Analysis of Benghazi: Right Wing World Spin & Distortions

Analysis of Benghazi: Right Wing World Spin & Distortions

The Washington Times pretends to analyze fairly and with balance, the GOP obsession with Benghazi

The GOP promises 'bombshells' and promises to 'expose' things that have supposedly been 'suppressed'. GOP members are 'shocked' (ever watch FOX News commentators who are 'shocked' on a daily basis?) by 'press reports' (from FOX?) about 'whistleblowers' 'intimidation' and possible 'coverups' ---

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, has promised bombshells at the hearing, which he says will “expose new facts and details that the Obama administration has tried to suppress.”

“I strongly urge the Senate to hold new hearings on Benghazi” ...He added that he was “shocked” by press reports that survivors of the attack or other whistleblowers might have been intimidated...

Mr. Issa has publicly accused the State Department of trying to muzzle potential Benghazi witnesses...leading to speculation that his hearing will feature testimony from one or more whistleblowers.

Lawyers Joseph diGenova and Victoria Toensing, who say they are trying to represent Benghazi witnesses who want to testify publicly about what they know...Mr. diGenova said on Fox News that the hurdles he faced amounted to a “cover-up” and that the Accountability Review Board failed to interview key witnesses for its report, starting with Mrs. Clinton.

--- the Washington Times prints this shit and then covers itself with something most of Right Wing World will magically glide over without really absorbing...

[The accountability review board “interviewed everyone that was there who played a role in the events such that their account was needed to answer the questions they had,” said the source familiar with the review, speaking on the condition of anonymity."

...the person familiar with the investigation by the accountability review board, which published a 40-page report last year, insisted that the board already interviewed 100 witnesses, including all the CIA and State Department personnel involved in the defense of the diplomatic post and of the secret CIA base known as the annex a few miles away.

They also had access to transcripts of all the FBI interviews of those and other witnesses.

“The unclassified report is the best account of the events as they unfolded,” he said, adding that, although the inquiry also issued a longer classified report, its conclusions were the same.

The classified version “amplifies and extends the account the Board gave [in the published version] but doesn’t in any way change the conclusions it came to,” said the person, who had access to both versions.]

Benghazi investigations included CIA activities; personnel had secret base in Libyan city - Washington Times

What is wrong with this picture? Is the Washington Times reporting/spinning anything new, anything that was previously unknown?


Hard to tell about distortions since the administration has been in cover up mode since last September and threatening potential witnesses. What is the left's defense? Benghazi was "a long time ago"? They are still talking about Watergate for God's sake.

Did you just prove one of Dante's points about right wing world? :clap2:

thank you whitehall, thank you:cool:
Analysis of Benghazi: Right Wing World Spin & Distortions

The Washington Times pretends to analyze fairly and with balance, the GOP obsession with Benghazi

The GOP promises 'bombshells' and promises to 'expose' things that have supposedly been 'suppressed'. GOP members are 'shocked' (ever watch FOX News commentators who are 'shocked' on a daily basis?) by 'press reports' (from FOX?) about 'whistleblowers' 'intimidation' and possible 'coverups' ---

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, has promised bombshells at the hearing, which he says will “expose new facts and details that the Obama administration has tried to suppress.”

“I strongly urge the Senate to hold new hearings on Benghazi” ...He added that he was “shocked” by press reports that survivors of the attack or other whistleblowers might have been intimidated...

Mr. Issa has publicly accused the State Department of trying to muzzle potential Benghazi witnesses...leading to speculation that his hearing will feature testimony from one or more whistleblowers.

Lawyers Joseph diGenova and Victoria Toensing, who say they are trying to represent Benghazi witnesses who want to testify publicly about what they know...Mr. diGenova said on Fox News that the hurdles he faced amounted to a “cover-up” and that the Accountability Review Board failed to interview key witnesses for its report, starting with Mrs. Clinton.

--- the Washington Times prints this shit and then covers itself with something most of Right Wing World will magically glide over without really absorbing...

[The accountability review board “interviewed everyone that was there who played a role in the events such that their account was needed to answer the questions they had,” said the source familiar with the review, speaking on the condition of anonymity."

