Ann Coulter is part of the problem.

Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Agree or disagree with Trumps proposal MATURE ADULTS can debate it without lying and misrepresenting the facts.

She is attempting a soft "coercion".

She's intimidating Trump and he's a big enough pussy coward to allow her to do so.

Mitt was right, Trump is a con man and a fraud.

Rex Tillerson was right. Trump is a fucking moron.

Jim Mattis was right. Trump is an idiot.

And Ann Coulter is LOVING it that she can fuck with his empty, yellow-dyed head.

LOL, sure thing.
It was extreme hardliners like Ann Coulter who brought us to this mess in the first place by screaming against the very good compromise immigration bill, S.744, that passed the Senate with 68 votes, including 14 Republican votes, in 2013. The bill would have passed the Senate virtually unanimously a week or so earlier, but Demagogue in Chief Ted Cruz and his media allies, such as Ann Coulter, began to blast the bill as a sellout, which it most certainly was not. The hard right demonized the bill so loudly that Speaker of the House John Boehner decided he would not even let the House vote on it, because he knew it would pass.

The far left, like the far right, was furious over the bill and was glad to see it defeated. I don't know that we'll ever get a bill as good as S.744 given today's political climate.
Actually accurate.

And in December the GOP Senate passed a unanimous bill to keep the government open and Coulter killed THAT.

SHE shut down the government because Trump is afraid of her

So Ann Coulter shut the government down? You people are so funny.
I believe the President is simply trying to be the first to hold out a laurel branch to the errant DNC.

If they throw it back in his face, they will lose the good faith of the American people, who elected him and see that he is up against people who act like a cross between Fascist Germany of the early forties and Stalinists who'd rather kill off more than twenty million of their fellow countrymen than put forward an olive branch of good will toward their fellow Russians, which turned into the worst mass murder of people in European history. We need to get away from my-way-or-the-highway attitudes and work together. That's all President Trump is asking the two divergent sides to do. The consequences will be dire if the Democrats continue to party while their Federal employees go through the unthinkable--working for no recompense.

I rest my case, because the Democrats are being misled down the cruel road of intransigence in the face of simple working together for the common good, which President Trump is doing.

The american people have no good faith. It was drug out back and sodomized by "both" parties and the power structure/economic/political system itself over the past half century.
I guess we agree to disagree, then, Mr. Lowrie. The reason behind my belief that not all is lost in America can best be understood by a verse in Katherine Bates' song, "America the Beautiful. The verse I'm speaking of as I know it is:
Oh beautiful for pilgrim's feet
Whose stern impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness.
America, America, God mend thine every flaw
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law.
I believe with all my heart those pilgrims, saddened by the sting of persecution in Europe for their Puritan Christianity prayed vey fervently for posterity, and that was handed down for over a hundred years to our nation's founders who signed the Declaration of Independence and prepared for a harsh war in which they were outgunned, outfitted, and outhated by King Chas' huge, efficient, and unflappable armies. Their only guns were often hand fashioned but tested on rabbit and deer hunting for their family's protein sustenance. What they had more of than the British was a burning love for God who'd delivered them out of the evil of being punished for daring to believe in God on a personal level, and not one mandated by anyone else. The Masons among them strongly believed that if you read the Bible, even if you were not the sharpest knife in the drawer, you could understand what God was trying to tell mankind through the prophets, Jesus, and the Apostles.

And because they believed so fiercely in God with no holds barred in the New World, they disciplined themselves into lives of obedience and prayer. They loved and they knew who God was and that his purpose was to be a compassionate father, guiding his children through life by practicing what God's son on this earth taught through the Gospel books, the body of believers, the Church, and their prayers amounted to asking and receiving God's blessing on their children, their children's children, and forever, their posterity.both physical and spiritual. Yes, they had their quarrels and disagreements, just like we do today. But they knew that with God's help, our nation would be dedicated to the ways of love and peace, wherever that took us.

I believe with all my heart and all my soul that God answered their prayers, even though some of the things our society has brought to God suffering every time we make a wrong turn, ignore someone's crying need, or heaven forbid, failure to support each other in good times and in bad.

