Angela Corey should be fired

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I just came across another case Corey handled as a prosecutor, and it more than proves that she doesn't care about the victims of violence. In fact, she sent a woman who had a restraining order against her husband to prison for 20 years despite Florida's stand your ground law.

On August 1, 2010, she said her husband, Rico Gray, read text messages on her phone that she had written to her ex-husband. She said Gray became enraged and accused her of being unfaithful. "That's when he strangled me. He put his hands around my neck," Alexander said.
She managed to escape his grip but instead of running out the front door of their home, she ran into the garage, she said, to get into her truck and drive away. Alexander said that in the confusion of the fight, she forgot to get her keys and the garage door wouldn't open, so she made a fateful decision. "I knew I had to protect myself," she said, adding, "I could not fight him. He was 100 pounds more than me. I grabbed my weapon at that point."
She went back inside the house and when Gray saw her pistol at her side, she said he threatened to kill her, so she raised the gun and fired one shot. "I believe when he threatened to kill me, that's what he was absolutely going to do. That's what he intended to do. Had I not discharged my weapon at that point, I would not be here."
Alexander, however, said she did not aim the gun at her husband. She said she fired into the air intending to scare him away and Gray quickly left the house with his two children. No one was hurt in the incident, but Alexander sits in jail facing a 20-year sentence on three charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

'Stand your ground' law under scrutiny in domestic violence case -

Some might argue that this proves that stand your ground is racist, what it actually proves is that, if you are going to shoot, shoot to kill,
I just came across another case Corey handled as a prosecutor, and it more than proves that she doesn't care about the victims of violence. In fact, she sent a woman who had a restraining order against her husband to prison for 20 years despite Florida's stand your ground law.

On August 1, 2010, she said her husband, Rico Gray, read text messages on her phone that she had written to her ex-husband. She said Gray became enraged and accused her of being unfaithful. "That's when he strangled me. He put his hands around my neck," Alexander said.
She managed to escape his grip but instead of running out the front door of their home, she ran into the garage, she said, to get into her truck and drive away. Alexander said that in the confusion of the fight, she forgot to get her keys and the garage door wouldn't open, so she made a fateful decision. "I knew I had to protect myself," she said, adding, "I could not fight him. He was 100 pounds more than me. I grabbed my weapon at that point."
She went back inside the house and when Gray saw her pistol at her side, she said he threatened to kill her, so she raised the gun and fired one shot. "I believe when he threatened to kill me, that's what he was absolutely going to do. That's what he intended to do. Had I not discharged my weapon at that point, I would not be here."
Alexander, however, said she did not aim the gun at her husband. She said she fired into the air intending to scare him away and Gray quickly left the house with his two children. No one was hurt in the incident, but Alexander sits in jail facing a 20-year sentence on three charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

'Stand your ground' law under scrutiny in domestic violence case -

Some might argue that this proves that stand your ground is racist, what it actually proves is that, if you are going to shoot, shoot to kill,

If that's the case as posted,,,,,I strongly doubt a jury would find her guilty. Charging Alexander certainly appears to be completely absurd.
Assumes that her story is face value correct.

Did the forensics tell another story? What did the police think?

Look, I realize that you crazy wing nuts all want Corey to be a bad person because she's going to send Zimmerman away... but you are stretching here.

You do have this tidbit..

Alexander was offered a plea deal by Corey's office, but she opted to go to trial. A jury found Alexander guilty in 12 minutes. She is baffled why invoking the stand your ground law wasn't successful in her case.
The judge is the one that ruled against the stand your ground defense.

It isn't really very shocking that in Florida a black woman can get 20 years for not killing an abusive spouse, merely shooting at him....while killing a black kid will probably get Zimmerman no time in jail.
Assumes that her story is face value correct.

Did the forensics tell another story? What did the police think?

Look, I realize that you crazy wing nuts all want Corey to be a bad person because she's going to send Zimmerman away... but you are stretching here.

You do have this tidbit..

Alexander was offered a plea deal by Corey's office, but she opted to go to trial. A jury found Alexander guilty in 12 minutes. She is baffled why invoking the stand your ground law wasn't successful in her case.

Trust me, if I wanted to prove Corey is a bad person I have a case she is conducting that would boil your blood.
The judge is the one that ruled against the stand your ground defense.

