea that "Corporations are People" Since citizen ship is in fact defined in the 14th amendment to the constitution, it is unconstitutional to define a corporation as a person.
Mind Control of MSNBC, FOX and The Net



That was dispelled.....

are you claiming that before "the net" that people were not hyper partisan and locked in stances based on their political ideology?

i completely disagree...... while the net may have made people more aware of the number of peoplpe who have rigid party stances, i think it was happening long before the net was around.......
OP - part of the 62-million idiots who voted for Obama and he's calling us "Sheeple?"

Fucking laughable...
Beware! This post will anger you if you're a "Sheeple"!

The media has done an amazing job of literally hypnotizing hundreds of millions of people in America at a time. Not just television but Liberal websites like DailyKos and Conservative ones like AmericanThinker.
I recall Dailykos being caught in an outright lie about Hawaii's laws concerning birth certificates. But Libs believe everything they see on that site.
Americanthinker wrote an article about how the FL Swat Team waited until services were over and took off their boots before arresting some terrorist imam and his son. Yet Conservatives believe everything they see on that site.
So it's not like we get our information from only FOX or MSNBC. But it's no coincidence that the views on FOX all coincide with those promoted by World News Daily, AmericanThinker, Drudge etc... Just as the views promoted on MSNBC just happen to coincide with those on DailyKos etc...

And hundreds of millions of people believe they think for themselves - and that it's just another "coincidence" that they agree with all those other people on myriad unrelated issues.
Sheeple, Drones, Kool-aid drinkers, Obamabots, Wingnuts, Moonbats - both sides call each other names when disagreeing. But usually they don't realize that the name they are calling someone else, applies directly to them. The hypnosis is that complete.
We used to be a nation of people who leaned Right or Left. But no more. It's all or nothing and anything other than complete submission on 19 of every 20 issues, makes you the enemy.
Are you hypnotized? Not hard to tell. If you have the exact same opinion as is promoted by MSNBC or FOX on 19 out of 20 unrelated issues, you might as well not even post. You're not expressing your opinions, you're expressing "theirs".

Here's a couple dozen issues that make it easy to see if you're under the spell:
1) Unions are hurting America and American business.
2) Obama's effectiveness as a president.
3) Obamacare is horrible and should be repealed
4) Nancy Pelosi's hypocrisy
5) Harry Reid's corruption
6) Michele Bachmann's lies
7) Whether we should eliminate Gun Control laws or increase them
8 ) Obama's actions on Libya
9) Obama's success fighting terrorism and protecting the USA
10) Bush's water-boarding being the cause for getting OBL
11) Clinton's Fair Housing Law causing the housing crisis
12) Bush's deregulation of the Mortgage Industry causing the housing crisis
13) Global Warming being a certainty
14) Occupy Wall St being comprised only of Socialists who want handouts
15) Treatment of Islam in America
16) Treatment of Christianity in America
17) SEC Regulation
18 ) Corporate Taxes
19) Gay marriage rights
20) Drill Baby Drill!
21) Alternative Energy
22) Abortion
23) Sarah Palin's treatment by the press
24) The Idea that "Corporations are People"

Now seriously, those are two dozen issues tht are largely unrelated. Yet the moment most people read them, they know which side they're supposed to take on every single one of them. Are Gay Rights, Global Warming, Gun Control and Corporate Taxation related in any way? Nope. But those "under the spell" have the exact views expressed by FOX or MSNBC on 20+ out of the 24 issues listed. They think 30 million people have magically all come to the exact same conclusions and opinions.

So how do Independent Thinkers determine if someone else is Liberal or Conservative?
By their stance on issues. How else would you make such a judgment? There's a funny surprise answer to that question.
When I disagree with Independent Thinker on issues above, they argue the issue. When I disagree with those under mind-control, they do what they have been taught to do: Label me a "super-secret-agent-<Lib / Conserv> infiltrator!". So it's not my political views that earn me the label they apply. it's that this is what they have been taught to do - keeps them from having to address issues & questions directly, and more importantly, eliminates the need to think for themselves. If nothing else, this place IS entertaining!

I'm sur they'll be easy to spot on this thread: They'll attack this thread. They'll attack me for having the gall to point out they are the very robots they claim others to be. Outrage and indignation are always the reaction to unwanted truth.
But they won't dare discuss the issues. We know why :ack-1:

You seem to be pretty quick to label others, especially if they disagree with your opinion. Accusing somebody else of being mind controlled, isn't that a bit arrogant? Where did you get your doctorate in psychology, or related field of study that makes you an expert on the subject?

