Anderson Cooper pulls the 'Race' Card...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Anderson Cooper: ‘Let’s not kid ourselves,’ Trump’s comments are ‘racist’

"CNN anchor Anderson Cooper slammed
President TrumpDonald for reportedly referring to Haiti and several African nations as "shithole countries" on Thursday, calling the remarks "racist."

In a monologue delivered on "Anderson Cooper 360," the CNN host said it was important for members of the news media to point out that Trump's remarks were not "racially charged" or offensive, but rather "racist."

"The president of the United States is tired of so many black people coming to this country. Tired of immigrants from Haiti and Africa being allowed in," Cooper said, reading comments from Trump as reported by The Washington Post.

"Tired of Haitians and Africans, the president went on to say he would like to bring more people from countries like Norway. Norway, whose population is overwhelmingly of Nordic descent. White people, in other words," Cooper said."

Bwuhahahaha.....Anderson Cooper, and other fragile Trump-Hating snowflakes, just became TRIGGERED when Trump factually pointed out how Haiti is a 'shit-hole country'.

The Government of Haiti and of other nations like those in Africa, again as Trump accurately pointed out, are so corrupt and oppress the people so much that they have turned their countries into 'shit holes'.

Desperately seeking anything for which to criticize Trump 24 / 7, DNC Propaganda-pushing Fake News CNN and other liberal news agencies - along with snowflakes - would rather froth at the mouth and simply declare 'Trump is a Racist' than to actually spend 5 seconds looking at the facts and realizing the President is right.


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Tell me it's not a 'shit hole'. If you do, I will challenge you to go there and live for any length of time.
(To live THERE - in the REAL Haiti, not the 'Tourist' districts / hotels....)

My wife are going in February as part of a group to try to do what we can to help the people of Haiti who live in this 'shithole'.

Cooper believes 'reporting the news' is attacking Trump with the 'Race' Card rather than report about the corrupt, oppressive, abusive government that forces it's people to live and fight to survive in conditions like this while they live as rich elitists....




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Anderson Cooper: ‘Let’s not kid ourselves,’ Trump’s comments are ‘racist’

"CNN anchor Anderson Cooper slammed
President TrumpDonald for reportedly referring to Haiti and several African nations as "shithole countries" on Thursday, calling the remarks "racist."

In a monologue delivered on "Anderson Cooper 360," the CNN host said it was important for members of the news media to point out that Trump's remarks were not "racially charged" or offensive, but rather "racist."

"The president of the United States is tired of so many black people coming to this country. Tired of immigrants from Haiti and Africa being allowed in," Cooper said, reading comments from Trump as reported by The Washington Post.

"Tired of Haitians and Africans, the president went on to say he would like to bring more people from countries like Norway. Norway, whose population is overwhelmingly of Nordic descent. White people, in other words," Cooper said."

Bwuhahahaha.....Anderson Cooper, and other fragile Trump-Hating snowflakes, just became TRIGGERED when Trump factually pointed out how Haiti is a 'shit-hole country'.

The Government of Haiti and of other nations like those in Africa, again as Trump accurately pointed out, are so corrupt and oppress the people so much that they have turned their countries into 'shit holes'.

Desperately seeking anything for which to criticize Trump 24 / 7, DNC Propaganda-pushing Fake News CNN and other liberal news agencies - along with snowflakes - would rather froth at the mouth and simply declare 'Trump is a Racist' than to actually spend 5 seconds looking at the facts and realizing the President is right.


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Tell me it's not a 'shit hole'. If you do, I will challenge you to go there and live for any length of time.
(To live THERE - in the REAL Haiti, not the 'Tourist' districts / hotels....)

My wife are going in February as part of a group to try to do what we can to help the people of Haiti who live in this 'shithole'.

Cooper believes 'reporting the news' is attacking Trump with the 'Race' Card rather than report about the corrupt, oppressive, abusive government that forces it's people to live and fight to survive in conditions like this while they live as rich elitists....
Cooper is just telling it like it is. I thought trumpanzees liked that.
Haiti was "the" gay destination back when AIDS got started and came into the US. He probably has fond memories of gay sex there.
When AIDS was first being reported, there were three at-risk groups: homosexuals, junkies, and Haitians.

I remember one of the very few jokes that existed at that time:

Q: What's the hardest part about telling your parents you have AIDS?

A: Convincing them that you're Haitian.
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Cooper, Democrats, and snowflakes are pulling out the 'Race' card every chance they get because they are still hoping Americans will forget about how the DNC's own hacked / leaked e-mails showed THEY are STILL a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites....
Just a reminder to all the desperate straw-grasping snowflakes...and an idea for a news story I am sure Cooper and his propaganda-pushing Lib buddies will ignore...



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Anderson Cooper: ‘Let’s not kid ourselves,’ Trump’s comments are ‘racist’

"CNN anchor Anderson Cooper slammed
President TrumpDonald for reportedly referring to Haiti and several African nations as "shithole countries" on Thursday, calling the remarks "racist."

