An Unbiased Poll With obama DOWN... BIG...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
I've belonged to a polling site called YouGov for a few years now. They send me a poll about once a week and the polls will cover just about anything political to social to commercial. About two months ago they started a page for a personal profile and for all the YouGov members to interact and give personal ratings and opinions of any and all public and political figures. I would say that YouGov is as good of a NON BIASED, cross section of America as one can get, so the results of this page are not tainted by an agenda. It is simply the members of YouGov freely giving their opinion, and oh what an opinion it is. It has obama down by don't like and really don't likes, to like and really likes by 5274 to 3219. That's getting close to a TWO TO ONE MARGIN AGAINST obama. I think it's safe to say that yes, obama will lose the election in November. The only question left is how bad will he get his ass kicked?

I've belonged to a polling site called YouGov for a few years now. They send me a poll about once a week and the polls will cover just about anything political to social to commercial. About two months ago they started a page for a personal profile and for all the YouGov members to interact and give personal ratings and opinions of any and all public and political figures. I would say that YouGov is as good of a NON BIASED, cross section of America as one can get, so the results of this page are not tainted by an agenda. It is simply the members of YouGov freely giving their opinion, and oh what an opinion it is. It has obama down by don't like and really don't likes, to like and really likes by 5274 to 3219. That's getting close to a TWO TO ONE MARGIN AGAINST obama. I think it's safe to say that yes, obama will lose the election in November. The only question left is how bad will he get his ass kicked?


Nice to see that unscientific polls that we all know are absolutely meaningless outweigh legitimate polls from professional polling organizations who have been doing this for years, in your mind that is. The worst thing about forums like this one is that it attracts so many lunatics.
I've belonged to a polling site called YouGov for a few years now. They send me a poll about once a week and the polls will cover just about anything political to social to commercial. About two months ago they started a page for a personal profile and for all the YouGov members to interact and give personal ratings and opinions of any and all public and political figures. I would say that YouGov is as good of a NON BIASED, cross section of America as one can get, so the results of this page are not tainted by an agenda. It is simply the members of YouGov freely giving their opinion, and oh what an opinion it is. It has obama down by don't like and really don't likes, to like and really likes by 5274 to 3219. That's getting close to a TWO TO ONE MARGIN AGAINST obama. I think it's safe to say that yes, obama will lose the election in November. The only question left is how bad will he get his ass kicked?


Nice to see that unscientific polls that we all know are absolutely meaningless outweigh legitimate polls from professional polling organizations who have been doing this for years, in your mind that is. The worst thing about forums like this one is that it attracts so many lunatics.
Blah, blah, blah... spin, spin, spin... no, sorry, it's a random selection of people across America, and it shows obama's popularity in the TOILET.

You libroids KNOW it is too, you just can't bring yourselves to admit it. That's OK, because us conservatives know you're all a bunch of mindless damn hacks anyway.
Look at just about any news story on ANY website that has some form of "comments" section at the bottom of the page after the story, and you will ALSO see that the comments left AGAINST obama run about TEN TO ONE AGAINST.

Anyone at this point that thinks obama has a snowballs chance in HELL of being reelected is just lying to themselves, pure and simple. Thank God the majority of people that were DUPED by the lying fuck the first time around have wised up.
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I've belonged to a polling site called YouGov for a few years now. They send me a poll about once a week and the polls will cover just about anything political to social to commercial. About two months ago they started a page for a personal profile and for all the YouGov members to interact and give personal ratings and opinions of any and all public and political figures. I would say that YouGov is as good of a NON BIASED, cross section of America as one can get, so the results of this page are not tainted by an agenda. It is simply the members of YouGov freely giving their opinion, and oh what an opinion it is. It has obama down by don't like and really don't likes, to like and really likes by 5274 to 3219. That's getting close to a TWO TO ONE MARGIN AGAINST obama. I think it's safe to say that yes, obama will lose the election in November. The only question left is how bad will he get his ass kicked?


So....62% against?

And he won in '08 a 4% swing and he's gone like a cool breeze.
I've belonged to a polling site called YouGov for a few years now. They send me a poll about once a week and the polls will cover just about anything political to social to commercial. About two months ago they started a page for a personal profile and for all the YouGov members to interact and give personal ratings and opinions of any and all public and political figures. I would say that YouGov is as good of a NON BIASED, cross section of America as one can get, so the results of this page are not tainted by an agenda. It is simply the members of YouGov freely giving their opinion, and oh what an opinion it is. It has obama down by don't like and really don't likes, to like and really likes by 5274 to 3219. That's getting close to a TWO TO ONE MARGIN AGAINST obama. I think it's safe to say that yes, obama will lose the election in November. The only question left is how bad will he get his ass kicked?


Nice to see that unscientific polls that we all know are absolutely meaningless outweigh legitimate polls from professional polling organizations who have been doing this for years, in your mind that is. The worst thing about forums like this one is that it attracts so many lunatics.

