An Apology to African Americans


No, I think this is absolute horse shit. ......

Real academic research vs the 'feelings' of some absolute imbecile on the internet? Easy to see which has more credibility.
I did read your academic research you fuck nut! Did you???

And I don't really care about the opinion of what white kids at Duke wrote in their academic research. I'm sure if black students did the research they'd come to a different conclusion. I bet no black students participated.

So it was a good idea but you [sic] say it's "lost its way". .....

I didn't say that. Stop being a dishonest piece of shit.
I quoted the article you linked you dumb piece of crap! LOL. You didn't even read your own fucking article you posted!!! LOL. You just liked the title!!! Ha ha!!! I can't take you seriously.

So is that Duke research paper you linked fact or opinion? I believe its opinion based on their findings and statistics but I bet you could say the same thing about the 1/3 of all the white kids who fail or drop out their freshman year. Do you have a study as to why so many white kids drop out their first year? Maybe if the school did a better job kicking their asses down to a community college they would have better served those kids. But those kids want to get in sooo bad before they realize they are over their heads but still the school lets them all try even though they know 1/3 are going to leave before the first year is up.

And I don't really care about the opinion of what white kids at Duke wrote in their academic research. I'm sure if black students did the research they'd come to a different conclusion. I bet no black students participated.

Typically, liberals deny reality whenever it fails to meet the demands of leftist ideology.
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I reflect back on President Reagan's apology to Japanese internees. It made sense, the generations that were directly effected were still with us. Slavery is a absolutely atrocious part of our history, but the generations that it effected are gone. An apology for something that dosen't exist anymore to people that never experienced it, from people that had nothing to do with it. either. Sounds screwy, Louie. This proposal is empty symbolism and won't heal our racial divide.
Yes, slavery was officially abolished, but I believe the years of Jim Crow and Black Code, followed by years of discrimination and segregation have continued to affect people today. It's not just the acts, it can be the mind set of people who still see certain people as servants.
I reflect back on President Reagan's apology to Japanese internees. It made sense, the generations that were directly effected were still with us. Slavery is a absolutely atrocious part of our history, but the generations that it effected are gone. An apology for something that dosen't exist anymore to people that never experienced it, from people that had nothing to do with it. either. Sounds screwy, Louie. This proposal is empty symbolism and won't heal our racial divide.
My husband is an 81 year old black man, and to say that he is presently not effected by slavery is simply not true. For the 37 years we have been together, he has talked about what it's like to picture those things happening to HIS ancestors - HIS people. The way they were taken from their homeland and enslaved. The way they were dehumanized. When people tell him to forget about it his response is "You want me to forget about MY history? Do you forget about yours?"

The realization of how his people were treated makes him angry. That anger burns inside of him because there is nothing that can be done about it. If he were to express that anger in violence he would be locked up. When he tries to express it in words, he is told to leave it in the past.

If you have not lived with those images in your mind, how can you know whether or not they effect someone? If you have not wondered what would have been different for you had your ancestors not been brought here against their will, what tribe you may have belonged to, what things you might have accomplished if unhindered, you cannot possibly say it has no effect.
I am human being first and foremost. When someone segregates themselves as "our people", that kind of alienates me. I have seen the images of beaten slaves with scars on their backs, the lynchings and it affects ME as human being. I am part Jewish, I have seen the pictures of vivisection and the horrible evil that people are capable of. It's childish almost to think an apology will change anything.
The end of my letter said that I realize it may not make a difference or crack the wall that divides us. I still felt the need to say it.
I am not sure, what is dividing us? Perhaps your husband should stop seeing this as about "HIS people", because that has a sorta polarizing tinge. We are all human, we see things trough lenses. But what about "My people"? Let's not do that.
Hopefully they have mixed babies who will then just feel human
1. If blacks get a 230 point bonus for black skin, the number is probably higher than you think.

2. AND this is just one small part of the larger issues. THe forces that drive that discrimination are universal in our society.

