And now a message from Alan Grayson...


Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2013
A Red Welfare State
I thought this was worth sharing.

By: Alan Grayson Monday February 18, 2013 2:40 pm

"Would you like to buy a pen?" She asked me

As we approach the self-immolation known as “The Sequester,” I find myself thinking about a woman in West Africa, asking people, “Would you like to buy a pen?”

She was a middle-aged woman, wearing a bright-colored dress. Judging by wear and tear, it may have been the only dress she owned.

She was standing on the steps in front of a small department store, which was selling pens by the dozen. She repeated softly, in French, to passers-by, “Voulez-vous acheter une plume?” And she held up a pen.

I didn’t need a pen, but I did need to know what she was up to. I asked her how much her pen cost. She quoted a fair price. I gave her that much, plus some more. She gave me a pen that I didn’t need. And she had enough money to eat something that day. Or so she said, en francais.

Back to “The Sequester,” the 12% budget cut for the military (leaving aside soldier pay and benefits), and the 9% budget cut for other federal programs (leaving aside Medicare and Social Security). Opponents of The Sequester are focusing on the military cuts. Their theory seems to be that the American public has been signing blank checks made out to “DoD” for so long that there is no way that we’ll stop now. Or maybe they think that we will subliminally translate the words “defense cuts” into “some crazy Arab is going to blow me up” without anyone actually having to say that, much less make the case for it.

I have a nodding acquaintance with polling, so I understand that foreign aid might be the least popular federal program right now, second only to black helicopters. But our immunization program alone saves three million lives each year. Our emergency food assistance program fed more than 66 million starving people last year. Possibly including the lady who sold me that pen.

And the total cost of all that food was equal to one-sixteenth of a new aircraft carrier. In fact, for the cost of one aircraft carrier, we could feed every hungry person in the entire world.

So let’s see. A nine percent cut in the foreign aid budget means that six million more people go hungry. And American taxpayers save 44 cents a month. Not even enough to buy one hamburger.

Further translating this into Americanese, give some thought as to what The Sequester will do to the food stamp program, or the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program. A lot of Americans will be going to bed cold and hungry.

I know that I will never see that lady with the pen again. Even though I remember her, she probably doesn’t remember me – if she is still alive. She is not going to vote for me, and she is not going to contribute to my next campaign. Nor will her relatives, nor will her friends. I’m not sure why I cared whether or not she was hungry, but I did, and I do. It’s just part of being human, I guess.

So here is one argument against The Sequester that you’re not hearing elsewhere – it will cause a lot of pain. A lot of hunger, a lot of disease, a lot of death. I understand that this argument is hopelessly unfashionable, and completely contrary to the zeitgeist of fear and hatred that dominates our political discourse. But there it is, nevertheless. I sure see it. Maybe you do, too.


Rep. Alan Grayson
Hey Alan, you overgrown POS...

Have you heard of Base Line Budgeting, you Lying SOB?

You are aware that these cuts are cuts to the rate of growth to these programs, right? You ignorant, stupid Cow Fart.

You are one worthless, lying, POS, aren't you?
Seriously, do you really expect me to believe Grayson speaks French.

Can't you tell by looking at him that Grayson has relatives that were French Canadian? Let us know when you graduate magna cum laude from Harvard Law!
Grayson was born in the Bronx, New York City, New York, to Dorothy Ann (née Sabin) and Daniel Franklin Grayson.[5][6] He graduated from Bronx High School of Science in 1975. Grayson worked his way through Harvard College as a janitor and nightwatchman, and graduated with a Bachelors of Arts summa cum laude degree in economics in 1978.[7][8] After working two years as an economist, he returned to Harvard for graduate studies.[2] In 1983, he earned a Juris Doctor magna cum laude from Harvard Law School and a Masters of Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government. Additionally, he completed the course work and passed the general exams for a PhD in government.[7][9] While in college Grayson was a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society.
Grayson wrote his masters thesis on gerontology and in 1986, he helped found the non-profit Alliance for Aging Research in Washington, D.C., and served as an officer of the organization for more than twenty years.[10]

Alan Grayson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Grayson was born in the Bronx, New York City, New York, to Dorothy Ann (née Sabin) and Daniel Franklin Grayson.[5][6] He graduated from Bronx High School of Science in 1975. Grayson worked his way through Harvard College as a janitor and nightwatchman, and graduated with a Bachelors of Arts summa cum laude degree in economics in 1978.[7][8] After working two years as an economist, he returned to Harvard for graduate studies.[2] In 1983, he earned a Juris Doctor magna cum laude from Harvard Law School and a Masters of Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government. Additionally, he completed the course work and passed the general exams for a PhD in government.[7][9] While in college Grayson was a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society.
Grayson wrote his masters thesis on gerontology and in 1986, he helped found the non-profit Alliance for Aging Research in Washington, D.C., and served as an officer of the organization for more than twenty years.[10]

Alan Grayson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What the hell does he know, right? He's just a part of that conspiratorial, left-wing intelligentsia who would be better off in a FEMA camp.
Hey Alan, you overgrown POS...

Have you heard of Base Line Budgeting, you Lying SOB?

You are aware that these cuts are cuts to the rate of growth to these programs, right? You ignorant, stupid Cow Fart.

You are one worthless, lying, POS, aren't you?

Yeah, I read that same article over at the American Stinker. LOL!
LOL, Intelligent and Grayson doesn't go together

idiot fits more...

that's that respect we expect from liberals
we'll wait for you to earn the title, governor

How quickly the attitude changes depending on the thread title, eh Steph?

I guess we're waiting for you to earn the title of Congressman (more than once and without quitting)
grayson is a good man.

May our government have more like him in the future.

caring about your fellow man never really goes out of style.

Sociopaths are always arround trying to make people feel BAD about caring for others.

Only stupid people allow their party to be run by sociopaths.

Oh yeah Jindal did call the republican party the stupid party huh?
Good piece - good post.
But it takes me back to the days when I was learning to be a lifeguard. The first thing they taught us is how to get out of the grasp of a drowning person. Because if that drowning person drags you down, two die instead of one and you never help anyone again.

"For you have the poor always with you; but me you have not always."
Matthew 26:11

I do have a heart for the poor and the suffering. Unfortunately, even we don't have the resources to help every one of them. And if we bankrupt ourselves trying, we will never help any more in the future.

I don't even like looking at the guy. Instant channel-switch. He's one of those people who will say absolutely anything in any given situation, whether it's intellectually dishonest or an outright lie, and we already have plenty of those folks. And he does it all with that smarmy smile. No thanks.


You should have seen how he won this seat.

After getting throroughly trounced in the last election, he moved to a district in Kissimmee Florida that is mostly hispanic. the seat he wanted has been held by a Hispanic Republican for many years. In the GOP primary, he backed the white inexperienced challenger, bought tons of air time backing him and eventually the challenger beat out the hispanic incumbent. Then he went on a campaign against the guy promoting the fact that the guy has no empathy for the Hispanic Community. It was thoroughly disgusting.
Good piece - good post.
But it takes me back to the days when I was learning to be a lifeguard. The first thing they taught us is how to get out of the grasp of a drowning person. Because if that drowning person drags you down, two die instead of one and you never help anyone again.

"For you have the poor always with you; but me you have not always."
Matthew 26:11

I do have a heart for the poor and the suffering. Unfortunately, even we don't have the resources to help every one of them. And if we bankrupt ourselves trying, we will never help any more in the future.

Ah, but we DO have the resources, we just think having the biggest "toys" is the priority, not helping people.

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