An example for the differences between Trump and Obama

Haha, you think they each went shopping? Amazon prime perhaps
I think they each thought their gifts were appropriate. Matters not where they came from.
BTW... Obama didn't give the pope an iPod, he gave the Queen a personalized iPod along with an autographed songbook from the Queens favorite artist.

He gave the pope a sculpture:
"The president presented the pope with a one-of-a-kind sculpture of an ascending dove, which serves as an international symbol of peace as well as the Christian symbol for the Holy Spirit, a White House official said."

Is that ok with you?
Even worse. An iPod to an elderly lady?
How about oops, sorry for spreading fake news and only telling half the story. Don't worry gramps we forgive you.
Fake news? Lol

I made a mistake about the person who received the ABSURD gift. It was still given and is a valid comparison.
It was given with an autographed songbook from the queen favorite artist ya dumbass. You only told have the story. Keep stretching though
I think they each thought their gifts were appropriate. Matters not where they came from.
BTW... Obama didn't give the pope an iPod, he gave the Queen a personalized iPod along with an autographed songbook from the Queens favorite artist.

He gave the pope a sculpture:
"The president presented the pope with a one-of-a-kind sculpture of an ascending dove, which serves as an international symbol of peace as well as the Christian symbol for the Holy Spirit, a White House official said."

Is that ok with you?
Even worse. An iPod to an elderly lady?
How about oops, sorry for spreading fake news and only telling half the story. Don't worry gramps we forgive you.
Fake news? Lol

I made a mistake about the person who received the ABSURD gift. It was still given and is a valid comparison.
It was given with an autographed songbook from the queen favorite artist ya dumbass. You only told have the story. Keep stretching though
How many seniors you see running around with ear buds in jamming to their favorite tunes? Lol

Yeah I made an honest mistake so let's focus on that instead of the point.

Derp along now
Meanwhile Obama was doing all he could to destabilize the countries around Israel and surround them with terrorist states whose whole purpose is to re-enact the Holocaust.
BTW... Obama didn't give the pope an iPod, he gave the Queen a personalized iPod along with an autographed songbook from the Queens favorite artist.

He gave the pope a sculpture:
"The president presented the pope with a one-of-a-kind sculpture of an ascending dove, which serves as an international symbol of peace as well as the Christian symbol for the Holy Spirit, a White House official said."

Is that ok with you?
Even worse. An iPod to an elderly lady?
How about oops, sorry for spreading fake news and only telling half the story. Don't worry gramps we forgive you.
Fake news? Lol

I made a mistake about the person who received the ABSURD gift. It was still given and is a valid comparison.
It was given with an autographed songbook from the queen favorite artist ya dumbass. You only told have the story. Keep stretching though
How many seniors you see running around with ear buds in jamming to their favorite tunes? Lol

Yeah I made an honest mistake so let's focus on that instead of the point.

Derp along now
Your mistake was singling out the iPod when it was part of a bigger package. I'll thought you were being dishonest but now I see you were just misinformed. That's fine, so stop doubling down trying to make a valid point you don't have one
Y'all think and believe some goofy shit
Do you honestly think Trump picked out those books for the pope or do you think a staffer handled it. Come on, use your logic

I don't care if a staffer shit them out on a Tuesday.
If you believe any prez would blindly hand over some unknown gift to the pope you're crazier than a rabid bat
Ok enough with the jokes... let's bring some truth to the conversation... obama didn't give the pope an iPod, he gave the Queen a personalized iPod along with an autographed songbook from the Queens favorite artist.

He gave the pope a sculpture:
"The president presented the pope with a one-of-a-kind sculpture of an ascending dove, which serves as an international symbol of peace as well as the Christian symbol for the Holy Spirit, a White House official said."

Does that sound ok with you?

Bitch please, with pretending you knew all along Obama didn't give the pope an iPod. You googled and rushed back here to cooly announce the fun and games were over now.
Fuckin poser.
Yeah of course I did. I don't memorize the fucking gifts that our president gives other leaders but I do have a nose for smelling bullshit. You're welcome

Shit on crackers. Nose for bullshit in a pigs eye. You had no clue and pretended you did. Like you were giving us dumbskins a valuable bit of info you had.
You're a dishonest individual
Do you honestly think Trump picked out those books for the pope or do you think a staffer handled it. Come on, use your logic

I don't care if a staffer shit them out on a Tuesday.
If you believe any prez would blindly hand over some unknown gift to the pope you're crazier than a rabid bat
Ok enough with the jokes... let's bring some truth to the conversation... obama didn't give the pope an iPod, he gave the Queen a personalized iPod along with an autographed songbook from the Queens favorite artist.

He gave the pope a sculpture:
"The president presented the pope with a one-of-a-kind sculpture of an ascending dove, which serves as an international symbol of peace as well as the Christian symbol for the Holy Spirit, a White House official said."

Does that sound ok with you?