3. How many blacks not hired because black? IMO, few. The witch hunt to find any such shit is too strong. In my time in management, it was made clear that any accusation and you would be thrown under the bus so the upper management could cover their asses.

4. Any reasonable black should be able to see that such discrimination in their favor will blow up in their face someday.
Kennedy, Johnson, nixon, Carter, Reagan, Clinton Obama and Bush's disagreed with your feelings on aa.

But the only thing that matters is what Trump Ryan and McConnell think and can they get enough Republicans to go along.

Maybe it's time to end it.

This proves my point in my thread "I'm a Republican now". The Democrats didn't let blacks down. Republicans convinced blacks this is true so they wouldn't vote and it worked. Blacks let Democrats down. The corporate media kept showing blacks that white cops are still killing blacks. It's as if Steve bannon decides what news we discuss. Genius.

So end aa already. Give blacks a reason to show up for us

It is funny.

You site a long list of US presidents as evidence that AA is needed.

But other liberals, act as though AA, and all it's associated programs and efforts, has not really happened because outcomes are still not equal.
It would be nice if socially responsible companies made sure their hiring managers hired blacks.

Actually it is not. It is pissing off whites who see more qualified whites passed over, and it is creating an unhealthy sense of entitlement in some blacks.

I find it funny Trump asked blacks what do they have to lose? Now we know. Jobs. ....

Qualified blacks will continue to be hired. Your belief that American whites are A. in charge of everything and/or B. racist, is very outdated.

If Trump's immigration and trade polices are implemented, the situation for blacks should dramatically improve in short order, ie by the end of Trump's first term.
We already have a shortage of workers and wages aren't going up. You watch. They'll push for more immigration before they raise wages.

Notice Republicans are fighting with Trump now?

I'm sure that they will resist raising wages and fight for more immigration.

We need to "Support Trump" in keeping to this promise.
1. If blacks get a 230 point bonus for black skin, the number is probably higher than you think.

2. AND this is just one small part of the larger issues. THe forces that drive that discrimination are universal in our society.

3. How many blacks not hired because black? IMO, few. The witch hunt to find any such shit is too strong. In my time in management, it was made clear that any accusation and you would be thrown under the bus so the upper management could cover their asses.

4. Any reasonable black should be able to see that such discrimination in their favor will blow up in their face someday.
Kennedy, Johnson, nixon, Carter, Reagan, Clinton Obama and Bush's disagreed with your feelings on aa.

But the only thing that matters is what Trump Ryan and McConnell think and can they get enough Republicans to go along.

Maybe it's time to end it.

This proves my point in my thread "I'm a Republican now". The Democrats didn't let blacks down. Republicans convinced blacks this is true so they wouldn't vote and it worked. Blacks let Democrats down. The corporate media kept showing blacks that white cops are still killing blacks. It's as if Steve bannon decides what news we discuss. Genius.

So end aa already. Give blacks a reason to show up for us

It is funny.

You site a long list of US presidents as evidence that AA is needed.

But other liberals, act as though AA, and all it's associated programs and efforts, has not really happened because outcomes are still not equal.
It would be nice if socially responsible companies made sure their hiring managers hired blacks.

Actually it is not. It is pissing off whites who see more qualified whites passed over, and it is creating an unhealthy sense of entitlement in some blacks.

I find it funny Trump asked blacks what do they have to lose? Now we know. Jobs. ....

Qualified blacks will continue to be hired. Your belief that American whites are A. in charge of everything and/or B. racist, is very outdated.

If Trump's immigration and trade polices are implemented, the situation for blacks should dramatically improve in short order, ie by the end of Trump's first term.
It's pissing you off? Think about how blacks feel. In fact I think the "more qualified white" thing is a myth. When it's a factory job that anyone can do you should have 12% of your workforce black. If not your company is passing up more qualified blacks for whites because most interviews aren't about who's more qualified it's who do I want to work with everyday. We all know who you'd rather work with so for some reason guys like you always decide the white is more qualified.

I asked you a question. Did you answer it? Do you think AA is no longer needed or should have never been implemented?