In a monologue delivered on "Anderson Cooper 360," the CNN host said it was important for members of the news media to point out that Trump's remarks were not "racially charged" or offensive, but rather "racist."

"The president of the United States is tired of so many black people coming to this country. Tired of immigrants from Haiti and Africa being allowed in," Cooper said, reading comments from Trump as reported by The Washington Post.

"Tired of Haitians and Africans, the president went on to say he would like to bring more people from countries like Norway. Norway, whose population is overwhelmingly of Nordic descent. White people, in other words," Cooper said."

Bwuhahahaha.....Anderson Cooper, and other fragile Trump-Hating snowflakes, just became TRIGGERED when Trump factually pointed out how Haiti is a 'shit-hole country'.

The Government of Haiti and of other nations like those in Africa, again as Trump accurately pointed out, are so corrupt and oppress the people so much that they have turned their countries into 'shit holes'.

Desperately seeking anything for which to criticize Trump 24 / 7, DNC Propaganda-pushing Fake News CNN and other liberal news agencies - along with snowflakes - would rather froth at the mouth and simply declare 'Trump is a Racist' than to actually spend 5 seconds looking at the facts and realizing the President is right.


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Tell me it's not a 'shit hole'. If you do, I will challenge you to go there and live for any length of time.
(To live THERE - in the REAL Haiti, not the 'Tourist' districts / hotels....)

My wife are going in February as part of a group to try to do what we can to help the people of Haiti who live in this 'shithole'.

Cooper believes 'reporting the news' is attacking Trump with the 'Race' Card rather than report about the corrupt, oppressive, abusive government that forces it's people to live and fight to survive in conditions like this while they live as rich elitists....

Ex-RNC chair says Trump is racist: 'The evidence is incontrovertible'

Source: The Hill
BY BRANDON CARTER - 01/12/18 10:38 AM EST

Former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele said Friday “the evidence is incontrovertible” that President Trump is a racist following his reported remarks on Haiti and African countries.

In an appearance on MSNBC’s “Live with Hallie Jackson,” Steele was asked if he thinks Trump is racist. “Yeah, I do,” Steele said. “At this point…the evidence is controvertible.”

Steele also said Trump uses race as a tool “to move people emotionally to a space where he wants them to be to get a reaction out of them.”

“There are a whole lot of folks like Donald Trump,” Steele said. “White folks in this country who have a problem with the browning of America…When they talk about [wanting] their country back, they are talking about a country that was very safely white, less brown and less committed to that browning process.”

Read more: Ex-RNC chair says Trump is racist: 'The evidence is incontrovertible'
Anderson Cooper: ‘Let’s not kid ourselves,’ Trump’s comments are ‘racist’

"CNN anchor Anderson Cooper slammed
President TrumpDonald for reportedly referring to Haiti and several African nations as "shithole countries" on Thursday, calling the remarks "racist."

In a monologue delivered on "Anderson Cooper 360," the CNN host said it was important for members of the news media to point out that Trump's remarks were not "racially charged" or offensive, but rather "racist."

"The president of the United States is tired of so many black people coming to this country. Tired of immigrants from Haiti and Africa being allowed in," Cooper said, reading comments from Trump as reported by The Washington Post.

"Tired of Haitians and Africans, the president went on to say he would like to bring more people from countries like Norway. Norway, whose population is overwhelmingly of Nordic descent. White people, in other words," Cooper said."

Bwuhahahaha.....Anderson Cooper, and other fragile Trump-Hating snowflakes, just became TRIGGERED when Trump factually pointed out how Haiti is a 'shit-hole country'.

The Government of Haiti and of other nations like those in Africa, again as Trump accurately pointed out, are so corrupt and oppress the people so much that they have turned their countries into 'shit holes'.

Desperately seeking anything for which to criticize Trump 24 / 7, DNC Propaganda-pushing Fake News CNN and other liberal news agencies - along with snowflakes - would rather froth at the mouth and simply declare 'Trump is a Racist' than to actually spend 5 seconds looking at the facts and realizing the President is right.


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Tell me it's not a 'shit hole'. If you do, I will challenge you to go there and live for any length of time.
(To live THERE - in the REAL Haiti, not the 'Tourist' districts / hotels....)

My wife are going in February as part of a group to try to do what we can to help the people of Haiti who live in this 'shithole'.

Cooper believes 'reporting the news' is attacking Trump with the 'Race' Card rather than report about the corrupt, oppressive, abusive government that forces it's people to live and fight to survive in conditions like this while they live as rich elitists....
Ex-RNC chair says Trump is racist: 'The evidence is incontrovertible'
Source: The Hill
BY BRANDON CARTER - 01/12/18 10:38 AM EST

Former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele said Friday “the evidence is incontrovertible” that President Trump is a racist following his reported remarks on Haiti and African countries.

In an appearance on MSNBC’s “Live with Hallie Jackson,” Steele was asked if he thinks Trump is racist. “Yeah, I do,” Steele said. “At this point…the evidence is controvertible.”

