Andrew Napolitano: The American military-industrial-neocon complex wants more war


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
We must resist them.

If you're a Libertarian or Tea Partier --- THREATEN to vote Democrat. That alone will bring about the demise of the Neocons. Once we eject those monsters from the Republican Party, we can finally have at least one party of sanity.

Democrats are incompetent, Neocons are calculating savages. I'll deal with Democrats any day.

Will liberals on USMB disavow this article because it was illuminated by Alex Jones? I wish Libbies would realize that they share far in in common with myself and Alex Jones than they do with Neocons and establishment Repugs.

As we watch the collapsing government in Baghdad surrounded by a highly disciplined and serious force of Sunni-oriented fighters that has taken control of the most populous third of the country, we must, in John Adams’ words, resist the temptation to slay the world’s monsters. This time around, the monsters are the Sunni — who ran the government of Iraq in the Saddam Hussein years and who are the ancient and persistent enemy of the Shia, who run the government today.

The political and military force that is aiming at Iraq’s capital calls itself the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Its fighting force consists of about 8,000 men, yet it has marched through Iraq quickly. Last week, as ISIS forces approached the capital, a half-million Iraqi civilians got out of their way and tens of thousands of Iraqi security forces dropped their American military gear and Iraqi military uniforms and fled. The Iraqi army — which the U.S. decimated 10 years ago — cannot defend the current Iraqi government, which is as corrupt, authoritarian, anti-democratic and untrustworthy as Saddam’s was, yet far less competent.

There is a lesson in this, and it reveals the power of religious fanaticism when resisted by unprincipled political force. ISIS fighters are motivated by a hatred of American invaders and their Iraqi defenders and an embrace of fundamental Sharia principles, which are anathema to Judeo-Christian principles. These ISIS fighters truly are monsters — they have crucified and decapitated deserters, traitors, captives, recalcitrants, Christians and Jews —_ and many Iraqi soldiers would rather join or walk away from them than resist them. The U.S.-trained Iraqi soldiers by and large view themselves as defending a temporary and inconsequential government. The ISIS fighters view themselves as being on a triumphal crusade.
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We must resist them.

If you're a Libertarian or Tea Partier --- THREATEN to vote Democrat. That alone will bring about the demise of the Neocons. Once we eject those monsters from the Republican Party, we can finally have at least one party of sanity.

Democrats are incompetent, Neocons are calculating savages. I'll deal with Democrats any day.

» Another Pointless War? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Will liberals on USMB disavow this article because it was illuminated by Alex Jones? I wish Libbies would realize that they share far in in common with myself and Alex Jones than they do with Neocons and establishment Repugs.

As we watch the collapsing government in Baghdad surrounded by a highly disciplined and serious force of Sunni-oriented fighters that has taken control of the most populous third of the country, we must, in John Adams’ words, resist the temptation to slay the world’s monsters. This time around, the monsters are the Sunni — who ran the government of Iraq in the Saddam Hussein years and who are the ancient and persistent enemy of the Shia, who run the government today.

The political and military force that is aiming at Iraq’s capital calls itself the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Its fighting force consists of about 8,000 men, yet it has marched through Iraq quickly. Last week, as ISIS forces approached the capital, a half-million Iraqi civilians got out of their way and tens of thousands of Iraqi security forces dropped their American military gear and Iraqi military uniforms and fled. The Iraqi army — which the U.S. decimated 10 years ago — cannot defend the current Iraqi government, which is as corrupt, authoritarian, anti-democratic and untrustworthy as Saddam’s was, yet far less competent.

There is a lesson in this, and it reveals the power of religious fanaticism when resisted by unprincipled political force. ISIS fighters are motivated by a hatred of American invaders and their Iraqi defenders and an embrace of fundamental Sharia principles, which are anathema to Judeo-Christian principles. These ISIS fighters truly are monsters — they have crucified and decapitated deserters, traitors, captives, recalcitrants, Christians and Jews —_ and many Iraqi soldiers would rather join or walk away from them than resist them. The U.S.-trained Iraqi soldiers by and large view themselves as defending a temporary and inconsequential government. The ISIS fighters view themselves as being on a triumphal crusade.

Bullseye......100% concur.
Mother fucker, Obama wants more war... He keeps creating wars at a record pace, expanding wars and in fact he has not ended a single war but rather re-entered us into the Iraq war.

Fuck what the MIC wants, Obama's the one doing it. Spends more than Bush on military too... What happened to the "cut military spending in half to buy food for starving children in America??? Oh I know, a Democrat was elected.
This is also why liberals want to disarm citizens, so radical tyrants can walk across the lands taking what they want with no one to stop them. Could you imagine a pathetic 8,000 terrorist army trying to take over a city in America? Fuck, towns with 100k population would slaughter them before they could set up camp.

But you won;t know what you had until it's gone.
Psychofuck.... :cuckoo:

Oh yeah, your tinfoil hat caught the TS radio waves of the MIC spreading lies about this ISIS even existing and invading Iraq, it's all lies.....for a demented fuck like you.

We must resist them.

If you're a Libertarian or Tea Partier --- THREATEN to vote Democrat. That alone will bring about the demise of the Neocons. Once we eject those monsters from the Republican Party, we can finally have at least one party of sanity.

Democrats are incompetent, Neocons are calculating savages. I'll deal with Democrats any day.

