We're now fighting people who weren't born at the time of 911

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
The overthrow of Saddam Hussein and the War in Iraq was a foreign policy disaster we'll be living with for a very long time. ( I think that was the MIC's plan ) Here in a recent appearance, Senator Paul blasts every CNN shill question back in this guy's face.

"We're now fighting people who weren't born at the time of 911."
Rand Paul
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The Iraq War was a bogus illegitimate war and we allowed our war criminals to walk free in front of the entire world. 8 up and running hot shooting wars the military refers to as "generational". A global military occupational footprint, the funding of which requires economic cannibalism at home. It is the stuff of empires in decline.
We were openly warned and ignored it.
The American people have been snookered, hung out to dry and
doing it voluntarily for over half a century.

I had a chance meeting with Rick Perry, then Lt. Gov. of Texas, in the summer of 1996.
I met Mr. Perry & two of his aides at the Exxon Avitat, at Love Field, in Dallas.
I asked Lt. Gov. Rick Perry, '"what brings you folks to Dallas this HOT summer day?"
Mr. Perry immediately stated, "we're here to look at options to fund a Bush 2000 run."
I nearly lost my composure because I was so shocked; shocked to KNOW that if Bush were to be elected to POTUS in a little over four years, there would basically be a guarantee the US would be in a war in Iraq.

Well, as they say; 'the rest is history.' Bush WAS elected POTUS over four years later & the US did go to war in Iraq, just as I knew we would if Bush were to be elected.

IMO the March, 2003 Iraq war was a direct result of 9/11; plain & simple.
Also IMO, 9/11 was an inside job.

TPTB aka the MIC want the US to be involved in world wide warfare, even if on a limited basis.
The really sad part of ALL of this is; most Americans willingly accept the concept of the US as being the global police.
This has been going on for so many decades that it will never change, barring some Earth shaking event.
When all you have is an economy based in consumer consumption/demand, the MIC, and a compliant population that has gone along with the concept of national militarization for decades, then there is no returning to previous times.

Welcome to the machine.
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