1. I've seen more qualified whites passed over for promotion to be given to a black that got herself shortly fired, as I warned. TO be replaced by another black who failed. To be replaced by another black, ironically one I mentored, who finally succeeded.

2. Your lack of respect or concern for "factory workers" is wrong. A. in the interest of fairness to the white want to be factory workers and B. for their co-workers who have to put up with less qualified co-workers.

3. I don't know if it was the right answer in the past, but it is certainly the wrong answer now. End it immediately, across the board. Anti-white discrimination is a cancer tearing this nation apart.
If any blacks (or white liberals) were to apologize to me for 50 years of Affirmative Action racial discrimination against me (& millions of whites), I would not accept their apologies. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizers

Let blacks & their white Libby buddies pay me reparations$$ for the millions$$ that their racist Affirmative Action has cost me over 50 years. That I'll accept.
If you're white and can't make it in America you're a loser. The fact you want reparations tells me all I need to know.

White people haven't traditionally needed reparations since the playing field is tipped in their favor. Do you deny you benefit from white privilege? Have all your bosses been white?

Your lack of compassion for tens of millions of poor whites is noted and held against you.

The field has not been tilted in our favor in my lifetime.

Myth 1: The only way to create a color-blind society is to adopt color-blind policies.
Although this statement sounds intuitively plausible, the reality is that color-blind policies often put racial minorities at a disadvantage. For instance, all else being equal, color-blind seniority systems tend to protect White workers against job layoffs, because senior employees are usually White (Ezorsky, 1991). Likewise, color-blind college admissions favor White students because of their earlier educational advantages. Unless preexisting inequities are corrected or otherwise taken into account, color-blind policies do not correct racial injustice -- they reinforce it.
Myth 1 is not a Myth; however, it takes time. Over time, years or perhaps over 2 or 3 generations a color-blind society can be reached by adopting color-blind policies. Policies such as AA may help in the short term, but in the long term if continued will prevent having a color-blind society.
It's time to end AA and adopt color-blind policies now.

My biggest problem with AA is that it uses something to benefit, when it comes to race, what would be chastised by the very ones that support the concept if race was used to deny.
I can understand the need for AA to kind of "prime the pump" to equal access to educational opportunities. But 50 years has been plenty of time to do that. Having already had a black president is proof of that.
Kennedy, Johnson, nixon, Carter, Reagan, Clinton Obama and Bush's disagreed with your feelings on aa.

But the only thing that matters is what Trump Ryan and McConnell think and can they get enough Republicans to go along.

Maybe it's time to end it.

This proves my point in my thread "I'm a Republican now". The Democrats didn't let blacks down. Republicans convinced blacks this is true so they wouldn't vote and it worked. Blacks let Democrats down. The corporate media kept showing blacks that white cops are still killing blacks. It's as if Steve bannon decides what news we discuss. Genius.

So end aa already. Give blacks a reason to show up for us

It is funny.

You site a long list of US presidents as evidence that AA is needed.

But other liberals, act as though AA, and all it's associated programs and efforts, has not really happened because outcomes are still not equal.
It would be nice if socially responsible companies made sure their hiring managers hired blacks.

Actually it is not. It is pissing off whites who see more qualified whites passed over, and it is creating an unhealthy sense of entitlement in some blacks.

I find it funny Trump asked blacks what do they have to lose? Now we know. Jobs. ....

Qualified blacks will continue to be hired. Your belief that American whites are A. in charge of everything and/or B. racist, is very outdated.

If Trump's immigration and trade polices are implemented, the situation for blacks should dramatically improve in short order, ie by the end of Trump's first term.
It's pissing you off? Think about how blacks feel. In fact I think the "more qualified white" thing is a myth. When it's a factory job that anyone can do you should have 12% of your workforce black. If not your company is passing up more qualified blacks for whites because most interviews aren't about who's more qualified it's who do I want to work with everyday. We all know who you'd rather work with so for some reason guys like you always decide the white is more qualified.

