An extensive database of individuals involved in the global warming denial industry.


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
It appears the AGW cult has created an enemies list. What possible honest purpose could this be used for?

Global Warming Disinformation Database

DeSmogBlog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on global warming. If there's anyone or any organization, ( i.e. scientist, self-professed "expert," think tank, industry association, company) that you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmogBlog, please contact us here.
Granny says, "Dat's right - it wharn't man-made back then, an' dem cows is doin' it now...
Dinosaur gases 'warmed the Earth'
7 May 2012 - Giant dinosaurs could have warmed the planet with their flatulence, say researchers.
British scientists have calculated the methane output of sauropods, including the species known as Brontosaurus. By scaling up the digestive wind of cows, they estimate that the population of dinosaurs - as a whole - produced 520 million tonnes of gas annually. They suggest the gas could have been a key factor in the warm climate 150 million years ago. David Wilkinson from Liverpool John Moore's University, and colleagues from the University of London and the University of Glasgow published their results in the journal Current Biology.

Sauropods, such as Apatosaurus louise (formerly known as Brontosaurus), were super-sized land animals that grazed on vegetation during the Mesozoic Era. For Dr Wilkinson, it was not the giants that were of interest but the microscopic organisms living inside them. "The ecology of microbes and their role in the working of our planet are one of my key interests in science," he told BBC Nature. "Although it's the dinosaur element that captures the popular imagination with this work, actually it is the microbes living in the dinosaurs guts that are making the methane."

Methane is known as a "greenhouse gas" that absorbs infrared radiation from the sun, trapping it in the Earth's atmosphere and leading to increased temperatures. Previous studies have suggested that the Earth was up to 10C (18F) warmer in the Mesozoic Era. With the knowledge that livestock emissions currently contribute a significant part to global methane levels, the researchers used existing data to estimate how sauropods could have affected the climate.

Their calculations considered the dinosaurs' estimated total population and used a scale that links biomass to methane output for cattle. "Cows today produce something like 50-100 [million tonnes] per year. Our best estimate for Sauropods is around 520 [million tonnes]," said Dr Wilkinson. Current methane emissions amount to around 500 million tonnes a year from a combination of natural sources, such as wild animals, and human activities including dairy and meat production. Expressing his surprise at the comparative figures, Dr Wilkinson added that dinosaurs were not the sole producers of methane at the time. "There were other sources of methane in the Mesozoic so total methane level would probably have been much higher than now," he said.

BBC Nature - Dinosaur gases 'warmed the Earth'
It appears the AGW cult has created an enemies list. What possible honest purpose could this be used for?

Global Warming Disinformation Database

DeSmogBlog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on global warming. If there's anyone or any organization, ( i.e. scientist, self-professed "expert," think tank, industry association, company) that you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmogBlog, please contact us here.

Can you say witchhunt?
Proof that you don't need to know that much about climate change pseudo-science to recognize con men from a mile away.


Because people who don't know much about climate change are in such a strong position to challenge the likes of the UK Meterological Office, the British Conservative Party and British Academy of Sciences.

When in doubt - back idiocy over science.

I figure there must be a lot of people out there who never need to consult a doctor, because their friend Jack knows all about medicine, and none of that pseudo-science they teach in Med School. Jack learned all you need to know about medicine through his work humping garbage.
Proof that you don't need to know that much about climate change pseudo-science to recognize con men from a mile away.


Because people who don't know much about climate change are in such a strong position to challenge the likes of the UK Meterological Office, the British Conservative Party and British Academy of Sciences.

When in doubt - back idiocy over science.

I figure there must be a lot of people out there who never need to consult a doctor, because their friend Jack knows all about medicine, and none of that pseudo-science they teach in Med School. Jack learned all you need to know about medicine through his work humping garbage.

Science is a search for the truth, and the truth, once found, is pretty much self evident, even to semi-intelligent laymen. The science of global warming is too much tied in to politics and the self interest of those doing the science for it to be acceptable to reasonable people.

However, the main concern that many of you true believers seem to have, is not the science of global warming, but the heretics who refuse to believe. Then, a reasonable person has to ask why are they so upset that people don't believe? What is behind their need for people to believe? We aren't dealing with a religion here, or are we?
It appears the AGW cult has created an enemies list. What possible honest purpose could this be used for?

Global Warming Disinformation Database

DeSmogBlog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on global warming. If there's anyone or any organization, ( i.e. scientist, self-professed "expert," think tank, industry association, company) that you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmogBlog, please contact us here.

This does sound like a good idea - it's terrible how many people in the usa seem to very easily misled by blogs and self-appointed experts, while ignoring genuine scientific sources. This is very much a US phenomenon, but it is disturbing.

Maybe it is time to out some of these anti-science voices?
It appears the AGW cult has created an enemies list. What possible honest purpose could this be used for?

Global Warming Disinformation Database

DeSmogBlog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on global warming. If there's anyone or any organization, ( i.e. scientist, self-professed "expert," think tank, industry association, company) that you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmogBlog, please contact us here.

This does sound like a good idea - it's terrible how many people in the usa seem to very easily misled by blogs and self-appointed experts, while ignoring genuine scientific sources. This is very much a US phenomenon, but it is disturbing.

Maybe it is time to out some of these anti-science voices?

The only people who are anti-science are the ones seeking to declare scientific debate closed.
It appears the AGW cult has created an enemies list. What possible honest purpose could this be used for?

Global Warming Disinformation Database

DeSmogBlog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on global warming. If there's anyone or any organization, ( i.e. scientist, self-professed "expert," think tank, industry association, company) that you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmogBlog, please contact us here.

This does sound like a good idea - it's terrible how many people in the usa seem to very easily misled by blogs and self-appointed experts, while ignoring genuine scientific sources. This is very much a US phenomenon, but it is disturbing.