It isn't really very shocking that in Florida a black woman can get 20 years for not killing an abusive spouse, merely shooting at him....while killing a black kid will probably get Zimmerman no time in jail.

Why isn't it shocking? Do people in Florida routinely lynch blacks on the street corner? Are their armed patrols of whites driving through black neighborhoods shooting people?

You really need to get down off your racial high horse, it died years ago.
The judge is the one that ruled against the stand your ground defense.

It isn't really very shocking that in Florida a black woman can get 20 years for not killing an abusive spouse, merely shooting at him....while killing a black kid will probably get Zimmerman no time in jail.

Why isn't it shocking? Do people in Florida routinely lynch blacks on the street corner? Are their armed patrols of whites driving through black neighborhoods shooting people?

You really need to get down off your racial high horse, it died years ago.
Not usually. But the justice system treats black people differently than white.

Very odd that you want someone fired for doing their job. Oh, wait, this is no different than how you feel about the TSA.
The judge is the one that ruled against the stand your ground defense.

It isn't really very shocking that in Florida a black woman can get 20 years for not killing an abusive spouse, merely shooting at him....while killing a black kid will probably get Zimmerman no time in jail.

Why isn't it shocking? Do people in Florida routinely lynch blacks on the street corner? Are their armed patrols of whites driving through black neighborhoods shooting people?

You really need to get down off your racial high horse, it died years ago.
Not usually. But the justice system treats black people differently than white.

Very odd that you want someone fired for doing their job. Oh, wait, this is no different than how you feel about the TSA.

Do you have actual data to back that up, or are you speaking ex cathedra?
Assumes that her story is face value correct.

Did the forensics tell another story? What did the police think?

Look, I realize that you crazy wing nuts all want Corey to be a bad person because she's going to send Zimmerman away... but you are stretching here.

You do have this tidbit..

Alexander was offered a plea deal by Corey's office, but she opted to go to trial. A jury found Alexander guilty in 12 minutes. She is baffled why invoking the stand your ground law wasn't successful in her case.

Trust me, if I wanted to prove Corey is a bad person I have a case she is conducting that would boil your blood.

Well, it would boil your blood. I could care less.
She was running away after nearly being strangled, and THEN she" grabbed" her weapon?

She kept her gun in her garage?

Yeah, right, okay.
She was running away after nearly being strangled, and THEN she" grabbed" her weapon?

She kept her gun in her garage?

Yeah, right, okay.

She was away from her husband, he did not follow her into the garage. She could have just locked the doors & sat in her vehicle while things cooled down. Taking a gun & walking back inside would normally mean she just wanted to kill that S.O.B. But since she did not shoot him I would say she really just wanted to get her keys & leave.
She was running away after nearly being strangled, and THEN she" grabbed" her weapon?

She kept her gun in her garage?

Yeah, right, okay.

She was away from her husband, he did not follow her into the garage. She could have just locked the doors & sat in her vehicle while things cooled down. Taking a gun & walking back inside would normally mean she just wanted to kill that S.O.B. But since she did not shoot him I would say she really just wanted to get her keys & leave.

She did shoot him. She didn't kill him.

And she was offered a plea which she didn't take, because she thought the "Stand your Ground" law applied here.
She didn't shoot him.
Alexander, however, said she did not aim the gun at her husband. She said she fired into the air intending to scare him away and Gray quickly left the house with his two children. No one was hurt in the incident, but Alexander sits in jail facing a 20-year sentence on three charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

This is a travesty of justice.
She didn't shoot him.
Alexander, however, said she did not aim the gun at her husband. She said she fired into the air intending to scare him away and Gray quickly left the house with his two children. No one was hurt in the incident, but Alexander sits in jail facing a 20-year sentence on three charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

This is a travesty of justice.

The legal argument is that "stand your ground" didn't really apply here because he didn't follow her into the garage. She came out of the garage with a gun, which meant that she had re-intiated hostilities.

Still, I don't think this is something the woman should go to jail over. I think probation would be appropriate.
I just came across another case Corey handled as a prosecutor, and it more than proves that she doesn't care about the victims of violence. In fact, she sent a woman who had a restraining order against her husband to prison for 20 years despite Florida's stand your ground law.