Bitch please, with pretending you knew all along Obama didn't give the pope an iPod. You googled and rushed back here to cooly announce the fun and games were over now.
Fuckin poser.
Yeah of course I did. I don't memorize the fucking gifts that our president gives other leaders but I do have a nose for smelling bullshit. You're welcome

Shit on crackers. Nose for bullshit in a pigs eye. You had no clue and pretended you did. Like you were giving us dumbskins a valuable bit of info you had.
You're a dishonest individual
Nice try, I didn't pretend at all. I showed the ability to think for myself, research and find out the facts of a situation. Would you prefer I do as you did and just puppet bad info that ransoms post on a message board?
Not a fair comparison at all.

President Obama is an intelligent, educated and compassionate human being.

And, well, trump is a cheeto.


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Look at the differences between the Presidents entries in the guest book at Israel's national Holocaust memoria.

"President Donald Trump's entry in the guest book at Israel's national Holocaust memorial was strangely upbeat, self-referential and written in his signature all-caps: “IT IS A GREAT HONOR TO BE HERE WITH ALL OF MY FRIENDS - SO AMAZING & WILL NEVER FORGET!”
Obama had already visited once, in 2008, when he was an Illinois senator running for president. On that trip, he left this note in the guestbook:

“I am grateful to Yad Vashem and all of those responsible for this remarkable institution. At a time of great peril and promise, war and strife, we are blessed to have such a powerful reminder of man's potential for great evil, but also our capacity to rise up from tragedy and remake our world. Let our children come here, and know this history, so that they can add their voices to proclaim 'never again'. And may we remember those who perished, not only as victims, but also as individuals who hoped and loved and dreamed like us, and who have become symbols of the human spirit.”

Trump seems childlike in the way he approached this compared to Obama's (and other Presidents ) reverent tone...
One was heartfelt. The other was prepared political blather.

Look at the differences between the Presidents entries in the guest book at Israel's national Holocaust memoria.

"President Donald Trump's entry in the guest book at Israel's national Holocaust memorial was strangely upbeat, self-referential and written in his signature all-caps: “IT IS A GREAT HONOR TO BE HERE WITH ALL OF MY FRIENDS - SO AMAZING & WILL NEVER FORGET!”
Obama had already visited once, in 2008, when he was an Illinois senator running for president. On that trip, he left this note in the guestbook:

“I am grateful to Yad Vashem and all of those responsible for this remarkable institution. At a time of great peril and promise, war and strife, we are blessed to have such a powerful reminder of man's potential for great evil, but also our capacity to rise up from tragedy and remake our world. Let our children come here, and know this history, so that they can add their voices to proclaim 'never again'. And may we remember those who perished, not only as victims, but also as individuals who hoped and loved and dreamed like us, and who have become symbols of the human spirit.”

Trump seems childlike in the way he approached this compared to Obama's (and other Presidents ) reverent tone...
are you fucking kidding me?

you wonder why the radical left gets zero credibility for their *attacks* on trump. if you are still curious, re-read this bag-o-shit and try again.


the left bitches and whines out in chorus and harmony WE TOLD YOU SO and flutters their little parakeet wings about and waits for the next thing trump does so they can rinse and repeat.

at this point trump *could* get away with a lot more cause you don't let up and people will just ignore you and tune you out. you can't cry wolf by the hour and expect to ever be taken seriously.

Never said it was big thing but on one of Isreal's more revered places the guy wrote some a campaign slogan using words lie 'AMAZING'....

George W was short but very respectful too...

This is not an impeachable crime or anything... It is just to show you the type of people these are...

Trump comes across as shallow who finds it hard to write some thing deep and meaniful....

Obama was quite long but beutifully written.

George W was short but very meaningful.

Not a biggy but it doesn't make Trump look that smart either...
what's more shallow? trump doing this, or shitting kittens cause he did?

i vote 2. w/o question and it's not even close.

No one is shitting kittens... No calling the police or having attacks...

This is just a simple observation... Why are you getting so worked up...

Correct on the "simple" part. Carry on snowflake.
I don't care if a staffer shit them out on a Tuesday.
If you believe any prez would blindly hand over some unknown gift to the pope you're crazier than a rabid bat
Ok enough with the jokes... let's bring some truth to the conversation... obama didn't give the pope an iPod, he gave the Queen a personalized iPod along with an autographed songbook from the Queens favorite artist.

He gave the pope a sculpture:
"The president presented the pope with a one-of-a-kind sculpture of an ascending dove, which serves as an international symbol of peace as well as the Christian symbol for the Holy Spirit, a White House official said."

Does that sound ok with you?

Bitch please, with pretending you knew all along Obama didn't give the pope an iPod. You googled and rushed back here to cooly announce the fun and games were over now.
Fuckin poser.
Yeah of course I did. I don't memorize the fucking gifts that our president gives other leaders but I do have a nose for smelling bullshit. You're welcome

Shit on crackers. Nose for bullshit in a pigs eye. You had no clue and pretended you did. Like you were giving us dumbskins a valuable bit of info you had.
You're a dishonest individual
Nice try, I didn't pretend at all. I showed the ability to think for myself, research and find out the facts of a situation. Would you prefer I do as you did and just puppet bad info that ransoms post on a message board?