...the person familiar with the investigation by the accountability review board, which published a 40-page report last year, insisted that the board already interviewed 100 witnesses, including all the CIA and State Department personnel involved in the defense of the diplomatic post and of the secret CIA base known as the annex a few miles away.

They also had access to transcripts of all the FBI interviews of those and other witnesses.

“The unclassified report is the best account of the events as they unfolded,” he said, adding that, although the inquiry also issued a longer classified report, its conclusions were the same.

The classified version “amplifies and extends the account the Board gave [in the published version] but doesn’t in any way change the conclusions it came to,” said the person, who had access to both versions.]

Benghazi investigations included CIA activities; personnel had secret base in Libyan city - Washington Times

What is wrong with this picture? Is the Washington Times reporting/spinning anything new, anything that was previously unknown?


The 'Accountability Review Board" didn't even interview Hillary Clinton, so the claim that it interviewed everyone involved is specious on its face. The person who gave this assessment of the ARB's performance declines even to be named, so it has about as much credibility as Obama's campaign promises.

psst, Hillary Clinton wasn't in Benghazi. :eek: The article in the Right Wing World Newspaper is specifically about the people directly involved. You neither addressed the right wing whacko actions and accusations or the fact that it is a right wing source.

thank you for helping Dante prove a few points :clap2:
Analysis of Benghazi: Right Wing World Spin & Distortions

The Washington Times pretends to analyze fairly and with balance, the GOP obsession with Benghazi

The GOP promises 'bombshells' and promises to 'expose' things that have supposedly been 'suppressed'. GOP members are 'shocked' (ever watch FOX News commentators who are 'shocked' on a daily basis?) by 'press reports' (from FOX?) about 'whistleblowers' 'intimidation' and possible 'coverups' ---

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, has promised bombshells at the hearing, which he says will “expose new facts and details that the Obama administration has tried to suppress.”

“I strongly urge the Senate to hold new hearings on Benghazi” ...He added that he was “shocked” by press reports that survivors of the attack or other whistleblowers might have been intimidated...

Mr. Issa has publicly accused the State Department of trying to muzzle potential Benghazi witnesses...leading to speculation that his hearing will feature testimony from one or more whistleblowers.

Lawyers Joseph diGenova and Victoria Toensing, who say they are trying to represent Benghazi witnesses who want to testify publicly about what they know...Mr. diGenova said on Fox News that the hurdles he faced amounted to a “cover-up” and that the Accountability Review Board failed to interview key witnesses for its report, starting with Mrs. Clinton.
--- the Washington Times prints this shit and then covers itself with something most of Right Wing World will magically glide over without really absorbing...

[The accountability review board “interviewed everyone that was there who played a role in the events such that their account was needed to answer the questions they had,” said the source familiar with the review, speaking on the condition of anonymity."

...the person familiar with the investigation by the accountability review board, which published a 40-page report last year, insisted that the board already interviewed 100 witnesses, including all the CIA and State Department personnel involved in the defense of the diplomatic post and of the secret CIA base known as the annex a few miles away.

They also had access to transcripts of all the FBI interviews of those and other witnesses.

“The unclassified report is the best account of the events as they unfolded,” he said, adding that, although the inquiry also issued a longer classified report, its conclusions were the same.

The classified version “amplifies and extends the account the Board gave [in the published version] but doesn’t in any way change the conclusions it came to,” said the person, who had access to both versions.]

Benghazi investigations included CIA activities; personnel had secret base in Libyan city - Washington Times

What is wrong with this picture? Is the Washington Times reporting/spinning anything new, anything that was previously unknown?


I wonder how many people said the same thing about Watergate in the months between the break in and Nixon's resignation.
The 'Accountability Review Board" didn't even interview Hillary Clinton, so the claim that it interviewed everyone involved is specious on its face. The person who gave this assessment of the ARB's performance declines even to be named, so it has about as much credibility as Obama's campaign promises.

psst, Hillary Clinton wasn't in Benghazi. :eek: The article in the Right Wing World Newspaper is specifically about the people directly involved. You neither addressed the right wing whacko actions and accusations or the fact that it is a right wing source.

thank you for helping Dante prove a few points :clap2:

Only a king-sized moron would try to argue that Hillary Clinton wasn't involved with Benghazi. She's the boss of the state department, for god's sake. The day after she gave a press conference so she could pin the blame on some youTube video.

