...and you thought USMB Libs and Faux Rebups had PDS


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
This has to be the worst case of PDS on record.

"ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - Sarah Palin has taken to her Facebook page to complain about her new neighbor—a writer penning a book about her.

Author Joe McGinniss has taken up residence in a house next to Palin's lakeside home in Wasilla."

Ewwww, creepy!

Libs are terrified of Palin and her grass roots Conservative, real American appeal.

Again, ewwwwww, creepy. I wonder how many USMB Libs will be call Joe to see if he has a spare Bedroom to sublet.

Finally, ewwwwwwwww, creepy!

Author writing about Palin moves next door to her
Liberals and leftist are some of creepiest people on the face of the earth.

Look what they did to President Bush's home. sat around outside it and piss and shit in his bushes.

I don't think this creep will intimidate the Palins. I hope Todd kicks his ass though.

The Palins need to take out a restraining order on the stalker.
Liberals and leftist are some of creepiest people on the face of the earth.

Look what they did to President Bush's home. sat around outside it and piss and shit in his bushes.

I don't think this creep will intimidate the Palins. I hope Todd kicks his ass though.

The Palins need to take out a restraining order on the stalker.
Joe doesn't need to live next door to her to write about her so this is clearly a case of stalking/intimidation with hopes of instigating or inciting an event to weave into his book. This seems like an act of desperation.
Thanks Frank, for exposing this charade which once again illustrates the extremes the left is willing to go to to interfere with their political opponents right to privacy.
joe lived with macdonald for 3 years before he penned his book...palin loves attention......and isnt the landlord free to rent to whom he wants.
I think once the people of Wasilla get wind of this, ole Joe better watch his back.

People in Alaska don't take kindly to this sort of shit.
Yeah, but Palin is a non-entity. Libs are not intimidated by her, nor are they frightened at the prospect of her dismantling the Boy President in 2012.

Fred Thompson, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are getting similar treatment by the LMSM

Uh huh

And my SUV is melting the Arctic
I was under the impression this was a free country, has that changed? Authors usually consult with their subjects, again what am I missing? Oh, I get it, Sarah needs USMB member protection. LOL What hypocrites you righties are.
This has to be the worst case of PDS on record.

"ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - Sarah Palin has taken to her Facebook page to complain about her new neighbor—a writer penning a book about her.

Author Joe McGinniss has taken up residence in a house next to Palin's lakeside home in Wasilla."

Ewwww, creepy!

Libs are terrified of Palin and her grass roots Conservative, real American appeal.

Again, ewwwwww, creepy. I wonder how many USMB Libs will be call Joe to see if he has a spare Bedroom to sublet.

Finally, ewwwwwwwww, creepy!

Author writing about Palin moves next door to her

That's bordering on stalking. I'd have to say that's creepy.

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