When you claim somebody is a robot, are you not stooping to their level? Is it not possible that a person may arrive at a position on an issue on their own, even if it is the same or nearly the same as that presented elsewhere? How can you know how much thought someone else has put into whatever they wrote, or what their sources might be?

Tell you what dude, why don't you stop worrying about denigrating someone else and stick to the merits of the discussion. It's true that critical thinking is not easy, but challenging someone else's argument because it might appear to be the same as that seen or heard on tv or the net does not bolster your own views.
When a news/issues resource has an agenda their reliability to goes down the tubes. Those who trust resources who have agenda's aren't doing themselves any favors and are limiting the Big Picture of an issue. It's also intellectually lazy to only accept the limited and biased few of said resources with an agenda.
The posters on this board who I respect the most are those who show versatility in their thinking as one can tell that they studied the issue rather than just toll the ideology line. I may not agree with their final conclusion, but I respect the fact that they came to their conclusion on an issue by thinking for themselves and used non-partisan resources to form their conclusion.
Yes, clearly only Independents are moderates have their heads screwed on straight and are never troubled with annoying things like "thoughts"

Why Frank, thank you! I didn't expect anyone to come in and prove the point of my post so quickly!
1. Nothing on the issues.
2. Nothing to support or counter the topic.
3. A post which is EXACTLY as I predicted in the last sentence!

You da man, baby! (lemme guess: you'r 22+ out of 24? :lol: It's okay, we knew).

It's so silly to talk to you, cause you're so independent minded and all.

The only bigger waste of my time going down the list of 24 points would be to convince Old Rocks that mankind has almost nothing to do with climate change.

Your "points" are almost as silly as you are
Kill your TVs, folks.

Here's another idea. Watch as much FOX as you do MSNBC (or vice versa). Watch Univision (if you speak Spanish), read sources that are outside the norm. The Hong Kong Standard, Times of India, Munich Times, London Telegraph, Moscow Times and more, are all available in English and free online.
Step outside the box for a bit.
Of course, there are people who prefer to believe that only one media source, in only one country in the entire world, is right about evrything. Think about that idea.
Same applies to websites.

That is the key. You're actually pretty safe watching Fox because they are pretty meticulous in providing both points of view in controversial issues. O'Reilly for instance, if he can't find a bonafide liberal to fuss with him, will put on the beautiful and very popular Megyn Kelly or one of the other top guns at Fox who will argue against his position. And sometimes you side with the opposition; sometimes with Bill. But in any case, you come away knowing what the opposing sides of the argument are.

You will also find that done to a lesser extent on CNN which doesn't always try to be fair and balanced and you won't find that much at all on MSNBC.

But since I trust Conservative sources more to have their facts right and at least to know what the facts are, I do also make sure I'm on the right track by checking in with several leftist writers that I admire. Camille Paglia, Michael Kinsley, William Raspberry when he was still alive, Molly Ivans when she was alive, were/are great sources to get a well researched and well articulated leftist point of view. Even Maureen Dowd, the leftwing compliment to Ann Coulter :), has her moments and I appreciate her take on some things. There are a number of others that I read at least now and then.

Sooner or later we all pick a side and that's okay. But it isn't okay when it isn't an informed bias but is simply a kneejerk response to the prejudice and bigotry against certain people or concepts that has been brainwashed into us.
That is the key. You're actually pretty safe watching Fox because they are pretty meticulous in providing both points of view in controversial issues. O'Reilly for instance, if he can't find a bonafide liberal to fuss with him, will put on the beautiful and very popular Megyn Kelly or one of the other top guns at Fox who will argue against his position. And sometimes you side with the opposition; sometimes with Bill. But in any case, you come away knowing what the opposing sides of the argument are.

You will also find that done to a lesser extent on CNN which doesn't always try to be fair and balanced and you won't find that much at all on MSNBC.

The funny thing about this is, that someone who watches MSNBC will say the EXACT same thing, substituting MSNBC for Fox, and vice-versa.

I actually just had this conversation with several of my relatives over Thanksgiving vacation, and they all said that their media source "might be biased, but at least told both sides of the story".

Neither side actually tells both sides of the story. They set up a straw man to act like they represent the other side, but don't really. Think Alan Colmes.