I've met 5-year-olds who have better logic skills than you.
What really happened in Benghazi has been stonewalled by this Administration from day one for political reasons. Anyone who thinks differently is wearing partisan blinders.

Four Americans are dead because of incompetence by Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama.
And making the claim that what happened in Benghazi doesn't matter because it's in the past is ludicrous. There was a deliberate cover-up. The American people were lied to by high level members of this Administration.
Analysis of Benghazi: Right Wing World Spin & Distortions

The Washington Times pretends to analyze fairly and with balance, the GOP obsession with Benghazi

The GOP promises 'bombshells' and promises to 'expose' things that have supposedly been 'suppressed'. GOP members are 'shocked' (ever watch FOX News commentators who are 'shocked' on a daily basis?) by 'press reports' (from FOX?) about 'whistleblowers' 'intimidation' and possible 'coverups' ---

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, has promised bombshells at the hearing, which he says will “expose new facts and details that the Obama administration has tried to suppress.”

“I strongly urge the Senate to hold new hearings on Benghazi” ...He added that he was “shocked” by press reports that survivors of the attack or other whistleblowers might have been intimidated...

Mr. Issa has publicly accused the State Department of trying to muzzle potential Benghazi witnesses...leading to speculation that his hearing will feature testimony from one or more whistleblowers.

Lawyers Joseph diGenova and Victoria Toensing, who say they are trying to represent Benghazi witnesses who want to testify publicly about what they know...Mr. diGenova said on Fox News that the hurdles he faced amounted to a “cover-up” and that the Accountability Review Board failed to interview key witnesses for its report, starting with Mrs. Clinton.
--- the Washington Times prints this shit and then covers itself with something most of Right Wing World will magically glide over without really absorbing...

[The accountability review board “interviewed everyone that was there who played a role in the events such that their account was needed to answer the questions they had,” said the source familiar with the review, speaking on the condition of anonymity."

...the person familiar with the investigation by the accountability review board, which published a 40-page report last year, insisted that the board already interviewed 100 witnesses, including all the CIA and State Department personnel involved in the defense of the diplomatic post and of the secret CIA base known as the annex a few miles away.

They also had access to transcripts of all the FBI interviews of those and other witnesses.

“The unclassified report is the best account of the events as they unfolded,” he said, adding that, although the inquiry also issued a longer classified report, its conclusions were the same.

The classified version “amplifies and extends the account the Board gave [in the published version] but doesn’t in any way change the conclusions it came to,” said the person, who had access to both versions.]

Benghazi investigations included CIA activities; personnel had secret base in Libyan city - Washington Times

What is wrong with this picture? Is the Washington Times reporting/spinning anything new, anything that was previously unknown?


I wonder how many people said the same thing about Watergate in the months between the break in and Nixon's resignation.

Months? It was 2 fucking years! Watergate and the coverup was about a criminal enterprise being run out of the White House and CREEP (the Committee to Reelect the President). Only partisan Right Wing World :cuckko:'s would compare anything here to Watergate :cuckoo:
The 'Accountability Review Board" didn't even interview Hillary Clinton, so the claim that it interviewed everyone involved is specious on its face. The person who gave this assessment of the ARB's performance declines even to be named, so it has about as much credibility as Obama's campaign promises.

psst, Hillary Clinton wasn't in Benghazi. :eek: The article in the Right Wing World Newspaper is specifically about the people directly involved. You neither addressed the right wing whacko actions and accusations or the fact that it is a right wing source.

thank you for helping Dante prove a few points :clap2:

Only a king-sized moron would try to argue that Hillary Clinton wasn't involved with Benghazi. She's the boss of the state department, for god's sake. The day after she gave a press conference so she could pin the blame on some youTube video.

I've met 5-year-olds who have better logic skills than you.