Steele also said Trump uses race as a tool “to move people emotionally to a space where he wants them to be to get a reaction out of them.”

“There are a whole lot of folks like Donald Trump,” Steele said. “White folks in this country who have a problem with the browning of America…When they talk about [wanting] their country back, they are talking about a country that was very safely white, less brown and less committed to that browning process.”

Read more: Ex-RNC chair says Trump is racist: 'The evidence is incontrovertible'

So you SERIOUSLY want the American people to believe the Ex-Foreign Spy who has been presented to the DOJ for prosecution, the foreign agent who paid Russians who paid Russians for Russian Propaganda which was compiled into a report and sold to Hillary Clinton for approx. $14 million through a company working for the Russians so that she could then ILLEGALLY use that information in a US election?

Anderson Cooper was about to have a stroke last night over shit hole's personal to him...we all know how fags like to go to shit hole nations to score with small boys....
Anderson Cooper: ‘Let’s not kid ourselves,’ Trump’s comments are ‘racist’

"CNN anchor Anderson Cooper slammed
President TrumpDonald for reportedly referring to Haiti and several African nations as "shithole countries" on Thursday, calling the remarks "racist."

In a monologue delivered on "Anderson Cooper 360," the CNN host said it was important for members of the news media to point out that Trump's remarks were not "racially charged" or offensive, but rather "racist."

"The president of the United States is tired of so many black people coming to this country. Tired of immigrants from Haiti and Africa being allowed in," Cooper said, reading comments from Trump as reported by The Washington Post.

"Tired of Haitians and Africans, the president went on to say he would like to bring more people from countries like Norway. Norway, whose population is overwhelmingly of Nordic descent. White people, in other words," Cooper said."

Bwuhahahaha.....Anderson Cooper, and other fragile Trump-Hating snowflakes, just became TRIGGERED when Trump factually pointed out how Haiti is a 'shit-hole country'.

The Government of Haiti and of other nations like those in Africa, again as Trump accurately pointed out, are so corrupt and oppress the people so much that they have turned their countries into 'shit holes'.

Desperately seeking anything for which to criticize Trump 24 / 7, DNC Propaganda-pushing Fake News CNN and other liberal news agencies - along with snowflakes - would rather froth at the mouth and simply declare 'Trump is a Racist' than to actually spend 5 seconds looking at the facts and realizing the President is right.


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Tell me it's not a 'shit hole'. If you do, I will challenge you to go there and live for any length of time.
(To live THERE - in the REAL Haiti, not the 'Tourist' districts / hotels....)

My wife are going in February as part of a group to try to do what we can to help the people of Haiti who live in this 'shithole'.

Cooper believes 'reporting the news' is attacking Trump with the 'Race' Card rather than report about the corrupt, oppressive, abusive government that forces it's people to live and fight to survive in conditions like this while they live as rich elitists....
Everyone is ignoring the fact that, whether or not the countries are dysfunctional and economically challenged, Trump's whine is about their PEOPLE coming here. What's his problem? If he believes their countries have such serious problems, why would he object to them coming here, as opposed to people from Norway?
It's not about Haiti having poor people. It's about WHY Trump doesn't want them coming here. Ask yourself that.
Cooper, Democrats, and snowflakes are pulling out the 'Race' card every chance they get because they are still hoping Americans will forget about how the DNC's own hacked / leaked e-mails showed THEY are STILL a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites....
Here's a suggestion for trump and the trumpanzees.......don't like being tagged as racists, misogynists, homophobic, and anti-semitic? Don't behave like you are a racist, a misogynist, homophobic and/or anti-semitic.
So rather than address the topic of Haiti and foreign countries whose governments are so criminal, abusive and oppressive that they force their people to live in shit-holes you seek to find the worst corners of certain town across, America (pictures probably from after the hurricanes that hit there and damaged them) to try to distract from the point that Trump was right?


I should be shocked at the fact that you are not ashamed of yourself....but then again you have to take into account the source and the amount of butt-hurt remaining after Hillary's loss. :p

Dear, take HILLARY'S advice - move on.

Just a reminder to all the desperate straw-grasping snowflakes...and an idea for a news story I am sure Cooper and his propaganda-pushing Lib buddies will ignore...

Debunking the biggest myths about MLK - CNN

And I love how this poster seems to think that the Republicans of the late 1880s believe the same as they do today.

Case in point.......GOP platform of the 1950s:


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So rather than address the topic of Haiti and foreign countries whose governments are so criminal, abusive and oppressive that they force their people to live in shit-holes you seek to find the worst corners of certain town across, America (pictures probably from after the hurricanes that hit there and damaged them) to try to distract from the point that Trump was right?


I should be shocked at the fact that you are not ashamed of yourself....but then again you have to take into account the source and the amount of butt-hurt remaining after Hillary's loss. :p

Dear, take HILLARY'S advice - move on.

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H. Clinton lost the election over a year ago....why does trump and the trumpanzees continue to cry about it?

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