Frog farts. You DID pretend and you DID puppet erroneous info.
I've done an awful lot of actual research in my life.
You honestly believe taking 3.2 minutes to google something rises to the level of research?
That's precious!
Excuse me a minute... I gotta do some research and look up some word in the ole dictionary
Not a fair comparison at all.

President Obama is an intelligent, educated and compassionate human being.

And, well, trump is a cheeto.


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In your opinion.
Don't fall into the common leftylib fuck up of confusing fact with your opinion.
Don't thank me, I'm always ready to help out a fellow poster in need
Obama's message is so long, who has the time to read all that bullshit written in barely readable handwriting? I certainly didn't.

Trump's message is short and packs much more punch. Of course, the libs worry that their shaming tactics don't work on Trump, which they are right to worry, because they don't.
Obama's message is so long

Four sentences is your idea of a long message? Seriously?

I guess it's a good thing Cranes (or a competitor) isn't looking to you to remain in business.
Ok enough with the jokes... let's bring some truth to the conversation... obama didn't give the pope an iPod, he gave the Queen a personalized iPod along with an autographed songbook from the Queens favorite artist.

He gave the pope a sculpture:
"The president presented the pope with a one-of-a-kind sculpture of an ascending dove, which serves as an international symbol of peace as well as the Christian symbol for the Holy Spirit, a White House official said."

Does that sound ok with you?

Bitch please, with pretending you knew all along Obama didn't give the pope an iPod. You googled and rushed back here to cooly announce the fun and games were over now.
Fuckin poser.
Yeah of course I did. I don't memorize the fucking gifts that our president gives other leaders but I do have a nose for smelling bullshit. You're welcome

Shit on crackers. Nose for bullshit in a pigs eye. You had no clue and pretended you did. Like you were giving us dumbskins a valuable bit of info you had.
You're a dishonest individual
Nice try, I didn't pretend at all. I showed the ability to think for myself, research and find out the facts of a situation. Would you prefer I do as you did and just puppet bad info that ransoms post on a message board?

Frog farts. You DID pretend and you DID puppet erroneous info.
I've done an awful lot of actual research in my life.
You honestly believe taking 3.2 minutes to google something rises to the level of research?
That's precious!
Excuse me a minute... I gotta do some research and look up some word in the ole dictionary
Well let's check the conversation....

What did I say that was pretending? Quote me.

Where was I wrong with my information?

You backed up a post criticizing obama for giving an iPod to the pope, which isn't even true. And you're calling me a puppet?! Haha please explain how that makes any sense!
Bitch please, with pretending you knew all along Obama didn't give the pope an iPod. You googled and rushed back here to cooly announce the fun and games were over now.
Fuckin poser.
Yeah of course I did. I don't memorize the fucking gifts that our president gives other leaders but I do have a nose for smelling bullshit. You're welcome

Shit on crackers. Nose for bullshit in a pigs eye. You had no clue and pretended you did. Like you were giving us dumbskins a valuable bit of info you had.
You're a dishonest individual
Nice try, I didn't pretend at all. I showed the ability to think for myself, research and find out the facts of a situation. Would you prefer I do as you did and just puppet bad info that ransoms post on a message board?

Frog farts. You DID pretend and you DID puppet erroneous info.
I've done an awful lot of actual research in my life.
You honestly believe taking 3.2 minutes to google something rises to the level of research?
That's precious!
Excuse me a minute... I gotta do some research and look up some word in the ole dictionary
Well let's check the conversation....

What did I say that was pretending? Quote me.

Where was I wrong with my information?

You backed up a post criticizing obama for giving an iPod to the pope, which isn't even true. And you're calling me a puppet?! Haha please explain how that makes any sense!

I suspect you aren't nearly as stupid as you portray yourself to be on message boards
Yeah of course I did. I don't memorize the fucking gifts that our president gives other leaders but I do have a nose for smelling bullshit. You're welcome

Shit on crackers. Nose for bullshit in a pigs eye. You had no clue and pretended you did. Like you were giving us dumbskins a valuable bit of info you had.
You're a dishonest individual
Nice try, I didn't pretend at all. I showed the ability to think for myself, research and find out the facts of a situation. Would you prefer I do as you did and just puppet bad info that ransoms post on a message board?

Frog farts. You DID pretend and you DID puppet erroneous info.
I've done an awful lot of actual research in my life.
You honestly believe taking 3.2 minutes to google something rises to the level of research?
That's precious!
Excuse me a minute... I gotta do some research and look up some word in the ole dictionary
Well let's check the conversation....

What did I say that was pretending? Quote me.

Where was I wrong with my information?

You backed up a post criticizing obama for giving an iPod to the pope, which isn't even true. And you're calling me a puppet?! Haha please explain how that makes any sense!

I suspect you aren't nearly as stupid as you portray yourself to be on message boards
Is that how you are answering my questions? Really?

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