I asked you a question. Did you answer it? Do you think AA is no longer needed or should have never been implemented?

1. I've seen more qualified whites passed over for promotion to be given to a black that got herself shortly fired, as I warned. TO be replaced by another black who failed. To be replaced by another black, ironically one I mentored, who finally succeeded.

2. Your lack of respect or concern for "factory workers" is wrong. A. in the interest of fairness to the white want to be factory workers and B. for their co-workers who have to put up with less qualified co-workers.

3. I don't know if it was the right answer in the past, but it is certainly the wrong answer now. End it immediately, across the board. Anti-white discrimination is a cancer tearing this nation apart.

1. I've seen more qualified blacks get passed over for whites who didn't work out. This happens more than the opposite.

2. You prove in every post that you have a negative attitude towards black workers. The only ones who make it are ones you mentor because without you they are nothing. LOL.

So you do admit there was a need and reason for AA in the past. Thank you for at least admitting that. Or at least not denying it. That was awfully white of you. LOL.
If you're white and can't make it in America you're a loser. The fact you want reparations tells me all I need to know.

White people haven't traditionally needed reparations since the playing field is tipped in their favor. Do you deny you benefit from white privilege? Have all your bosses been white?

Your lack of compassion for tens of millions of poor whites is noted and held against you.

The field has not been tilted in our favor in my lifetime.

Myth 1: The only way to create a color-blind society is to adopt color-blind policies.
Although this statement sounds intuitively plausible, the reality is that color-blind policies often put racial minorities at a disadvantage. For instance, all else being equal, color-blind seniority systems tend to protect White workers against job layoffs, because senior employees are usually White (Ezorsky, 1991). Likewise, color-blind college admissions favor White students because of their earlier educational advantages. Unless preexisting inequities are corrected or otherwise taken into account, color-blind policies do not correct racial injustice -- they reinforce it.
Myth 1 is not a Myth; however, it takes time. Over time, years or perhaps over 2 or 3 generations a color-blind society can be reached by adopting color-blind policies. Policies such as AA may help in the short term, but in the long term if continued will prevent having a color-blind society.
It's time to end AA and adopt color-blind policies now.

My biggest problem with AA is that it uses something to benefit, when it comes to race, what would be chastised by the very ones that support the concept if race was used to deny.
I can understand the need for AA to kind of "prime the pump" to equal access to educational opportunities. But 50 years has been plenty of time to do that. Having already had a black president is proof of that.

If you're "priming the pump", how is using the very same thing to do the priming suddenly OK when it was wrong and the very reason why AA was claimed to have been put in place? It seems the argument in favor of AA is that "race is wrong to use when making a determination until it's used to benefit the groups that say using race was wrong".
It is funny.

You site a long list of US presidents as evidence that AA is needed.

But other liberals, act as though AA, and all it's associated programs and efforts, has not really happened because outcomes are still not equal.
It would be nice if socially responsible companies made sure their hiring managers hired blacks.

Actually it is not. It is pissing off whites who see more qualified whites passed over, and it is creating an unhealthy sense of entitlement in some blacks.

I find it funny Trump asked blacks what do they have to lose? Now we know. Jobs. ....

Qualified blacks will continue to be hired. Your belief that American whites are A. in charge of everything and/or B. racist, is very outdated.

If Trump's immigration and trade polices are implemented, the situation for blacks should dramatically improve in short order, ie by the end of Trump's first term.
It's pissing you off? Think about how blacks feel. In fact I think the "more qualified white" thing is a myth. When it's a factory job that anyone can do you should have 12% of your workforce black. If not your company is passing up more qualified blacks for whites because most interviews aren't about who's more qualified it's who do I want to work with everyday. We all know who you'd rather work with so for some reason guys like you always decide the white is more qualified.

I asked you a question. Did you answer it? Do you think AA is no longer needed or should have never been implemented?

1. I've seen more qualified whites passed over for promotion to be given to a black that got herself shortly fired, as I warned. TO be replaced by another black who failed. To be replaced by another black, ironically one I mentored, who finally succeeded.

