An example of how impossible the Isreali/Palestinian conflict is


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
last stop for sanity before reaching the south
So a few years ago a Palestinian child was killed in a terror attack committed by Israeli's. The Israeli government swiftly condemned the attacks and called the child a victim of terrorism allowing the family to receive stipends from the government. The child's name is added to a Monument for all the people in Israel killed by terrorism.

What an Israeli has to say about his name being added:
"(Khudair's) name on the memorial debases the memory of all the other fallen people," Yossi Tzur, an Almagor member whose 17-year-old son was killed in a Palestinian suicide bombing in 2003, told Israel Radio.

"He is not part of the Israeli ethos. He is not part of the sacrifice our children made at the altar for the sake of Israel's establishment and existence," Tzur said.

What the boy's family has to say about his name being added:
"We can't accept that his name be included among soldiers who killed his relatives in Gaza, Lebanon and the West Bank," said Khudair's father, Hussein.

So those are 2 people representing 2 groups of people that absolutely hate each other. How in the world could these 2 possibly be convinced to sit down with each other? The hatred is SO STRONG! Especially as they both live under this fantasy that their people have a religious mandate to have sole ownership of the same land?

It's unbelievable. I don't think there can ever be peace there.

Palestinian teen s name added to Israeli memorial riling families on both sides - Yahoo News
So a few years ago a Palestinian child was killed in a terror attack committed by Israeli's. The Israeli government swiftly condemned the attacks and called the child a victim of terrorism allowing the family to receive stipends from the government. The child's name is added to a Monument for all the people in Israel killed by terrorism.

What an Israeli has to say about his name being added:
"(Khudair's) name on the memorial debases the memory of all the other fallen people," Yossi Tzur, an Almagor member whose 17-year-old son was killed in a Palestinian suicide bombing in 2003, told Israel Radio.

"He is not part of the Israeli ethos. He is not part of the sacrifice our children made at the altar for the sake of Israel's establishment and existence," Tzur said.

What the boy's family has to say about his name being added:
"We can't accept that his name be included among soldiers who killed his relatives in Gaza, Lebanon and the West Bank," said Khudair's father, Hussein.

So those are 2 people representing 2 groups of people that absolutely hate each other. How in the world could these 2 possibly be convinced to sit down with each other? The hatred is SO STRONG! Especially as they both live under this fantasy that their people have a religious mandate to have sole ownership of the same land?

It's unbelievable. I don't think there can ever be peace there.

Palestinian teen s name added to Israeli memorial riling families on both sides - Yahoo News

There ant until one side wipes out the other, or there is a major disaster that affects both groups and they are forced into working together to survive.
So a few years ago a Palestinian child was killed in a terror attack committed by Israeli's. The Israeli government swiftly condemned the attacks and called the child a victim of terrorism allowing the family to receive stipends from the government. The child's name is added to a Monument for all the people in Israel killed by terrorism.

What an Israeli has to say about his name being added:
"(Khudair's) name on the memorial debases the memory of all the other fallen people," Yossi Tzur, an Almagor member whose 17-year-old son was killed in a Palestinian suicide bombing in 2003, told Israel Radio.

"He is not part of the Israeli ethos. He is not part of the sacrifice our children made at the altar for the sake of Israel's establishment and existence," Tzur said.

What the boy's family has to say about his name being added:
"We can't accept that his name be included among soldiers who killed his relatives in Gaza, Lebanon and the West Bank," said Khudair's father, Hussein.

So those are 2 people representing 2 groups of people that absolutely hate each other. How in the world could these 2 possibly be convinced to sit down with each other? The hatred is SO STRONG! Especially as they both live under this fantasy that their people have a religious mandate to have sole ownership of the same land?

It's unbelievable. I don't think there can ever be peace there.

Palestinian teen s name added to Israeli memorial riling families on both sides - Yahoo News

CAMERA CAMERA Prompts AFP Correction on Mt. Herzl memorial For Terror Victims
The family cannot have it both ways. On one hand, they clearly state Abu Khdeir is "Palestinian," "Not Israeli", on the other, they continue to depend on the Israeli system to do justice, and when it tries to take responsibility, do the right thing, it's not good, either.

So screw that. Let his name be removed if that's what they wish. Let Jewish kids believe only Jews were killed, if that's what they aim for. Let us not know the name of this boy, but know of the Shabo family, Fogel family, Adele's family.

