Analyzing A Practical Minimum Wage

New inventions actually kill established business, and take money out of the pockets of workers.

Oh.My. God.
well we could ban all new inventions to help the economy grow. I think its worth a try! Its a Nobel Prize winning idea for sure!!
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New inventions that everyone can afford in just last 8 years!!

Except that everyone can't afford them. Fewer and fewer people can afford them. $10 billion movies? Yet my theaters are seeing fewer and fewer customers every year, for one simple reason. Fewer and fewer people can afford to come out to see a show. I am routinely seeing matinees now that have a higher head count than a Friday night premiere. That is just insane.

New inventions actually kill established business, and take money out of the pockets of workers.

My. God.

well we could ban all new inventions to help the economy grow. I think its worth a try! Its a Nobel Prize winning idea for sure!!
we could ban all new inventions to help the economy grow. I think its worth a try! Its a Nobel Prize winning idea for sure!!
He just wants to live in a tent at the commune and smell all the other nasty butts.

he's a totally confused fool who thinks he can reinvent economics all by himself. He's not at square one but thinks he's a genius.
New inventions that everyone can afford in just last 8 years!!

Except that everyone can't afford them. Fewer and fewer people can afford them. $10 billion movies? Yet my theaters are seeing fewer and fewer customers every year, for one simple reason. Fewer and fewer people can afford to come out to see a show. I am routinely seeing matinees now that have a higher head count than a Friday night premiere. That is just insane.
Bullshit. Fewer people go the the ripoff theaters because they can watch it on their big ass LCDs and surround sound AV receivers with Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu Plus, DirecTV, Dish, Cable, Blueray, etc.
Yeah. We're nearing critical mass. Flameout imminent.
Bullshit. Fewer people go the the ripoff theaters because they can watch it on their big ass LCDs and surround sound AV receivers with Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu Plus, DirecTV, Dish, Cable, Blueray, etc.

Ripoff? Where do you think the studios get the money to make those billion dollar movies? It ain't from Netflix.
Bullshit. Fewer people go the the ripoff theaters because they can watch it on their big ass LCDs and surround sound AV receivers with Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu Plus, DirecTV, Dish, Cable, Blueray, etc.

Ripoff? Where do you think the studios get the money to make those billion dollar movies? It ain't from Netflix.
They don't get them for free. But if people are footing the bill it does sort of counter your argument doesn't it? Fact is, movies go the alternative route quicker these days, you can watch many movies less than a year old at home now. Most adults can wait.
Wow. Textbook sociopath.

I thought I made it clear, but I'll say it again. I don't give a shit what you pay your hypothetical employees. You're the one who thinks it's a moral issue. Yet you refuse to follow your own morals unless someone "makes" you. That some sick shit.

I never said it was a moral issue. I am not supporting a wage hike out of some altruistic hippie fest notion of fairness. I support a drastic wage hike because I need more customers, spending more money. My profits are down because fewer and fewer people can afford to go out to the movies, go out for a weekend drive, go out to dinner.


You're a total fuck-nut.
Bullshit. Fewer people go the the ripoff theaters because they can watch it on their big ass LCDs and surround sound AV receivers with Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu Plus, DirecTV, Dish, Cable, Blueray, etc.

Ripoff? Where do you think the studios get the money to make those billion dollar movies? It ain't from Netflix.
They don't get them for free. But if people are footing the bill it does sort of counter your argument doesn't it? Fact is, movies go the alternative route quicker these days, you can watch many movies less than a year old at home now. Most adults can wait.

That doesn't change the fact that the studios get paid from the theater box office. The theaters themselves get only a small percentage of ticket sales.
Greedy unions are the cause of most economic blight in the US.

Oh sure. Except the historical data shows the exact opposite. I am not a big union supporter myself. Not only because I am a business owner but more because unions are often corrupt and add a lot of red tape and cost. But the fact remains that our economy was strongest, the middle class was strongest, when unions were also at their strongest.
Greedy unions are the cause of most economic blight in the US.

Oh sure. Except the historical data shows the exact opposite. I am not a big union supporter myself. Not only because I am a business owner but more because unions are often corrupt and add a lot of red tape and cost. But the fact remains that our economy was strongest, the middle class was strongest, when unions were also at their strongest.

too stupid !! unions were strongest after WW2 when we had bombed all the competition. The Japs were shipping us cars by 1975 and we had to be competitive to survive. That meant out with the lib nazi unions.
the middle class was strongest, when unions were also at their strongest.


Even Henry Ford was smart enough to know that he had to pay his workers enough to afford the product they were building. Union or no union.

100% stupid as always. You think Harvard and Yale MBA's running big companies didn't think of that simple strategy, and they need you to suggest it??
Even Henry Ford was smart enough to know that he had to pay his workers enough to afford the product they were building. Union or no union.

100% stupid as always. You think Harvard and Yale MBA's running big companies didn't think of that simple strategy, and they need you to suggest it??[/QUOTE]

Jack, you have the self-assurance and veracity of a Nazi!
the middle class was strongest, when unions were also at their strongest.


Even Henry Ford was smart enough to know that he had to pay his workers enough to afford the product they were building. Union or no union.

For Ford didn’t raise wages so that his workers could afford his cars. What actually happened is that he hired and then lost some 52,000 workers a year in order to have a stable workforce of 14,000. This obviously had vast costs in trying to hire and then train all of these workers: as well as the costs when they walked off the assembly line disrupting production. The doubling of wages to $5 a day reduced those costs by more than the extra pay cost him. Which is why he did it.

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