Andrew Cuomo Is Ordered to Relinquish Money He Made From Covid-19 Memoir

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Couldn't happen to a better guy. Remember when people were trying to gin up support for him run for president instead of Biden? What's amazing to me is how many people out there couldn't see the obvious sleaze on this guy from Day One. I mean, this clown got elected three times. How pathetic.

Couldn't happen to a better guy. Remember when people were trying to gin up support for him run for president instead of Biden? What's amazing to me is how many people out there couldn't see the obvious sleaze on this guy from Day One. I mean, this clown got elected three times. How pathetic.

Explains NY's crappy response to Covid and the fascist handling of it. MONEY for CUOMO..
His sleaziness aside, what was the legal reasoning for ordering he give the money back?
This is the state that made the sociopath hag hitlery a fuckin senator. The world hasn't seen shit like this since Caligula.
I wanted to expound on that point. Even during some of the worst governments of the Roman Empire, that were ruled by absolute authoritarians with absolute power, who were absolutely freakish deviants and insane mother fuckers, they can not compare to marxist despots on any level. We rejected despotic rule 250 years ago only to be ruled by thousands of Renfield Insane congress critters that are currently as popular as a yeast infection.


I don't think history recalls a point in any other empire where batshit nut jobs purged their own populations, except possibly Nero, but he was accused of arson, not purging millions on an industrial scale. Yet marxist influenced sociopaths have done this with such frequency in just the last 120 years, and there is photographic PROOF, but we have bed wetting liberals who want to empower freakishly stupid sociopaths, disarm the population, and expect "utopia" to be the result.

Yet if you see things my way, you're a white wing supremacism extremist republicrat fascist partisan....

Or some bullshit lie like that.

Keep your ammo dry.

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Okay, yeah, that'd be kinda' fucked.

State computers, etc?

JCOPE approved the publishing contract in July of last year with several conditions, including that “no state property, personnel or other resources may be utilized for activities associated with the book.” The commission revoked its approval last month.

Subsequently, a report by a state Assembly committee that had been considering articles of impeachment against Mr. Cuomo found he required government aides to help produce his pandemic memoir during work hours and recorded its audio version during weekday sessions at the state Executive Mansion.
The only governor in the U.S. to issue an executive order forcing nursing homes to accept infected patients. Is an indictment charging him with the negligent deaths of an estimated 10,000 mostly elderly Americans coming up next?

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