Wouldn't that be for the best.
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The family cannot have it both ways. On one hand, they clearly state Abu Khdeir is "Palestinian," "Not Israeli", on the other, they continue to depend on the Israeli system to do justice, and when it tries to take responsibility, do the right thing, it's not good, either.

So screw that. Let his name be removed if that's what they wish. Let Jewish kids believe only Jews were killed, if that's what they aim for. Let us not know the name of this boy, but know of the Shabo family, Fogel family, Adele's family.

Wouldn't that be for the best.
No comment on what the Israeli woman had to say?
The family cannot have it both ways. On one hand, they clearly state Abu Khdeir is "Palestinian," "Not Israeli", on the other, they continue to depend on the Israeli system to do justice, and when it tries to take responsibility, do the right thing, it's not good, either.

So screw that. Let his name be removed if that's what they wish. Let Jewish kids believe only Jews were killed, if that's what they aim for. Let us not know the name of this boy, but know of the Shabo family, Fogel family, Adele's family.

Wouldn't that be for the best.
No comment on what the Israeli woman had to say?

About that boy not being part of the Israeli ethos or what we sacrified for Israel? I agree with that. But that's no the idea of that day. The idea is remembering those who were killed out of hate, and that goes for that kid, too.

The family's response tells me much more than that woma, though
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The family cannot have it both ways. On one hand, they clearly state Abu Khdeir is "Palestinian," "Not Israeli", on the other, they continue to depend on the Israeli system to do justice, and when it tries to take responsibility, do the right thing, it's not good, either.

So screw that. Let his name be removed if that's what they wish. Let Jewish kids believe only Jews were killed, if that's what they aim for. Let us not know the name of this boy, but know of the Shabo family, Fogel family, Adele's family.

Wouldn't that be for the best.
No comment on what the Israeli woman had to say?

About that boy not being part of the Israeli ethos or what we sacrified for Israel? I agree with that. But that's no the idea of that day. The idea is remembering those who were killed out of hate, and that goes for that kid, too.

The family's response tells me much more than that woma, though
Well your providing us with great first-hand evidence about the impossibility of the situation. :thup:
Until the world decides to enforce international law and UN resolutions, there will be no peace.
Until the world decides to enforce international law and UN resolutions, there will be no peace.

UN resolutions are unenforceable as they have no legal standing. Yes International law should be enforced, and this would mean 5 million arab muslims would be looking for new homes after being evicted from Israeli land. Then the arab muslim leaders arrested and charged with war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.
Until the world decides to enforce international law and UN resolutions, there will be no peace.

UN resolutions are unenforceable as they have no legal standing. Yes International law should be enforced, and this would mean 5 million arab muslims would be looking for new homes after being evicted from Israeli land. Then the arab muslim leaders arrested and charged with war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.
True, but they frequently reference existing international laws that are.
Until the world decides to enforce international law and UN resolutions, there will be no peace.

UN resolutions are unenforceable as they have no legal standing. Yes International law should be enforced, and this would mean 5 million arab muslims would be looking for new homes after being evicted from Israeli land. Then the arab muslim leaders arrested and charged with war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.
True, but they frequently reference existing international laws that are.

And they still allow the arab muslims to fire illegal weapons at children in Israel even though it is against International law
And the Israelis fire illegal weapons at children and kill hundreds at a time. Just this summer, in fact.
(Jerusalem) - Israel's repeated firing of white phosphorus shells over densely populated areas of Gaza during its recent military campaign was indiscriminate and is evidence of war crimes, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.

Israel White Phosphorus Use Evidence of War Crimes Human Rights Watch

"The Israeli military is reportedly using flechette shells in its offensive in Gaza, weapons described as illegal under “rules of humanitarian law” by an Israeli human rights organisation"

Israel-Gaza conflict Deadly flechette shells used by Israeli military in Gaza Strip - Middle East - World - The Independent

Want more?
(Jerusalem) - Israel's repeated firing of white phosphorus shells over densely populated areas of Gaza during its recent military campaign was indiscriminate and is evidence of war crimes, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.

Israel White Phosphorus Use Evidence of War Crimes Human Rights Watch

"The Israeli military is reportedly using flechette shells in its offensive in Gaza, weapons described as illegal under “rules of humanitarian law” by an Israeli human rights organisation"

Israel-Gaza conflict Deadly flechette shells used by Israeli military in Gaza Strip - Middle East - World - The Independent

Want more?

You can after I destroy these two

White Phosphorus is not an illegal weapon if used as prescribed in the rules of war.

