An obama 'Success Story'


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
White House calls Yemen model for ISIS fight as security deteriorates Fox News

The White House insisted Monday that the U.S. counterterrorism strategy in Yemen is a model for the fight against the Islamic State

Yeah, this is what passes for success to dimocraps.....

BREAKING: U.S Evacuating 100 Special Forces From Yemen As Situation There Deteriorates"

Yemen: Bombs kill 137 at mosques; ISIS purportedly lays claim -...
Explosions in Yemen's capital rocked two mosques serving a minority Muslim group that recently conquered the city, killing 137, officials say.

CNN International @cnni

“Success story”

Via CNN:

The Sunni terror group ISIS purportedly claimed it committed Friday’s bombings that killed scores of people at two mosques frequented by Shiite rebels in Yemen’s capital — an attack that would mark ISIS’s first large-scale attack in the Arabian Peninsula country.

At least 137 people were killed and 357 wounded when suicide bombers, pretending to be disabled and hiding explosives under casts, attacked the mosques in Sanaa, according to Yemen’s state-run Saba news agency.

Video distributed by Reuters showed people removing bodies from one of the mosques, where a carpeted floor was littered with debris.

Speaking of ISIS.... You know -- The group that dimocrap scum in here claimed yesterday was 'falling apart'....?? :dunno:

They're really running away in fear of the Lying Cocksucker in Chief, eh?

And OBTW, the Kurds have yet to receive one bullet directly form the United States and Baghdad isn't sending them any munitions or arms either.....

Well, anyway. With a born killer like the Faggot in Chief on the loose, I bet ISIS' days are numbered....

They sure do look scared here --

New ISIS Video Shows Three Kurdish Peshmerga Soldiers Beheaded In Iraq…



Via Daily Mail:

Islamic State have released a shocking new video, featuring the execution of three Kurdish prisoners in Iraq.

Dressed in orange boiler suits with their hands bound behind his back, the Kurdish soldiers are each marched through the ruins of a bombed out building by an ISIS fighter.

All three prisoners are then beheaded in front of a large crowd of local residents, including a number of children.

Each time the prisoners are individually shown being forced to knees. They have all had their heads shaved and dressed in matching uniforms.

The footage briefly stops to reveal the names of each prisoner,revealing their rank and background in the Peshmerga.

A bearded ISIS fighter gives a speech, promising greater attacks on the Kurds if their government do not stand down in their fight against the extremist group.

A variety of close up shots from different camera angles are used to show the prisoners waiting to be executed.

You gotta be a special kind of scumbag to vote dimocrap. You really do

In an address on September 10, 2014, President Obama touted

Yemen as a counterterrorism success story and said it would be the model for the US’ strategy against ISIS.

“This counterterrorism campaign will be waged through a steady, relentless effort to take out ISIL wherever they exist, using our air power and our support for partner forces on the ground. This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us, while supporting partners on the front lines, is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years. And it is consistent with the approach I outlined earlier this year: to use force against anyone who threatens America’s core interests, but to mobilize partners wherever possible to address broader challenges to international order” he stated.

Flashback Obama Touts Yemen As Success Story - Breitbart

Whoops!!!!!! Obungles spoke too soon.....

U.S. pulling troops from Yemen after mosque attacks

Last Updated Mar 21, 2015 12:11 PM EDT

A day after suicide bombers attacked a pair of mosques in the Yemeni capital, the U.S. military decided to pull the remainder of its troops out of the rapidly fragmenting nation, CBS News confirmed Saturday.

CBS News national security correspondent David Martin reports that the withdrawal of about 100 special operations troops would be completed within hours.

U.S. pulling last troops from Yemen following suicide bomb attacks on mosques - CBS News
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dimocraps are dishonest, lying scum -- All of them
More from the LSM.... No wait.... They're all but ignoring it!

Imagine that :dunno:

Ace of Spades HQ

March 23, 2015
You can't spell "Obama success story" without "succ."

Britain reportedly has withdrawn its remaining special forces from Yemen, days after a similar U.S. move, in response to the worsening security that the U.N. envoy for Yemen described as the "edge of civil war."
The reported development comes as Yemeni Foreign Minister Riyadh Yaseen called on his Arab neighbors to intervene militarily to stop the inroads made by Shiite Houthi fighters in the predominantly Sunni Muslim country.

Reuters, quoting a person familiar with the matter, reported on the U.K.'s withdrawal of its special forces. Britain withdrew staff from its embassy in Sanaa last month and suspended operations because of the deteriorating security situation there.

The U.S. Embassy suspended operations last month for the same reasons, and Saturday the State Department said "the U.S. Government has temporarily relocated its remaining personnel out of Yemen." The Associated Press reported over the weekend that U.S. military forces, including Special Forces commandos, evacuated the Al Anad air base near the southern city of al-Houta, which was seized by al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula.

By the way, if this were happening under Bush, the fact that the Administration had declared Yemen a "success story" just a year and change ago would be the second sentence in every story.

As this is unraveling under the Idiot Prince, the media is only slightly interested in such irony.

But I shouldn't claim they're not interested at all. In fact, one reporter asked Josh Earnest if the President stood by his claim that Yemen was a "success story" and could serve as a "template" for counter-terrorism operations.

As the nation literally burns -- literally, shit's on fire everywhere -- Josh Earnest incredibly claims that statement is still Perfectly Correct.

VIDEO: WH Stands By Previous Obama Statement That #Yemen Is A Model For Success…

1:25 PM - 23 Mar 2015

Yemen is now in such a state that it's not even considered safe for our SEALs and Delta Force fighters, but hey, It's Obama's Kind of Success Story.

Obama Success Level: Critical.

US "Loses" $500 Million In Weapons Given To Yemen, Now In Al-Qaeda Hands…

2:59 PM - 23 Mar 2015

US "Loses" $500 Million In Weapons Given To Yemen, Now In Al-Qaeda...
Just when we thought it was logistically impossible for US foreign policy to be any more incompetent and cluless, we read this...


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