And POOF, it was gone....


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
It seems the NY Times was wrong when it claimed that the trumpster was back peddling on his anti global warming mantra....

"At 11:59 am eastern, the official White House website had a lengthy information page about the threat of climate change and the steps the federal government had taken to fight it. At noon, at the instant Donald Trump took office, the page was gone, as well as any mention of climate change or global warming."

All References to Climate Change Have Been Deleted From the White House Website
At 11:58 it was there and at 11:59, one minute before Trump took Oath of Office, CLIMATE CHANGE got booted off the Whitehouse Website.

For all you libs trying to console yourselves that there really isn't going to be any change. The change has just begun!!!!!

It seems the NY Times was wrong when it claimed that the trumpster was back peddling on his anti global warming mantra....

"At 11:59 am eastern, the official White House website had a lengthy information page about the threat of climate change and the steps the federal government had taken to fight it. At noon, at the instant Donald Trump took office, the page was gone, as well as any mention of climate change or global warming."

All References to Climate Change Have Been Deleted From the White House Website

Ooops, I thought I was careful about not posting over someone and I just posted about this. My apologies!

But, just want to say to all you libs who have tried to rationalize and console yourselves that Trump really won't change anything!

Texas Town Goes All In on Renewable Energy

Georgetown, a VERY conservative town in Texas, converted to sustainable energy
for the cost-effective advantages alone. This took years of research and planning.

There is NO REASON to keep pushing the contested 'global warming' agenda
if this merely riles people up, induces rejection division and backlash,
and distracts from real progress needed to invest in developing more efficient energy sources.

Liberals are defeating their own purpose by letting corporate politicians hijack the movement toward sustainable cost-effective energy to fuel political turf wars instead of collaborating on solutions all sides can agree on.
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Incredible, Trump fixed climate change before lunch on his first day and removed it from the White House website issues list man he's good! :eusa_clap:
There is NO REASON to keep pushing the contested 'global warming' agenda
if this merely riles people up, induces rejection division and backlash,
and distracts from real progress needed to invest in developing more efficient energy sources.

As if there was any reason for the hysteria to start with. The whole scam was based on models built from specious data and hyped by a political hack. Perhaps now the real data will come out and we can all see AGW for what it really was, a method to move large amount of monies from one pocket to another.

Current "renewable" energy technology is not up to the task of the expanding need of energy users. We could cover the country with windmills and fill the spaces in between with solar panels and it would still come up far short.

The real solutions for long term renewable energy will be a combination of space based beamed power, nuclear fission/fusion plants and thermal core taps. High return of energy per dollar and minimal footprint.
Things font cast to exist because someone deleted it from their website but I know that historically ignoring science has always had good results. :eusa_dance:

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