White phosphorus munitions Weapons Law Encyclopedia

No treaty deals specifically with ‘white phosphorus', ‘white phosphorus weapons’, or ‘white phosphorus munitions’ as a means of warfare, but several treaties regulate munitions containing white phosphorus (WP).

Owing to the incendiary effects of WP, munitions containing WP can fall within the ambit of the1980 Protocol on Incendiary Weapons (Protocol III to the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons). The Protocol defines incendiary weapons as

any weapon or munition which is primarily designed to set fire to objects or to cause burn injury to persons through the action of flame, heat, or combination thereof, produced by a chemical reaction of a substance delivered on the target.

In keeping with this definition, any munition, including improvised devices, containing WP and that is ‘primarily designed’ to set fire to objects or to cause burn injury to persons is covered by the Protocol’s provisions. Consequently, aerial delivery, in the conduct of hostilities, of incendiary weapons containing WP within a concentration of civilians is prohibited.

Excluded from the definition of an incendiary weapon under Protocol III, and, hence, from the scope of the Protocol, are munitions with ‘incidental incendiary effects’, and combined effects munitions ‘in which the incendiary effect is not specifically designed to cause burn injury to persons’. The use of munitions containing WP that are primarily designed to illuminate or obscure rather than to harm through fire or heat are not regulated by the Protocol on the grounds that their incendiary effects are considered incidental .

Your second link says this was reported by a suspect source, namely the Palestinian centre for human rights, which is know to be biased and anti semitic. But they are not banned weapons and are not illegal.

But the qassams used by the arab muslims are a banned weapon and even the UN have said so

A link from your archive of choice

Hamas must end attacks against civilians - Human Rights Watch press release Non-UN document 9 June 2005

Hamas must cease immediately “Qassam” rocket and mortar attacks against civilian areas, Human Rights Watch said today.

Human Rights Watch said that Qassam rockets, named after the armed wing of Hamas, Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, are by their very nature problematic weapons because it is not possible to direct them at military targets with any degree of precision. They are primitive, short-range, home-made rockets that do not have the technical capability to be guided. Typically, a Qassam is made up of a 1-meter-long tube filled with six kilograms of explosives and has a range of between three to ten kilometers. The longest shot to date was an 8-kilometer attack on Ashkelon, an Israeli town 8 kilometers north of the Gaza Strip. Because Qassams are not capable of accurate targeting, it is unlawful to use them in or near areas populated with civilians.
So a few years ago a Palestinian child was killed in a terror attack committed by Israeli's. The Israeli government swiftly condemned the attacks and called the child a victim of terrorism allowing the family to receive stipends from the government. The child's name is added to a Monument for all the people in Israel killed by terrorism.

What an Israeli has to say about his name being added:
"(Khudair's) name on the memorial debases the memory of all the other fallen people," Yossi Tzur, an Almagor member whose 17-year-old son was killed in a Palestinian suicide bombing in 2003, told Israel Radio.

"He is not part of the Israeli ethos. He is not part of the sacrifice our children made at the altar for the sake of Israel's establishment and existence," Tzur said.

What the boy's family has to say about his name being added:
"We can't accept that his name be included among soldiers who killed his relatives in Gaza, Lebanon and the West Bank," said Khudair's father, Hussein.

So those are 2 people representing 2 groups of people that absolutely hate each other. How in the world could these 2 possibly be convinced to sit down with each other? The hatred is SO STRONG! Especially as they both live under this fantasy that their people have a religious mandate to have sole ownership of the same land?

It's unbelievable. I don't think there can ever be peace there.

Palestinian teen s name added to Israeli memorial riling families on both sides - Yahoo News
Israel can survive only with force, she was placed there by then Western power politics at the UN...

Its really sad, but a Jewish State can never survive, no invader has thus far to this area...The Romans, the Crusaders, the Turks, the Brits...Eventually the Demographic's slow process consumed all comers...

The only hope is maybe a one State solution. But you are right about the hate on both sides, and sadly, there will never be peace.
WP used against people to burn them, as used by the Israelis, is illegal.


"The Israeli military is reportedly using flechette shells in its offensive in Gaza, weapons described as illegal under “rules of humanitarian law” by an Israeli human rights organisation"

Israel-Gaza conflict Deadly flechette shells used by Israeli military in Gaza Strip - Middle East - World - The Independent

Not if they were not intended to be used to burn people, if the morons in gaza were stupid enough to pick it up that is not Israel's fault

Flechettes are not illegal weapons, and the group you cite is a left wing neo Marxist group that are not Jews but atheists.

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