2. Your lack of respect or concern for "factory workers" is wrong. A. in the interest of fairness to the white want to be factory workers and B. for their co-workers who have to put up with less qualified co-workers.

3. I don't know if it was the right answer in the past, but it is certainly the wrong answer now. End it immediately, across the board. Anti-white discrimination is a cancer tearing this nation apart.

1. I've seen more qualified blacks get passed over for whites who didn't work out. This happens more than the opposite.

2. You prove in every post that you have a negative attitude towards black workers. The only ones who make it are ones you mentor because without you they are nothing. LOL.

So you do admit there was a need and reason for AA in the past. Thank you for at least admitting that. Or at least not denying it. That was awfully white of you. LOL.

1) Can you prove it with names, addresses, and phone number so we can verify your claim?

2) I have a negative attitude toward anyone that says using (fill in the blank) is wrong until (fill in the blank) is used to benefit the very group that says (fill in the blank) is wrong.

There is no need for a program that uses the very characteristics it said was wrong to use and is the reason for putting it in place then uses those very characteristics when it suits their wants.
It is funny.

You site a long list of US presidents as evidence that AA is needed.

But other liberals, act as though AA, and all it's associated programs and efforts, has not really happened because outcomes are still not equal.
It would be nice if socially responsible companies made sure their hiring managers hired blacks.

Actually it is not. It is pissing off whites who see more qualified whites passed over, and it is creating an unhealthy sense of entitlement in some blacks.

I find it funny Trump asked blacks what do they have to lose? Now we know. Jobs. ....

Qualified blacks will continue to be hired. Your belief that American whites are A. in charge of everything and/or B. racist, is very outdated.

If Trump's immigration and trade polices are implemented, the situation for blacks should dramatically improve in short order, ie by the end of Trump's first term.
It's pissing you off? Think about how blacks feel. In fact I think the "more qualified white" thing is a myth. When it's a factory job that anyone can do you should have 12% of your workforce black. If not your company is passing up more qualified blacks for whites because most interviews aren't about who's more qualified it's who do I want to work with everyday. We all know who you'd rather work with so for some reason guys like you always decide the white is more qualified.

I asked you a question. Did you answer it? Do you think AA is no longer needed or should have never been implemented?

1. I've seen more qualified whites passed over for promotion to be given to a black that got herself shortly fired, as I warned. TO be replaced by another black who failed. To be replaced by another black, ironically one I mentored, who finally succeeded.

2. Your lack of respect or concern for "factory workers" is wrong. A. in the interest of fairness to the white want to be factory workers and B. for their co-workers who have to put up with less qualified co-workers.

3. I don't know if it was the right answer in the past, but it is certainly the wrong answer now. End it immediately, across the board. Anti-white discrimination is a cancer tearing this nation apart.

1. I've seen more qualified blacks get passed over for whites who didn't work out. This happens more than the opposite.

2. You prove in every post that you have a negative attitude towards black workers. The only ones who make it are ones you mentor because without you they are nothing. LOL.

So you do admit there was a need and reason for AA in the past. Thank you for at least admitting that. Or at least not denying it. That was awfully white of you. LOL.

1. My observations say otherwise.

2. Nothing I have said, justifies your claim. You preconceptions are misleading you.

3. It is certainly the wrong answer now.
Your lack of compassion for tens of millions of poor whites is noted and held against you.

The field has not been tilted in our favor in my lifetime.

Myth 1: The only way to create a color-blind society is to adopt color-blind policies.
Although this statement sounds intuitively plausible, the reality is that color-blind policies often put racial minorities at a disadvantage. For instance, all else being equal, color-blind seniority systems tend to protect White workers against job layoffs, because senior employees are usually White (Ezorsky, 1991). Likewise, color-blind college admissions favor White students because of their earlier educational advantages. Unless preexisting inequities are corrected or otherwise taken into account, color-blind policies do not correct racial injustice -- they reinforce it.
Myth 1 is not a Myth; however, it takes time. Over time, years or perhaps over 2 or 3 generations a color-blind society can be reached by adopting color-blind policies. Policies such as AA may help in the short term, but in the long term if continued will prevent having a color-blind society.
It's time to end AA and adopt color-blind policies now.