You found out Hillary, Barack and Bill and their Islamic radical allies were behind the riots and killings? :eusa_shhh:
Analysis of Benghazi: Right Wing World Spin & Distortions

The Washington Times pretends to analyze fairly and with balance, the GOP obsession with Benghazi

The GOP promises 'bombshells' and promises to 'expose' things that have supposedly been 'suppressed'. GOP members are 'shocked' (ever watch FOX News commentators who are 'shocked' on a daily basis?) by 'press reports' (from FOX?) about 'whistleblowers' 'intimidation' and possible 'coverups' ---

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, has promised bombshells at the hearing, which he says will “expose new facts and details that the Obama administration has tried to suppress.”

“I strongly urge the Senate to hold new hearings on Benghazi” ...He added that he was “shocked” by press reports that survivors of the attack or other whistleblowers might have been intimidated...

Mr. Issa has publicly accused the State Department of trying to muzzle potential Benghazi witnesses...leading to speculation that his hearing will feature testimony from one or more whistleblowers.

Lawyers Joseph diGenova and Victoria Toensing, who say they are trying to represent Benghazi witnesses who want to testify publicly about what they know...Mr. diGenova said on Fox News that the hurdles he faced amounted to a “cover-up” and that the Accountability Review Board failed to interview key witnesses for its report, starting with Mrs. Clinton.

--- the Washington Times prints this shit and then covers itself with something most of Right Wing World will magically glide over without really absorbing...

[The accountability review board “interviewed everyone that was there who played a role in the events such that their account was needed to answer the questions they had,” said the source familiar with the review, speaking on the condition of anonymity."

...the person familiar with the investigation by the accountability review board, which published a 40-page report last year, insisted that the board already interviewed 100 witnesses, including all the CIA and State Department personnel involved in the defense of the diplomatic post and of the secret CIA base known as the annex a few miles away.

They also had access to transcripts of all the FBI interviews of those and other witnesses.

“The unclassified report is the best account of the events as they unfolded,” he said, adding that, although the inquiry also issued a longer classified report, its conclusions were the same.

The classified version “amplifies and extends the account the Board gave [in the published version] but doesn’t in any way change the conclusions it came to,” said the person, who had access to both versions.]

Benghazi investigations included CIA activities; personnel had secret base in Libyan city - Washington Times

What is wrong with this picture? Is the Washington Times reporting/spinning anything new, anything that was previously unknown?


Oh? When I want to see deceptive reporting and political gamesmanship I turn to MSNBC the new mantle carriers for the Goebbals propaganda method. Unfortunately for them they get caught all too frequently. I guess they aren't as smart as that scumbag was. And don't even bother to try and pull that Godwins law BS. When it's true, it's true and MSNBC does Goebbals proud....sort of...

Below are two of many...

MSNBC Forced to Apologize After Egregiously Taking Quotes Out of Context for Gun Control Segment

MSNBC Caught Selectively Editing Another Clip ? This Time of Sandy Hook Victim?s Father | Video |
Dead Americans = bumps in the road

Boston Bombing is so long ago already who cares?

What difference does it make?

Obama, clean, articulate, historic!!!

There were MORE "Bumps in the road" during the Bush administration. ALOT more.

Not a peep from you folks. Except to rally the troops to make ALOT of foreign people around the world that had nothing to do with those "Bumps in the road"..
Why are the lefties bitchin so much about wanting the truth of what happened?
Are they afraid it will damage Hilary's chances for the WH..
Why are the lefties bitchin so much about wanting the truth of what happened?
Are they afraid it will damage Hilary's chances for the WH..

It IS kind of amazing isn't it? I mean what the hell, the ambassador is the first since Jimmy Carter to be killed and the left is like "ho!"

Their desire to NOT KNOW how this happened is quite startling. Reminds me of the Germans who just really didn't want to know what was going on in those work camps over there.....
We got all that is there. You right wing nuts want something that is never going to be there no matter how many "hearings" we have. You cannot hang Obama, Hillary or Holder. So go on to trying to fabricate another non-story.
We got all that is there. You right wing nuts want something that is never going to be there no matter how many "hearings" we have. You cannot hang Obama, Hillary or Holder. So go on to trying to fabricate another non-story.

I'm a left-wing nut deary and what you just said is horse poop. We know very little of what occurred.

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