On August 1, 2010, she said her husband, Rico Gray, read text messages on her phone that she had written to her ex-husband. She said Gray became enraged and accused her of being unfaithful. "That's when he strangled me. He put his hands around my neck," Alexander said.
She managed to escape his grip but instead of running out the front door of their home, she ran into the garage, she said, to get into her truck and drive away. Alexander said that in the confusion of the fight, she forgot to get her keys and the garage door wouldn't open, so she made a fateful decision. "I knew I had to protect myself," she said, adding, "I could not fight him. He was 100 pounds more than me. I grabbed my weapon at that point."
She went back inside the house and when Gray saw her pistol at her side, she said he threatened to kill her, so she raised the gun and fired one shot. "I believe when he threatened to kill me, that's what he was absolutely going to do. That's what he intended to do. Had I not discharged my weapon at that point, I would not be here."
Alexander, however, said she did not aim the gun at her husband. She said she fired into the air intending to scare him away and Gray quickly left the house with his two children. No one was hurt in the incident, but Alexander sits in jail facing a 20-year sentence on three charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

'Stand your ground' law under scrutiny in domestic violence case -

Some might argue that this proves that stand your ground is racist, what it actually proves is that, if you are going to shoot, shoot to kill,

I said the woman was incompetent from the first day she brought charges against Zimmerman.
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From the OP link:
Gray admitted to a history of physical abuse. In a previous incident, Alexander said he beat her so severely she ended up in the hospital and he ended up in jail. "He pushed me, choked me, pushed me so hard into the closet that I hit my head against the wall and passed out for a second," Alexander said.

In a deposition for the case against Alexander, Gray backed up much of his wife's story. "I told her if she ever cheated on me, I would kill her," he said during the proceeding led by a prosecutor for State Attorney Angela Corey's office and his wife's defense attorney.

"If my kids weren't there, I knew I probably would have tried to take the gun from her," Gray said, adding, "If my kids wouldn't have been there, I probably would have put my hand on her." When Alexander's defense attorney asked him what he meant by "put my hand on her," Gray replied, "probably hit her. I got five baby mammas and I put my hands on every last one of them except for one."

Man - The system failed her. Now the kids are being raised by a Violent Dickhead who is probably out there making more kids with a new baby momma.

Angela Corey said fuck you to justice in this case.
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The afro woman confronted the man, Zimmerman didn't confront anyone.

Past criminal activity is considered in sentencing. The afro woman probably had a nasty criminal history. And, she won't serve anywhere near the 20 years in prison.

And, she's an afro, so who cares?
The afro woman confronted the man, Zimmerman didn't confront anyone.

Past criminal activity is considered in sentencing. The afro woman probably had a nasty criminal history. And, she won't serve anywhere near the 20 years in prison.

And, she's an afro, so who cares?

That racist bullshit is uncalled for!!!!!!!

Marissa Alexander was abused by her husband & the unjustice system. We have double the percentage of our citizens in prison of any other country because of shit like this. We are paying for them. Those children are also getting abused & will grow up to be abusers.

We don't know who started it with Zimmerman. We do know that he was on his back, not fighting back, screaming help as Martin continued to kill or severly harm him. Due to media attention Zimmerman could raise money for a good lawyer, he will get a fair trial. Marissa Alexander did not have those resources available to her. She got railroaded.
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Assumes that her story is face value correct.

Did the forensics tell another story? What did the police think?

Look, I realize that you crazy wing nuts all want Corey to be a bad person because she's going to send Zimmerman away... but you are stretching here.

You do have this tidbit..

Trust me, if I wanted to prove Corey is a bad person I have a case she is conducting that would boil your blood.

Well, it would boil your blood. I could care less.

My blood doesn't boil. I don't let idiots control my emotions, unlike you.
She was running away after nearly being strangled, and THEN she" grabbed" her weapon?

She kept her gun in her garage?

Yeah, right, okay.

She was away from her husband, he did not follow her into the garage. She could have just locked the doors & sat in her vehicle while things cooled down. Taking a gun & walking back inside would normally mean she just wanted to kill that S.O.B. But since she did not shoot him I would say she really just wanted to get her keys & leave.

She did shoot him. She didn't kill him.

And she was offered a plea which she didn't take, because she thought the "Stand your Ground" law applied here.

She shot into the ceiling. Unless he is Spiderman she missed him completely.

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