And another scandel for a position surfaces--Romanoff-offered position to drop out.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
This administration and President just can't stop giving the opposition WMD. Here we have another scandel of a position offered to democrat senate candidate Andrew Romanoff of Colorado to drop out of the race against incumbant democrat Senator Michael Bennet--who Obama came out to Colorado--recently to campaign for.

BTW--the Colorado democrat state assembly-on Saturday kicked Bennet to the curb and Romanoff won there by 60%.

WASHINGTON — Not long after news leaked last month that Andrew Romanoff was determined to make a Democratic primary run against Sen. Michael Bennet, Romanoff received an unexpected communication from one of the most powerful men in

Jim Messina, President Barack Obama's deputy chief of staff and a storied fixer in the White House political shop, suggested a place for Romanoff might be found in the administration and offered specific suggestions, according to several sources who described the communication to The Denver Post.

D.C. job alleged as attempt to deter Romanoff - The Denver Post

The corruption and under-handed dealings in this administration are astounding.
Gee, who'd a thunk a Chicago political thug machine like Obama/Rahm would act so, uh, thug-like.

Believe me... Nixon will look like Mr. Rogers by the time these guys are done.
This does nothing more than show Obama's arrogance. He thinks rules don't apply to him. He's thought that way his whole life. Affirmative action mindset throughout his life made him belief his race would excuse him from standard rules.

And that, combined with ho-hum Chicago thugocracy, gives us this. I predict 15 years from now, we'll be reading 1,000 page books revealing all the corruption involved in this administration.

Is that any different than most? Not really. But didn't he promise "change"? And if I counted right, about 150 million lunatic lefties bought it. HA! And they claim to be smarter than us dumb redneck Tea Pary folks, right? So gullable. Well, we told ya so.
I'm surprised that Owe Bama doesn't have Mayor Daily from Chicago up there running his White House. Owe Bama may be the President but Daily is the Mayor of Chicago. Both are crooks but Chicago has a better ball team than the White House and compared to Daily, Owe Bama is just a rookie political hack.
You know what? We need a sticky post on Title 18.

No kidding--these liberals can't seem to read

so here is 18 for the zillionth time---:lol::lol:

Whoever, directly or indirectly, promises any employment,
position, compensation, contract, appointment, or other benefit,
provided for or made possible in whole or in part by any Act of
Congress, or any special consideration in obtaining any such
benefit, to any person as consideration, favor, or reward for any
political activity or for the support of or opposition to any
candidate or any political party in connection with any general or
special election to any political office, or in connection with any
primary election or political convention or caucus held to select
candidates for any political office, shall be fined under this
title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

18 U.S.C. § 600 : US Code - Section 600: Promise of employment or other benefit for political activity

There are also 3 or 4 other FEDERAL LAWS that address this same issue. This guy makes Nixon look like the most above board President ever--LOL.
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Gee, who'd a thunk a Chicago political thug machine like Obama/Rahm would act so, uh, thug-like.

Believe me... Nixon will look like Mr. Rogers by the time these guys are done.

Well, at least we know how to get one of those top paying taxpayer funded D.C. jobs now. Turn your party status to democrat--and then announce your campaign against a democrat incumbant---:lol:
Their auto-response will be "thats just politics". If so, let me ask:

- Then what happened to hope and change and a new way of doing things?

- If so, is he so incompetent and inexperienced that he's getting caught breaking the law, albeit typical political stuff? And we're supposed to trust him making decisions with our money, Iran, N. Korea, the border, etc? What a buffoon.
Gee, who'd a thunk a Chicago political thug machine like Obama/Rahm would act so, uh, thug-like.

Believe me... Nixon will look like Mr. Rogers by the time these guys are done.

Well, at least we know how to get one of those top paying taxpayer funded D.C. jobs now. Turn your party status to democrat--and then announce your campaign against a democrat incumbant---:lol:

It makes me wonder..........if he's offering that to simple political party allies...........what is he offering North Korea, Iran, etc, to stop troubling his agenda???????
Gee, who'd a thunk a Chicago political thug machine like Obama/Rahm would act so, uh, thug-like.

Believe me... Nixon will look like Mr. Rogers by the time these guys are done.

Well, at least we know how to get one of those top paying taxpayer funded D.C. jobs now. Turn your party status to democrat--and then announce your campaign against a democrat incumbant---:lol:

It makes me wonder..........if he's offering that to simple political party allies...........what is he offering North Korea, Iran, etc, to stop troubling his agenda???????

Probably a cabinet seat---:lol::lol:
another one?

alright, one you can blow off as maybe not happening. but two? What are the chances that they are both lying?