Throughout the Bible, we know those who God chose as leaders were the least expected persons to make a nation thrive. For leaders, we had a few Johnny come lately judges who through faith heartened a nation with a golden fleece: a king whose line would bring a Savior was first the youngest and least respected person in his family whose Cinderella story started while he was watching over his father's sheep herd. Our Savior's choice for beginning his Church after His resurrection, started out his station in life by denying that he had ever even seen the Christ, much less followed him. On and on through history, we saw ordinary sinful men become the rock of their age through faith in God. We're as a nation, presently in a mode of facing a joint error of killing off 40 million unborn citizens through a law that was shoved upon us by the Supreme Court based on a good speaker's pitch and not on what was right for an unborn child in a woman's womb. There are tears falling on us from Heaven over that, imho.

Even so, God keeps his promises. I believe with all my heart that this killing spree will end before I die. I have no clue what will stop it or who will go to bat with a sword in hand to weed out female killers who demand that everyone get an abortion just to know how important women are as a member's mark of approval. Some of those who make God cry the hardest are in positions of great power except for one thing. They have to either reverse their thinking to include the unborn as viable citizens with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To avoid getting pushed out of the power seats, some strong believers in life hold their tongues. And right now, the leader is being disrespected to the nines. Will President Trump be the one who foils the demon that makes women feel they should abort an unborn United States Citizen because he or she is inconvenient to them keeping hair and nail appointments? So far, it doesn't look very good. Every time President Trump does something good, there is a regular kettle of fish tossed in his face, and keeping America a place safe for the Christians descended from the founders is about as certain that ice cream will stay solid indefinitely on a hot August afternoon.

We're going as though the "Paint Your Wagon" (movie) theme song is our national anthem. "Where am I going, I don't know, When will I be there, I ain't certain, All I know is I am on my way...." (etc.)

Even so, I believe in the Pilgrims' prayers. I believe that when it gets about as bad as it can get, which it already has, somebody will be inspired to bring us back to the precepts of Almighty God, and that is to be merciful to those who have none, a guiding light to children who are without caring parents, and a comfort to those of old age who have lost their family by raising children to be independent, and have them choose to leave a parent alone in their old age without a helping hand in sight. I believe that eventually, most of our people will come home to our original precepts of helping others and of caring for the needs of each other.

I likely have the least popular beliefs ever expressed on the USMB forums, but that's what I think, and if anyone has ever been humbled by liars, it is President Trump, which gives him the possibility if not the likelihood of being the man God has chosen to bring America back to himself. Unlikely? King David was not without serious errors that he along with his advisers, corrected.

And that's what I think. So if anybody made it to this last paragraph, I'm gonna faint. <giggle>
The sweet bacon of racism??

Are you a retard??

Nope, just pointing out how the GOP killed the White Middle Class with their help.

If the GOP went out and said, "We think you should work harder with less rights at worker and less money to make the rich richer" you guys wouldn't give them the time of day.

BUt they talk about Welfare queens or Willy Horton or Mexican Rapists at the border, and you guys eat that up.
All progressives have to do is treat the working class like they spout. When was the last tax cut for the peasants by them?
i was just listening to her now. she said that folks who claim asylum because they're victims of gang violence...are actually members of a rival gang!
All progressives have to do is treat the working class like they spout. When was the last tax cut for the peasants by them?

Why Did Obama Extend the Bush Tax Cuts in 2010?

When people refer to President Obama's tax cuts, they generally refer to the $858 billion tax cut deal signed in 2010. It extended the Bush tax cutsthrough 2012 and unemployment benefits through 2011. It cut payroll taxes by 2 percent, adding $120 million to workers' spendable income. It extended a college tuition tax credit. It also included $55 billion in industry-specific tax cuts.

But Obama also cut taxes in 2009 and 2013. In 2009, $288 billion were cut as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. In 2013, Obama approved the permanent extension of the Bush tax cuts for those below a certain income level. This was part of the fiscal cliff package.

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