Andrea Rossi Preparing for Huge E-Cat Company


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Andrea Rossi Preparing for Huge E-Cat Company
November 8, 2011
Andrea Rossi Preparing for Huge E-Cat Company | E-Cat World
The commercial launch of the E-Cat started quietly with an anonymous customer towing away the shipping container in which the first 1 MW plant was built. The event was noticed by a relatively few people, and when the event was over many people who had been hoping for a definitive demonstration of cold fusion were left wondering what really went on, since only the customer’s consultant got to see the live testing in any detail.

Andrea Rossi, however, seemed to be very satisfied with the days work — he said it was a beginning, but a very important beginning, one in which an “almost infinite” COP was demonstrated with the plant running without any input power for five hours. His first sale made, Rossi now seems to have turned his mind towards commercializing this technology, and if you read what he says carefully you will note that he is planning to build a massive organization around his invention.

One of Rossi’s challenges is if he is going to protect his trade secret, he is going to have to be the sole provider of E-Cat products and services. This will mean that unless viable competition comes on the scene, the huge demand for working cold fusion products will have to be met by Leonardo Corporation who will be the manufacturer of E-Cat based products.

Rossi has actually said quite a lot about his business plans in remarks on his web site, The Journal of Nuclear Physics, and from his comments it is possible to get an idea of the business plan he has in mind.

Here are some key points that can be gleaned from recent comments.

1. Leonardo Corporation will be the sole manufacturers of the E-Cat reactors. Until now these reactors have been made by hand, but Rossi has said this process will be automated. Rossi has mentioned having plants or offices in Miami, Boston and Manchester, NH.

2. Outsourcing will be done for other components.

3. 10 per cent of pre-tax profits will be spent on research and development.

4. Leonardo Corporation will have employees who will recharge the units on site, and spent reactors will be returned to treatment units which will be located strategically for regeneration.


5. Leonardo Corporation will possibly eventually become a public company. About this, Ross has said “Probably we will sell shares to allow everybody to participate to this enterprise. But before this we have to consolidate our manufacturing and commercial system.”

6. While production of the 1 MW plants is already underway, it appears that Rossi’s priorities are to produce home heating units and electrical generator — both of which he estimates will take two years to achieve. He also says he has a ‘duty’ to use E-Cats for desalination — which his technology is ready for now.

Either way this surely is gong to be a sight to behold. If it's real then Coal, oil, natural gas on down the fucking list will be fucked!!! Let alone solar and wind, which will be laughed right out the door. Please god let Rossi be RIGHT! If it is then my warmist friends we have the replacement for fossil fuels.

If it is a fraud, boy oh boy what a fraud it will be. But I doubt it. The generator was only 350 kw next to 470 being produced...Assuming it was even on, which the power gage said 0. The power this was putting out was more then that could create. If it was off as Rossi says then all that power was made in that reaction...I'd like to see a "power generator developed by rossi, which would feed off of the output and allow it to operate within a loop. That would be very good and prove without a doubt this is real...Really, what kind of thing could make this kind of power within the device...I doubt it... We will know one way or the other within the next 6 months.

I think he is going at it the best way he can...Get it on the market and spread it around. Period. The customer will say good things about it IF it works.
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Rossi is perfectly welcome once he has turned it into a energy producing "device" to drop one off at my house for me to hook up. I'd be very thankful, if it does work. hehe, I'd tell the power provider to go fuck them selfs(PGE)...One can dream, but I doubt rossi is going to give them away.
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Yeah, another free energy gimmick. I hope it works but in the mean time we are mortgaging our great grandkids' future to China because they don't give a crap about fusion-confusion. What we need to do is what? Let the private sector develop alternate energy sources and what else? Drill for fossil fuel before we become a 3rd world country with a couple of freaking useless expensive to build and maintain windmills and a couple of acres of useless solar panels.
Whitey, we have 3% of the worlds reserves of oil. We consume 24% of the worlds oil. Now even you can do that math. And don't get started on oil shale. That is not oil, that is collegen, expensive to extract and process. Uses vast amounts of water and is located in a very dry area of the US.

The present wind turbines are less expensive than dirty coal, and far less expensive than 'clean' coal, which is a myth here in the US in any case. The only plant that meets the criterion for a 'clean' coal plant is operating in China.

However, if this Italian's machine is for real, none of those numbers count. We will see a paradigm shift on a whole bunch of issues. I truly hope that it is not a scam. On that line, there have been to 'notes' one from a researcher in Illinois, respected Phd in physics, and another from a similiar researcher in China with similiar bona fides that they have replicated some of the Italians results.
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How it works!!! I like the e-cat a lot better then Miley's cold fusion, but Miley is far more respected.

How the E-Cat Works

In the tube that composes the reactor core, a small quantity of specially processed, micron grain sized, nickel powder is placed. The nickel powder has been enriched in two specific isotopes (Ni-62 and Ni-64) via a proprietary and cheap method that only adds 10% to the final cost of the raw material. Enriching the nickel powder in Ni-62 and Ni-64 is important, because it is these two isotopes that undergo the most nuclear reactions.