Ive heard some speculation that Obama is going to toss Rahm under the bus because of this.
another one?

alright, one you can blow off as maybe not happening. but two? What are the chances that they are both lying?

Ive heard some speculation that Obama is going to toss Rahm under the bus because of this.

HAH!!!! Rahm has more chutzpah than Obama could ever muster... Obama will go down before Rahm. Even Carville is turning on Obama.
another one?

alright, one you can blow off as maybe not happening. but two? What are the chances that they are both lying?

Ive heard some speculation that Obama is going to toss Rahm under the bus because of this.

That is indeed the word being bantered about most recently.

And to those in here who have said watch for the Clintons to make a move on a 2012 presidential bid - I have always dismissed such claims as not likely.

Then it was pointed out to me this afternoon by a longtime politico that with James Carville being so openly aggressive against Obama this past weekend, he may be laying out some preliminary groundwork for that possible run. Carville does nothing so blatant without premeditation, and it makes sense that he is in fact doing just that.


And now more Democrats coming forward with allegations of the Obama White House trying to buy off potential candidates? This White House is in big-big trouble folks...

Job "never offered"

The White House said that no job was ever offered to Romanoff and that it would be wrong to suggest administration officials tried to buy him out of the contest.

"Mr. Romanoff was never offered a position within the administration," said White House spokesman Adam Abrams.

Yet several top Colorado Democrats described Messina's outreach to Romanoff to The Post, including the discussion of specific jobs in the administration. They asked for anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject.

D.C. job alleged as attempt to deter Romanoff - The Denver Post
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Wow...we are seeing a clear pattern developing here. Looks like this administration will stoop to any level including illegal activity to maintain their hold on power.
Gee, who'd a thunk a Chicago political thug machine like Obama/Rahm would act so, uh, thug-like.

Believe me... Nixon will look like Mr. Rogers by the time these guys are done.

The American people were warned long ago. Hillary Clinton looks like Mother Teresa with a set of brass balls at this point.
Gee, who'd a thunk a Chicago political thug machine like Obama/Rahm would act so, uh, thug-like.

Believe me... Nixon will look like Mr. Rogers by the time these guys are done.

The American people were warned long ago. Hillary Clinton looks like Mother Teresa with a set of brass balls at this point.

Yep--even Richard Nixon isn't looking so bad about right now---a break-in at a democrat campaign office--pales in comparison to this.--:lol::lol: I have never witnessed this much corruption and back room deals in my over 50 years.

REMEMBER--that speech a couple of week ago from Obama--about how we're "paying" too much attention to news sources.

Kind of makes me wonder if he already knew that these news items were going to break--:cuckoo::cuckoo:
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Gee, who'd a thunk a Chicago political thug machine like Obama/Rahm would act so, uh, thug-like.

Believe me... Nixon will look like Mr. Rogers by the time these guys are done.

The American people were warned long ago. Hillary Clinton looks like Mother Teresa with a set of brass balls at this point.

Yep--even Richard Nixon isn't looking so bad about right now---a break-in at a democrat campaign office--pales in comparison to this.--:lol::lol: I have never witnessed this much corruption and back room deals in my over 50 years.

REMEMBER--that speech a couple of week ago from Obama--about how we're "paying" too much attention to news sources.

Kind of makes me wonder if he already knew that these news items were going to break--:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Damn those X-Boxes!!!!!!!!!
The American people were warned long ago. Hillary Clinton looks like Mother Teresa with a set of brass balls at this point.

Yep--even Richard Nixon isn't looking so bad about right now---a break-in at a democrat campaign office--pales in comparison to this.--:lol::lol: I have never witnessed this much corruption and back room deals in my over 50 years.

REMEMBER--that speech a couple of week ago from Obama--about how we're "paying" too much attention to news sources.

Kind of makes me wonder if he already knew that these news items were going to break--:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Damn those X-Boxes!!!!!!!!!

I live in Colorado--and our incumbent senator whom we refer to as the "accidential senator"--:lol::lol: voted for the health care bill knowing full well that the majority in this state did not approve of it. I think he was promised something for his vote on this--I think he was promised in advance of his vote--that he would not have any democrat opposition in this years primary. I think Arlen Spector was promised the same thing--for him to switch party status--in which he belonged in the Republican party for decades.

(The just get rid of any contenders by offering them a position in Washington D.C. policy)

Here is Michael Bennet's statement on CNN--stating to hell with what his constituents want he's going to vote for the health care bill anyway--and as we see in both cases the contender won anyway.

[ame=]YouTube - Michael Bennet: The Views of Colorado Voters Do Not Matter[/ame]
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