But since I trust Conservative sources more to have their facts right and at least to know what the facts are, I do also make sure I'm on the right track by checking in with several leftist writers that I admire. Camille Paglia, Michael Kinsley, William Raspberry when he was still alive, Molly Ivans when she was alive, were/are great sources to get a well researched and well articulated leftist point of view. Even Maureen Dowd, the leftwing compliment to Ann Coulter :), has her moments and I appreciate her take on some things. There are a number of others that I read at least now and then.

Sooner or later we all pick a side and that's okay. But it isn't okay when it isn't an informed bias but is simply a kneejerk response to the prejudice and bigotry against certain people or concepts that has been brainwashed into us.

It is admirable that you read opposing viewpoints. Though I would argue that there is a false dichotomy set up by the corporate media.

There are completely different points of view in the political spectrum than the two that have been forced upon us.
Try RealClearPolitics.com, they have a number of columns and opinions from both left and right. You might not agree with somebody's conclusion, but at least you can see their logic and/or facts they used to support their thesis.
That is the key. You're actually pretty safe watching Fox because they are pretty meticulous in providing both points of view in controversial issues. O'Reilly for instance, if he can't find a bonafide liberal to fuss with him, will put on the beautiful and very popular Megyn Kelly or one of the other top guns at Fox who will argue against his position. And sometimes you side with the opposition; sometimes with Bill. But in any case, you come away knowing what the opposing sides of the argument are.

You will also find that done to a lesser extent on CNN which doesn't always try to be fair and balanced and you won't find that much at all on MSNBC.

The funny thing about this is, that someone who watches MSNBC will say the EXACT same thing, substituting MSNBC for Fox, and vice-versa.

I actually just had this conversation with several of my relatives over Thanksgiving vacation, and they all said that their media source "might be biased, but at least told both sides of the story".

Neither side actually tells both sides of the story. They set up a straw man to act like they represent the other side, but don't really. Think Alan Colmes.

But since I trust Conservative sources more to have their facts right and at least to know what the facts are, I do also make sure I'm on the right track by checking in with several leftist writers that I admire. Camille Paglia, Michael Kinsley, William Raspberry when he was still alive, Molly Ivans when she was alive, were/are great sources to get a well researched and well articulated leftist point of view. Even Maureen Dowd, the leftwing compliment to Ann Coulter :), has her moments and I appreciate her take on some things. There are a number of others that I read at least now and then.

Sooner or later we all pick a side and that's okay. But it isn't okay when it isn't an informed bias but is simply a kneejerk response to the prejudice and bigotry against certain people or concepts that has been brainwashed into us.

It is admirable that you read opposing viewpoints. Though I would argue that there is a false dichotomy set up by the corporate media.

There are completely different points of view in the political spectrum than the two that have been forced upon us.

I agree that Alan Colmes is a good example of dishonestly presenting the other side. He is so clueless and has no real argument but only spews sound bites for his point of view and he is a generally unappealing person in general, that he would make anybody debating him look good if they were only reciting the phone book.

You can't say that, however about Charles Krauthammer, Gretchen Carlson, Megan Kelly, John Stossel, and others who are not only bright, attractive, personable, and appealing and who do their homework and come up with different conclusions than a Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity come up with. Many times the opposition has swayed my point of view and I pronounced Bill or Sean or whomever wrong on that one.

It is exactly that phenomenon that is fueling Fox's impressive ratings. On any given day and almost any given hour, Fox ratings will exceed ALL the other cable news sources COMBINED. That is because you CAN get the information you need from Fox and the others are way too obvious in their pre-selected bias making it hard to trust their conclusions.

But don't even get me started on the networks who if they want a "Christian" perspective will present us with a Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson or some other extremist person that nobody would think of as objective--the intent of course is to turn the audience's opinion AWAY from such perspective--or they put up some other looney tune, extremist, or unlikable type to present the 'opposing' point of view.

And sometimes the editing of content among both network and cable is so dishonest as to make a body scream.
Yes, clearly only Independents are moderates have their heads screwed on straight and are never troubled with annoying things like "thoughts"

Why Frank, thank you! I didn't expect anyone to come in and prove the point of my post so quickly!
1. Nothing on the issues.
2. Nothing to support or counter the topic.
3. A post which is EXACTLY as I predicted in the last sentence!

You da man, baby! (lemme guess: you'r 22+ out of 24? :lol: It's okay, we knew).

