An inspirational brave gay woman on color

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Liberals Find Transgender Lesbian of Color They Hate

When combined with also being a moonbat, being a Woman of Color qualifies people for impressive positions like Supreme Court Justice and even Vice President of the USA. Add lesbian to the résumé and you can be the mouthpiece for the White House. Imagine how impressive a Transgender Lesbian of Color must be. Stand back in awe of Delaware, Indiana County Councilmember Ryan Webb:
“After much consideration I have decided to come out and finally feel comfortable announcing my true authentic self,” Webb wrote. “It is with great relief that I announce to everyone that I identify as a woman and not just any woman but as a woman of color as well. I guess this would make me gay/lesbian as well, since I am attracted to women.
“Whew, that felt good to finally get that out there and start living life as my true self,” he wrote. “I’m excited to bring some diversity to the county council. Until today we didn’t have any females of color or LGBTQIAPC+++ on the council. I’m glad that now we do!”
There is so much here for progressives to celebrate. Yet they disregard his lived experience as a Transgender Lesbian of Color and callously refuse to affirm his identity.
True, Webb is a Republican. But why hate him for being who he is? How do they know he wasn’t born that way?
Charlize Jamieson, himself a Person of Transgenderness, went so far as to denounce Webb as a bigot. Others have expressed their liberal tolerance by doxing him:
“It is unfortunate, but a group called Indiana Progressives has decided to organize a hate and harassment campaign against me and my family,” Webb said in a statement to WISH TV8, “by publishing my address and encouraging people to unlawfully congregate at my home. … I have to look out for the safety of my family, including our 6 children. There are people with serious mental health issues encouraging people who are unwelcome to come to my home…”
Unsurprisingly, Webb has received death threats.
Best wishes for the safety of Webb and his family. Even a guy who identifies as a member of the opposite sex could get caught up in the ongoing wave of transgender violence (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.).

All inks are highlighted.

Of course the tolerant left is calling for his execution....I'm sorry that was harmful .calling for HER execution
Words are violence and must be met with violence ....that's how the mental left justify physical violence

Give that gay woman of color a cigar
Chess ...indeed

Liberals Find Transgender Lesbian of Color They Hate

When combined with also being a moonbat, being a Woman of Color qualifies people for impressive positions like Supreme Court Justice and even Vice President of the USA. Add lesbian to the résumé and you can be the mouthpiece for the White House. Imagine how impressive a Transgender Lesbian of Color must be. Stand back in awe of Delaware, Indiana County Councilmember Ryan Webb:

There is so much here for progressives to celebrate. Yet they disregard his lived experience as a Transgender Lesbian of Color and callously refuse to affirm his identity.
True, Webb is a Republican. But why hate him for being who he is? How do they know he wasn’t born that way?
Charlize Jamieson, himself a Person of Transgenderness, went so far as to denounce Webb as a bigot. Others have expressed their liberal tolerance by doxing him:

Unsurprisingly, Webb has received death threats.
Best wishes for the safety of Webb and his family. Even a guy who identifies as a member of the opposite sex could get caught up in the ongoing wave of transgender violence (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.).

All inks are highlighted.

Of course the tolerant left is calling for his execution....I'm sorry that was harmful .calling for HER execution
Words are violence and must be met with violence ....that's how the mental left justify physical violence

Give that gay woman of color a cigar
Chess ...indeed

fuck lesbians...fuck transgenders, and fuck whining angry black women
I'm traumatized by your hateful racist homophobic words ...I don't feel safe ...
I may need emergency counseling

Help !We need big fat black DEI officer
He's still going

Webb doubled down on his gender identity at the end of the meeting.

“If you’re sensitive, if you’re triggered, maybe you should walk out because what I do is I give it straight and unfiltered,” Webb said. “Gender identity is one’s personal sense of one’s own gender … It doesn’t have to be affirmed by anyone.”

“You don’t get to question how I personally identify,” Webb added.

The OP, deplorable Yankee, makes no sense. You have every right to dislike what you don't like, but your comments are simply silly.
He's still going

Webb doubled down on his gender identity at the end of the meeting.

“If you’re sensitive, if you’re triggered, maybe you should walk out because what I do is I give it straight and unfiltered,” Webb said. “Gender identity is one’s personal sense of one’s own gender … It doesn’t have to be affirmed by anyone.”

“You don’t get to question how I personally identify,” Webb added.

Well, that depends Mr Webb. You don't get to tell me how to address you as a man either. The truth shall set you free! A man is a male. A woman is a female. A male has sperm. A female has an egg. That cannot change. That is truth. You want to try and deceive me? That is a lie even if you think it doesn't hurt anyone. Deception always hurts others by definition. That's the truth. So, get some balls and mental help with your skitzo personality of whether you are a man or woman inside your male body. We have medicines for that without mutilation. I do get to question your personality.

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