And Today's Poll Results From CBS

and blaming the voters for Obama's numbers, Bill Press:

[ame=]YouTube - Libtalker Meltdown Over Obama Poll Collapse: 'Americans Are Spoiled'[/ame]

I remember him being having patience with the last administration. :lol:
So, do you have a response to the OP or just wish to spin that it's all booosh? mean about most-Americans' IGNORANCE of economic-issues?????

You mean like your ignorance that a tax dollar has adminstrative costs and is often directed at the LEAST economically beneficial endpoints?
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This Socialist/Progressive philosophy of spending our way out of this economic downturn will cost us much much more in the future. It really is very sad.
I don't think it would be if we cut taxes (more than Obama already has via the TARP), and I don't think it will be if we have another stimulus structured like Obama structured the last one, either.

I think they haven't fixed this economy because they don't know how.

I think you're right. And we (as a country) have ourselves to blame.

First we elect Clinton, who pressures banks to make bad loans to low income citizens, and when the bubble finally burst, it was the catalyst of this crash, and it will take a decade for the housing market to rebound.

Then we elect Obama, who has no experience running anything and act surprised when he doesn't know how to solve the problems we knew were on the way during the election. He doesn't know how to fix the problem. He thinks, as so most liberals, that we need to tax the wealthy to increase revenues. Let them pay for Obamacare. Let them pay higher percentages. And what happens when they can't take it any more? They either decide its cheaper to move overseas or just shut down their business completely, and then who suffers? All the people they have to lay off.

It's insanity.
it is bad news now
Obama won't care a few tools on the left lose thier jobs.
He's slow rolling the stimulus that will bump the improving economy to full recovery by 2011 and get his ass reelected in 12.

Name a Government that has taxed themselves into prosperity?

Or one that has spent their way to prosperity.

That too. With this Statist Government my friend? The two terms are simpatico. (a.k.a. Tax and spend). This bunch is like a bunch of rogue teens with their parent's credit card.

It's time to force these children to pay...politically (first).
Sadly, this recovery has been great for princes and horrible for grinds. The people who work at the big corporations are critical of the Obama administration, but the fact is they are doing very well. The big companies are posting excellent earnings. They’re sitting on mountains of cash.

The aspiring grinds, meanwhile, are dead in the water. Small businesses are not growing. They are not hiring. They are struggling to stay alive...

I'm one of those sm biz people Annie

in fact, right now i need a pillow to be able to post

and yeah, you're right in that Obama doesn't care about us

but niether did his predeseccor, nor will his successor care any more or less

they have, and will ,bow to the corporatism that grants them their position

the partisanship that blinds people to this simply fuels the phenomenon


Agreed. The problem is obvious. The parties are pretty much in it for themselves...that is evident in the results thusfar. The solution is for Government to get out of the way and the people to wrest that control back to themselves.

November will be a big test to see how badly the people are fed up and want to get back that control.

Well i'm a tad more cynical T

November looks like the usual partisan fest redux

you see, i don't believe we really have a two party system

i believe (and yes, i have to call it a belief, although it can be debated) that we've evolved into the the $$$ party cloaked in the illusion of a two party system

see, voter apathy is just as much the penchant of those aware, as it is often attributed to the ignorant unwashed


I understand your frustration. If this poll shows anything? The rise of the Tea Party (whom incidentally aren't racist even though the NAALCP and Michelle Obama pronouncement)...and ordinary citizens shows that apathy is turning to anger at our electeds which will lead to many shitheaded politicians joing the long lines of the unemployed.
Sadly, this recovery has been great for princes and horrible for grinds. The people who work at the big corporations are critical of the Obama administration, but the fact is they are doing very well. The big companies are posting excellent earnings. They’re sitting on mountains of cash.

The aspiring grinds, meanwhile, are dead in the water. Small businesses are not growing. They are not hiring. They are struggling to stay alive...

I'm one of those sm biz people Annie

in fact, right now i need a pillow to be able to post

and yeah, you're right in that Obama doesn't care about us

but niether did his predeseccor, nor will his successor care any more or less

they have, and will ,bow to the corporatism that grants them their position

the partisanship that blinds people to this simply fuels the phenomenon


Agreed. The problem is obvious. The parties are pretty much in it for themselves...that is evident in the results thusfar. The solution is for Government to get out of the way and the people to wrest that control back to themselves.

November will be a big test to see how badly the people are fed up and want to get back that control.

I think the trends seen on boards is not all that different than what is happening 'out there', but here is more visible. The 'conservatives' are moving towards libertarian thinking/spouting candidates. The moderate democrats are moving towards fiscal conservatives. All these folks are now showing up as 'independents' in the polling. That is the bloc that will decide the results in November.

I agree with this. And sadly? It's the same bloc that propelled the narcissistic unqualified Messiah into the WhiteHouse.
Polls. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

52% don't trust Obama to solve the country's problems.
60% don't trust the democrats to solve the country's problems.
72% don't trust republicans to solve the country's problems.

I think they're right.

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