My biggest problem with AA is that it uses something to benefit, when it comes to race, what would be chastised by the very ones that support the concept if race was used to deny.
I can understand the need for AA to kind of "prime the pump" to equal access to educational opportunities. But 50 years has been plenty of time to do that. Having already had a black president is proof of that.

If you're "priming the pump", how is using the very same thing to do the priming suddenly OK when it was wrong and the very reason why AA was claimed to have been put in place? It seems the argument in favor of AA is that "race is wrong to use when making a determination until it's used to benefit the groups that say using race was wrong".

Now I see why you are confused. AA was put in place because the vast majority of hiring managers are white and for decades they wouldn't hire blacks. Because they weren't qualified. Because they were lazy. Stupid. Etc. You gave every excuse. Well then we put AA in place and now blacks are fairly represented in the work place. It took AA to stop white bad behavior.

Now that Republicans are in power you should undo AA. Do you think you guys can do it? You haven't been able to get anything else past.
It would be nice if socially responsible companies made sure their hiring managers hired blacks.

Actually it is not. It is pissing off whites who see more qualified whites passed over, and it is creating an unhealthy sense of entitlement in some blacks.

I find it funny Trump asked blacks what do they have to lose? Now we know. Jobs. ....

Qualified blacks will continue to be hired. Your belief that American whites are A. in charge of everything and/or B. racist, is very outdated.

If Trump's immigration and trade polices are implemented, the situation for blacks should dramatically improve in short order, ie by the end of Trump's first term.
It's pissing you off? Think about how blacks feel. In fact I think the "more qualified white" thing is a myth. When it's a factory job that anyone can do you should have 12% of your workforce black. If not your company is passing up more qualified blacks for whites because most interviews aren't about who's more qualified it's who do I want to work with everyday. We all know who you'd rather work with so for some reason guys like you always decide the white is more qualified.

I asked you a question. Did you answer it? Do you think AA is no longer needed or should have never been implemented?

1. I've seen more qualified whites passed over for promotion to be given to a black that got herself shortly fired, as I warned. TO be replaced by another black who failed. To be replaced by another black, ironically one I mentored, who finally succeeded.

2. Your lack of respect or concern for "factory workers" is wrong. A. in the interest of fairness to the white want to be factory workers and B. for their co-workers who have to put up with less qualified co-workers.

3. I don't know if it was the right answer in the past, but it is certainly the wrong answer now. End it immediately, across the board. Anti-white discrimination is a cancer tearing this nation apart.

1. I've seen more qualified blacks get passed over for whites who didn't work out. This happens more than the opposite.

2. You prove in every post that you have a negative attitude towards black workers. The only ones who make it are ones you mentor because without you they are nothing. LOL.

So you do admit there was a need and reason for AA in the past. Thank you for at least admitting that. Or at least not denying it. That was awfully white of you. LOL.

1. My observations say otherwise.

2. Nothing I have said, justifies your claim. You preconceptions are misleading you.

3. It is certainly the wrong answer now.

You don't have a negative attitude towards blacks? Lets see what you wrote:

"whites have to put up with less qualified co-workers."

Sorry white factory workers have to put up with less qualified blacks. What about the blacks who have to put up with less qualified whites?
It would be nice if socially responsible companies made sure their hiring managers hired blacks.

Actually it is not. It is pissing off whites who see more qualified whites passed over, and it is creating an unhealthy sense of entitlement in some blacks.

I find it funny Trump asked blacks what do they have to lose? Now we know. Jobs. ....

Qualified blacks will continue to be hired. Your belief that American whites are A. in charge of everything and/or B. racist, is very outdated.