First of all YOU provide NO supporting or substantiating data or sourcing as the OP did!
Therefore YOU automatically are suspect as being IGNORANT especially regarding polling!

Second.. Explain how CBS/USATODAY poll that has (and I usually go to their sampling methodology) can NOT be biased when this occurs:
CBS News State of the Union Poll - CBS News

The above CBS poll of 659 people.

44% or 290 were Democrats almost 43% more Democrats were asked then GOP!
31% or 204 were Independent
25% or 165 were GOP

Now of the 204 Independents how many leaned more Democrat the GOP???

Almost two-thirds of those who call themselves independent lean to either the Democratic or Republican Party.
This leaves no more than one in five American voters completely unattached to a party.

Independent Lean Democrat 17%
Independent Lean GOP 13%
Strong Democrat 18%
Not strong Democrat 12%
Independent, lean Democrat 17%
Independent, not lean 20%
Independent, lean Republican 13%
Not strong Republican 8%
Strong Republican 13%
Independent Does Not Mean Nonpartisan Or Non-Ideological | NDN

Conclusions then IF 47% of the Independents LEAN or are STrong democrat
AND if 34% lean or are strong GOP...

The CBS poll therefore had 44% Democrats..
The CBS poll had at least 13% of Independents that lean or strong Democrats or
an additional 27 Independents LEANING DEMOCRAT..
That meant in this ONE CBS POLL there were
317 of the people polled that leaned or were Democrats.. or ONLY 138 of 659 polled
were GOP!

As a result.. BIASED reporting of a POLL by supposedly "Objective" MSM!!!
Without a break down of the sample it's irrelevant.

The sample is random. It's America.

Sorry the news is bad for your little boi king messiah anti American shit stain.

I'm not an Obama supporter you stupid fuck. What I am is an intelligent, educated person, unlike yourself. Your "poll" doesn't prove dick without a scientific sample. If you seriously believe that Obama is losing to Romney two to one, then do us all a favor and pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow.
Without a break down of the sample it's irrelevant.

The sample is random. It's America.

Sorry the news is bad for your little boi king messiah anti American shit stain.

I'm not an Obama supporter you stupid fuck. What I am is an intelligent, educated person, unlike yourself. Your "poll" doesn't prove dick without a scientific sample. If you seriously believe that Obama is losing to Romney two to one, then do us all a favor and pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow.

No, you're getting all BENT doesn't prove DICK. The poll is unbiased and indicative to the opinions of an average cross section of America.

Deal with it moron.
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Without a break down of the sample it's irrelevant.

The sample is random. It's America.

Sorry the news is bad for your little boi king messiah anti American shit stain.

I'm not an Obama supporter you stupid fuck. What I am is an intelligent, educated person, unlike yourself. Your "poll" doesn't prove dick without a scientific sample. If you seriously believe that Obama is losing to Romney two to one, then do us all a favor and pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow.

DID you read the BIASED CBS/USATODAY poll I quoted?
Do you KNOW anything about sampling, statistics, standard deviations, any semblance of some common sense?

Plus I never believe anyone's OPINION especially when totally unsubstantiated, hyperbolic and hysterical in nature... like your comment!
Obama is going to lose a landslide just like Carter did to Reagan. He knows it, the party knows it, and the liberal hacks here know it.

No president has ever been re-elected with unemployment above 7%. Obama has never been below 8%. Game Over.
Without a break down of the sample it's irrelevant.

The sample is random. It's America.

Sorry the news is bad for your little boi king messiah anti American shit stain.

I'm not an Obama supporter you stupid fuck. What I am is an intelligent, educated person, unlike yourself. Your "poll" doesn't prove dick without a scientific sample. If you seriously believe that Obama is losing to Romney two to one, then do us all a favor and pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow.

You are one seriously ignorant mother fucker if you think there is anything "scientific" about the "professional" poll. The people who run them are PAID to run them stupid. And thus, have an agenda to get the exact numbers their employers want... This random poll of Americans is exponentially more accurate than anything that the Obama team, Geoerge Soros, or the Huffington Post are putting out...
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The sample is random. It's America.

Sorry the news is bad for your little boi king messiah anti American shit stain.

I'm not an Obama supporter you stupid fuck. What I am is an intelligent, educated person, unlike yourself. Your "poll" doesn't prove dick without a scientific sample. If you seriously believe that Obama is losing to Romney two to one, then do us all a favor and pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow.

You are one seriously ignorant mother fucker if you think there is anything "scientific" about the "professional" poll. The people who run them are PAID to run them stupid. And thus, have an agenda to get the exact numbers their employers want... This random poll of Americans is exponentially more accurate than anything that the Obama team, Geoerge Soros, or the Huffington Post are putting out...

LMAO!!!!!! :rofl::rofl: Better than the Sunday funnies.

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