» Another Pointless War? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Will liberals on USMB disavow this article because it was illuminated by Alex Jones? I wish Libbies would realize that they share far in in common with myself and Alex Jones than they do with Neocons and establishment Repugs.

As we watch the collapsing government in Baghdad surrounded by a highly disciplined and serious force of Sunni-oriented fighters that has taken control of the most populous third of the country, we must, in John Adams’ words, resist the temptation to slay the world’s monsters. This time around, the monsters are the Sunni — who ran the government of Iraq in the Saddam Hussein years and who are the ancient and persistent enemy of the Shia, who run the government today.

The political and military force that is aiming at Iraq’s capital calls itself the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Its fighting force consists of about 8,000 men, yet it has marched through Iraq quickly. Last week, as ISIS forces approached the capital, a half-million Iraqi civilians got out of their way and tens of thousands of Iraqi security forces dropped their American military gear and Iraqi military uniforms and fled. The Iraqi army — which the U.S. decimated 10 years ago — cannot defend the current Iraqi government, which is as corrupt, authoritarian, anti-democratic and untrustworthy as Saddam’s was, yet far less competent.

There is a lesson in this, and it reveals the power of religious fanaticism when resisted by unprincipled political force. ISIS fighters are motivated by a hatred of American invaders and their Iraqi defenders and an embrace of fundamental Sharia principles, which are anathema to Judeo-Christian principles. These ISIS fighters truly are monsters — they have crucified and decapitated deserters, traitors, captives, recalcitrants, Christians and Jews —_ and many Iraqi soldiers would rather join or walk away from them than resist them. The U.S.-trained Iraqi soldiers by and large view themselves as defending a temporary and inconsequential government. The ISIS fighters view themselves as being on a triumphal crusade.
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Psychofuck.... :cuckoo:

Oh yeah, your tinfoil hat caught the TS radio waves of the MIC spreading lies about this ISIS even existing and invading Iraq, it's all lies.....for a demented fuck like you.

Wtf? It's well known that the Obama Adminstration provided weapons to Al Qaeda (Al Nusra) and ISIS in Syria to fight the RUssian/Syrian alliance in Sria itself. For that Obama and many others should hang for treason.

But in the current moment, who gives a shit about the MIddl East. It's not my country, and it's not yours. We have bigger fish to fry at home with Obama's NSA Gulag State.

Your jingoistic devotion to overseas wars is why you cannot win elections, otherwise, I'm sure you and I agree on every other point. I bet you hate Ron/Rand Paul and Ted Cruz too, since they don't want to intervene in the Middle East either?
Uh...the CIA never helped ISIS, idiot.

The CIA would work with the secular groups in Syria fighting ISIS and Assad.

If you think ISIS taking over half of Syria and Iraq poses no problems for the US, you're a bigger idiot than I thought.

As for Ron Paul....he is a kook.

Rand but has some kook ideas.

Ted Cruz....could be the GOP POTUS nominee.

Psychofuck.... :cuckoo:

Oh yeah, your tinfoil hat caught the TS radio waves of the MIC spreading lies about this ISIS even existing and invading Iraq, it's all lies.....for a demented fuck like you.

Wtf? It's well known that the Obama Adminstration provided weapons to Al Qaeda (Al Nusra) and ISIS in Syria to fight the RUssian/Syrian alliance in Sria itself. For that Obama and many others should hang for treason.

But in the current moment, who gives a shit about the MIddl East. It's not my country, and it's not yours. We have bigger fish to fry at home with Obama's NSA Gulag State.

Your jingoistic devotion to overseas wars is why you cannot win elections, otherwise, I'm sure you and I agree on every other point. I bet you hate Ron/Rand Paul and Ted Cruz too, since they don't want to intervene in the Middle East either?
The kooks always invent some conspiracy story against the US.

Russia stole Crimea and is currently trying to steal more of Ukraine, so the kooks claim the CIA started the entire mess by shooting anti-Russian protestors in Kyiv and now are giving weapons to "Nazis" to start WW3.

It's an endless cycle of shit with these scum that should be taken out of the gene pool.
Uh...the CIA never helped ISIS, idiot.

The CIA would work with the secular groups in Syria fighting ISIS and Assad.

I never mentioned the CIA, you did.

Also the story of Obama Admin giving Syrian Rebels munitions was even reported in USA TOday:

Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda

Ted Cruz wondered why we are "Al Quaeda's Air Force."

Also, in case you missed it, lots of weapons went missing in the Bengazi attack, and those same surface to air missiles were used to bring down Seal 6 in their Chinhook.

The CIA (a secretive/clandestine organization) doesn't have to do anything, because the Obama Administration does it all PUBLICLY out in the open, thus there is no need to use a covert organization like the CIA. The CIA's most recent action was planting provocateurs and saboteurs in the Ukraine to stir riots and revolution, a method that we have successfully employed to install the Shaw of Iran and Operation Gladio.

Wake up little boy.
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Will liberals on USMB disavow this article because it was illuminated by Alex Jones?

No. Liberals examine the facts.

When you all Neo-Liberals (marxists) recognize that only BIG GOV like Stalin Russia, Hitler Germany. Castro Cuba and Mao China can perpetrate Democide/Genocide on the scales of tens of millions, I'll consider this statement.

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