Maybe it is time to out some of these anti-science voices?

What is truly disturbing is how many people are mislead by government subsidized propaganda. They label every con man they agree with a "scientist" and everyone they disagree with as a "denialist." They even go as far as trying to shut down skeptical sources of information. That isn't science. That's a cult.
"Global Warming resisters should be recognized and treated."
-Karie Marie Norgaard (Goose-Stepping National Socialist)


What do you suppose she means by "treated"? :eek:
However, the main concern that many of you true believers seem to have, is not the science of global warming, but the heretics who refuse to believe. Then, a reasonable person has to ask why are they so upset that people don't believe? What is behind their need for people to believe? We aren't dealing with a religion here, or are we?

This really is a hileraious post. :eusa_drool:

You don't want to labeled a heretic, and yet you have no problem in labeling me a 'true believer'.

And you wonder why people get frustrated?

I get frustatrated by people needing to slap a childish and insulting label on anyone and everyone who disagrees with them.

Here's an idea - stop using insulting labels and maybe you won't be labeled in return?
What is truly disturbing is how many people are mislead by government subsidized propaganda. They label every con man they agree with a "scientist" and everyone they disagree with as a "denialist." They even go as far as trying to shut down skeptical sources of information. That isn't science. That's a cult.

What truly is disturbing is that you dismiss academic qualifications as a concept. You dismiss all and any research as 'propaganda' while happy quoting blogs run by retired plumbers.

You label anyone who does not agree with you a "true believer", and refuse to acknowledge the value of real scientific research and study.

That isn't science, it's a cult.
It appears the AGW cult has created an enemies list. What possible honest purpose could this be used for?

Global Warming Disinformation Database

DeSmogBlog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on global warming. If there's anyone or any organization, ( i.e. scientist, self-professed "expert," think tank, industry association, company) that you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmogBlog, please contact us here.

This does sound like a good idea - it's terrible how many people in the usa seem to very easily misled by blogs and self-appointed experts, while ignoring genuine scientific sources. This is very much a US phenomenon, but it is disturbing.

Maybe it is time to out some of these anti-science voices?

"Academic credentials" are meaningless when it comes to scientific truth. Citing credentials to support your claims is a fallacy known as the "appeal to authority." The fact that you even mention itshows that, like all warmist cult members, you are a scintific ignoramus.

I ignore "scientific sources" when they use obviously doctored data, attempt to stifle skektics, and engage in intimidation and harassment of their critics.

"Genuine scientific sources" is a warmist euphemism meaning sources that support the cult.
Global warming exists, for numerous reasons.........As does climate change historically

Just not much in the last ten years, and not in line with alarmists expectations

Then again, they were on the global cooling bandwagon back in the seventies........

Our only hope is for humanity to regress, thats our only chance Before its too late !!!!
"Academic credentials" are meaningless when it comes to scientific truth..


So when you are sick, you don't go to a qualified doctor?

The only good, real science of any validity is produced by highly qualified researchers, operating with peer review.

You actually know this, I imagine, but prefer the message on
"Academic credentials" are meaningless when it comes to scientific truth..


So when you are sick, you don't go to a qualified doctor?

The only good, real science of any validity is produced by highly qualified researchers, operating with peer review.

You actually know this, I imagine, but prefer the message on

His credentials don't indicate a thing about whether his theories on some drug being effective are correct. Only well designed tests results prove that one way or another.

You are the kind of fool who would buy some quack hair grow potion advertised on TV because the guy peddling it claims to be a doctor.
Last edited:
Granny says, "Dat's right - it wharn't man-made back then, an' dem cows is doin' it now...
Dinosaur gases 'warmed the Earth'
7 May 2012 - Giant dinosaurs could have warmed the planet with their flatulence, say researchers.
British scientists have calculated the methane output of sauropods, including the species known as Brontosaurus. By scaling up the digestive wind of cows, they estimate that the population of dinosaurs - as a whole - produced 520 million tonnes of gas annually. They suggest the gas could have been a key factor in the warm climate 150 million years ago. David Wilkinson from Liverpool John Moore's University, and colleagues from the University of London and the University of Glasgow published their results in the journal Current Biology.

Sauropods, such as Apatosaurus louise (formerly known as Brontosaurus), were super-sized land animals that grazed on vegetation during the Mesozoic Era. For Dr Wilkinson, it was not the giants that were of interest but the microscopic organisms living inside them. "The ecology of microbes and their role in the working of our planet are one of my key interests in science," he told BBC Nature. "Although it's the dinosaur element that captures the popular imagination with this work, actually it is the microbes living in the dinosaurs guts that are making the methane."

Methane is known as a "greenhouse gas" that absorbs infrared radiation from the sun, trapping it in the Earth's atmosphere and leading to increased temperatures. Previous studies have suggested that the Earth was up to 10C (18F) warmer in the Mesozoic Era. With the knowledge that livestock emissions currently contribute a significant part to global methane levels, the researchers used existing data to estimate how sauropods could have affected the climate.

Their calculations considered the dinosaurs' estimated total population and used a scale that links biomass to methane output for cattle. "Cows today produce something like 50-100 [million tonnes] per year. Our best estimate for Sauropods is around 520 [million tonnes]," said Dr Wilkinson. Current methane emissions amount to around 500 million tonnes a year from a combination of natural sources, such as wild animals, and human activities including dairy and meat production. Expressing his surprise at the comparative figures, Dr Wilkinson added that dinosaurs were not the sole producers of methane at the time. "There were other sources of methane in the Mesozoic so total methane level would probably have been much higher than now," he said.

BBC Nature - Dinosaur gases 'warmed the Earth'

This is why sane and intelligent people mock the idea of AGW

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