I believe in personal responsibility. Not becuase Fox tells me to. Becuase it works for me.
I beleive regulations costs jobs. Not becuase the right tells me so...but becuase I have expoerienced it..and it is also economic logic.
I believe in a womans right to choose. Not becuase of the "when life begins debate" but becuase I am a conservative and I dont feel I have the right to tell ANYONE what they can and cant do

I beleive in gay marriage...but that is becuase i find girl on girl really hot to watch....nah....I believe it in for the same reason I believe in freedom to choose....although I really do find girl on girl really hot to watch.

I know very few people that believe in what they do becuase "they are supposed to believe that way"...

And as for me? I get blasted by conservatives on here nearly as often as I do by the liberals.

You sound like a reasonable, independent thinker to me!
The only thing I would dissent with is that you lump ALL regulations together. Here's an example of where you might change that tone:
Used to be gas stations could store a few thousand gallons of gas in a huge tank above ground. But they kept blowing up and killing people and stuff. So in the 40's or 50's (I forget), they regulated gas stations to make the feeder tanks below ground and with certain levels of requird insulation etc...
I agree with just about everything in the OP. My answers to the points in questions:

1) Unions are hurting America and American business. - A few unions do, due to corruption, but certainly the majority exist to protect the rights of the American worker.
2) Obama's effectiveness as a president. Meh, his intentions were good for the most part, but his leadership skills have been lacking.
3) Obamacare is horrible and should be repealed Certainly not, modified perhaps, but not repealed.
4) Nancy Pelosi's hypocrisy What hypocrisy are we referring to, specifically?
5) Harry Reid's corruption All politicians are corrupt. Harry Reid no more than most in the congressional leadership.
6) Michele Bachmann's lies What "lies" specifically? Certainly the mental retardation from HPV shots was a doozy, we can all agree on that, but what else?
7) Whether we should eliminate Gun Control laws or increase them Gun Control should be eliminated, except for exploding projectiles (rocket launchers) and the stupid-assed laws that have recently been put in place in several states allowing people to bring guns into bars.
8 ) Obama's actions on Libya Certainly more intelligent actions than those took by Bush in Iraq, but that's not really saying much.
9) Obama's success fighting terrorism and protecting the USA A+. Certainly more effective at a lower cost than the actions of the previous administration.
10) Bush's water-boarding being the cause for getting OBL Only to a very small extent.
11) Clinton's Fair Housing Law causing the housing crisis Partially true, but certainly not the whole picture.
12) Bush's deregulation of the Mortgage Industry causing the housing crisis It was the Republican Congress of 1994 and 2000 in combination with Clinton that brought us the deregulation that brought us to our current situation. I wasn't aware that Bush had anything to do with that. Though certainly Bush defunded the SEC, and helped bring about a massive bubble by lowering capital gains rates to levels not seen since the decade that immediately preceded Black Friday and the Great Depression.
13) Global Warming being a certainty Global Warming IS a certainty. The only area there is doubt is about the cause of Global Warming. Though a large part of the scientific community believes it to be man-made, they have not yet given proof of that theory.
14) Occupy Wall St being comprised only of Socialists who want handouts This is just crap. Misinformation to try to get people to forget that the POINTS made by OWA are correct.
15) Treatment of Islam in America Meh.
16) Treatment of Christianity in America Meh.
17) SEC Regulation Woefully underfunded.
18 ) Corporate Taxes Perhaps set at too high of a rate, but they are avoided by most of the major corporations anyway. Lower them a bit, and do away with all loopholes, especially the ones that allow corporations to avoid taxes by putting their money in offshore accounts.
19) Gay marriage rights Why is this even an issue? Marriage is dictated by the state. The Federal Government is not given any power in this area by the Consitution. Unless we're going to have a Constitutional Amendment, it's stupid to argue this.
20) Drill Baby Drill! Whatever, as long as the laws surrounding spills are changed to make Oil Corporations criminally culpable for damage they cause, then it's fine with me.
21) Alternative Energy This is just a no-brainer. There are just so many positives to alternative energy expansion, that it doesn't matter what side of the fence you sit on, there's something good for you.
22) Abortion Meh.
23) Sarah Palin's treatment by the press Anyone who actively tries to get as much attention as Sarah Palin deserves the results of said scrutiny.
24) The Idea that "Corporations are People" Since citizen ship is in fact defined in the 14th amendment to the constitution, it is unconstitutional to define a corporation as a person.

Wow! LOS of views that would be congruent with those promoted by both FOX and MSNBC! Hats off to you sir. You must be called an extreme Liberal often here....:eusa_whistle:

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