If Trump's immigration and trade polices are implemented, the situation for blacks should dramatically improve in short order, ie by the end of Trump's first term.
It's pissing you off? Think about how blacks feel. In fact I think the "more qualified white" thing is a myth. When it's a factory job that anyone can do you should have 12% of your workforce black. If not your company is passing up more qualified blacks for whites because most interviews aren't about who's more qualified it's who do I want to work with everyday. We all know who you'd rather work with so for some reason guys like you always decide the white is more qualified.

I asked you a question. Did you answer it? Do you think AA is no longer needed or should have never been implemented?

1. I've seen more qualified whites passed over for promotion to be given to a black that got herself shortly fired, as I warned. TO be replaced by another black who failed. To be replaced by another black, ironically one I mentored, who finally succeeded.

2. Your lack of respect or concern for "factory workers" is wrong. A. in the interest of fairness to the white want to be factory workers and B. for their co-workers who have to put up with less qualified co-workers.

3. I don't know if it was the right answer in the past, but it is certainly the wrong answer now. End it immediately, across the board. Anti-white discrimination is a cancer tearing this nation apart.

1. I've seen more qualified blacks get passed over for whites who didn't work out. This happens more than the opposite.

2. You prove in every post that you have a negative attitude towards black workers. The only ones who make it are ones you mentor because without you they are nothing. LOL.

So you do admit there was a need and reason for AA in the past. Thank you for at least admitting that. Or at least not denying it. That was awfully white of you. LOL.

1) Can you prove it with names, addresses, and phone number so we can verify your claim?

2) I have a negative attitude toward anyone that says using (fill in the blank) is wrong until (fill in the blank) is used to benefit the very group that says (fill in the blank) is wrong.

There is no need for a program that uses the very characteristics it said was wrong to use and is the reason for putting it in place then uses those very characteristics when it suits their wants.

How would you have gotten corporations to start hiring blacks? You wouldn't have. That's why we did it.

Same way you didn't fix healthcare. You bitch about our solution but have none of your own.

Conservatives by definition want to conserve the status quote. I understand whites want to keep the good old boy network going.
Myth 1: The only way to create a color-blind society is to adopt color-blind policies.
Although this statement sounds intuitively plausible, the reality is that color-blind policies often put racial minorities at a disadvantage. For instance, all else being equal, color-blind seniority systems tend to protect White workers against job layoffs, because senior employees are usually White (Ezorsky, 1991). Likewise, color-blind college admissions favor White students because of their earlier educational advantages. Unless preexisting inequities are corrected or otherwise taken into account, color-blind policies do not correct racial injustice -- they reinforce it.
Myth 1 is not a Myth; however, it takes time. Over time, years or perhaps over 2 or 3 generations a color-blind society can be reached by adopting color-blind policies. Policies such as AA may help in the short term, but in the long term if continued will prevent having a color-blind society.
It's time to end AA and adopt color-blind policies now.

My biggest problem with AA is that it uses something to benefit, when it comes to race, what would be chastised by the very ones that support the concept if race was used to deny.
I can understand the need for AA to kind of "prime the pump" to equal access to educational opportunities. But 50 years has been plenty of time to do that. Having already had a black president is proof of that.

If you're "priming the pump", how is using the very same thing to do the priming suddenly OK when it was wrong and the very reason why AA was claimed to have been put in place? It seems the argument in favor of AA is that "race is wrong to use when making a determination until it's used to benefit the groups that say using race was wrong".

Now I see why you are confused. AA was put in place because the vast majority of hiring managers are white and for decades they wouldn't hire blacks. Because they weren't qualified. Because they were lazy. Stupid. Etc. You gave every excuse. Well then we put AA in place and now blacks are fairly represented in the work place. It took AA to stop white bad behavior.

Now that Republicans are in power you should undo AA. Do you think you guys can do it? You haven't been able to get anything else past.

Again, you're confused. You automatically equate unequal results with unequal opportunity. They aren't the same thing.

Those aren't excuses. Those are reasons. You call them excuses because you can't face reality.

No, AA was used, much life feminism was used to give ugly women a chance, to give people could otherwise not make it on their own something they didn't earn but given based on a factor over which they had no control.

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