Once the nickel powder is placed in the reactor core, an even smaller quantity of catalyst material is inserted into the same metal tube. Without the catalyst, the E-Cat could not produce practical levels of output. The catalyst is composed of one or more chemical elements that are not radioactive, rare, or expensive. In fact, the cost of the catalyst is considered to be insignificant.

Next, the reactor core is filled with a small quantity of pressurized hydrogen gas, from an external canister. The pressure of the hydrogen gas is a key factor in moderating the intensity of the reactions that take place in the reactor core. Higher hydrogen pressure increases the rate at which nuclear reactions take place, and lower hydrogen pressure reduces the rate.

Once the hydrogen gas has been inserted, external electrical resistors apply heat to the reactor core. At this point, the catalyst starts breaking down the molecular hydrogen gas (the normal form of hydrogen gas in which two hydrogen atoms are bonded together to form a single molecule), into atomic hydrogen gas. In the atomic state, the hydrogen atoms are not bonded to another hydrogen atom, and are isolated from each other.

These atomic hydrogen atoms then start interacting with tubercles on the surface of the nickel powder, where the reaction sites are located. The atomic hydrogen starts to fuse with atoms of nickel located at these reaction sites. As the nuclear reactions take place, the vast majority of gamma radiation that would be produced in such a nuclear reaction, are instantly converted into heat energy. A portion of this heat energy helps keep the reactions going, and at a certain point when the reactions are frequent enough, the input resistors can be cut off. At this point, the device is in a self-sustaining mode of operation.
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This is what rossi said on his blog

“Useless to add that the person who made the test for the Customer has checked carefully also the power consumed from the power generator. By the way: this person is an engineer who has spent his life testing thermal systems in military concerns, and has been chosen for his specific experience in thermodynamics.
Warm Regards,

Bernie Koppenhofer
November 13th, 2011 at 9:29 AM
Mr Rossi: Recently you were asked if the E-Cat could replace the coal fired turbines in coal power plants, your reply was “We are working on it, it will be possible, yes.” Can you give us any kind of time frame for when this will be possible? Are you giving this development top priority?
This development alone could create an economic boom, which the whole world needs desperately.

Andrea Rossi
November 13th, 2011 at 9:34 AM
Dear Bernie Koppenhofer:
Yes, we are working on this issue with the same Customer that made the test of October 28th and I am totally sure that we will be able to accomplish this target in matter of less than 2 years.
Warm Regards,

I asked the question that led to this one about is he going to scale it up to replace those!
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Andrea Rossi is a con-man who has scammed people for years with Petrol Dragon. He had scientist fooled for years claiming he was turning garbage into oil. He never actually made any oil but managed to create toxic waste & polluted ground water resulting in a multi-million dollar clean-up.

His new device defies the laws of physics & uses a undisclosed secret ingredient. He is a charming & clever con-man.
How it works!!! I like the e-cat a lot better then Miley's cold fusion, but Miley is far more respected.

How the E-Cat Works

In the tube that composes the reactor core, a small quantity of specially processed, micron grain sized, nickel powder is placed. The nickel powder has been enriched in two specific isotopes (Ni-62 and Ni-64) via a proprietary and cheap method that only adds 10% to the final cost of the raw material. Enriching the nickel powder in Ni-62 and Ni-64 is important, because it is these two isotopes that undergo the most nuclear reactions.

Once the nickel powder is placed in the reactor core, an even smaller quantity of catalyst material is inserted into the same metal tube. Without the catalyst, the E-Cat could not produce practical levels of output. The catalyst is composed of one or more chemical elements that are not radioactive, rare, or expensive. In fact, the cost of the catalyst is considered to be insignificant.

Next, the reactor core is filled with a small quantity of pressurized hydrogen gas, from an external canister. The pressure of the hydrogen gas is a key factor in moderating the intensity of the reactions that take place in the reactor core. Higher hydrogen pressure increases the rate at which nuclear reactions take place, and lower hydrogen pressure reduces the rate.

Once the hydrogen gas has been inserted, external electrical resistors apply heat to the reactor core. At this point, the catalyst starts breaking down the molecular hydrogen gas (the normal form of hydrogen gas in which two hydrogen atoms are bonded together to form a single molecule), into atomic hydrogen gas. In the atomic state, the hydrogen atoms are not bonded to another hydrogen atom, and are isolated from each other.

These atomic hydrogen atoms then start interacting with tubercles on the surface of the nickel powder, where the reaction sites are located. The atomic hydrogen starts to fuse with atoms of nickel located at these reaction sites. As the nuclear reactions take place, the vast majority of gamma radiation that would be produced in such a nuclear reaction, are instantly converted into heat energy. A portion of this heat energy helps keep the reactions going, and at a certain point when the reactions are frequent enough, the input resistors can be cut off. At this point, the device is in a self-sustaining mode of operation.

Hmmmm.. Hydrogen gas under controlled pressure... Couldn't be that hydrogen is the freaking FUEL for the reaction now could it?

Got any NiMH batteries in your drawer??? What do you think the H in NiMH stands for anyway?? Nuclear reaction? doubtful.... Channeling P.T. Barnum?? Definately...

Show me a radiometer reading from the vessel confirming the "instaneous" conversion of Gamma radiation to heat.. Or maybe that's why he uses ISOTOPES of nickel. To make an appropriate buzzing sound while the battery gets built...
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