An Alternative View Of Bloomberg


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
In full disclosure, I watched more of the Ranger game than the Democrat Debate....but I believe it is a mistake to count Bloomberg out just yet.

My observation was that he allowed the vituperation to simply wash off him like water off a duck's though he simply assumed he'd get the nomination.

And he has two huggggggeeee reasons to assume that:
1. immense wealth....he's spent $500 million, yet his wealth has increased by $100 million each day he's been in the race.

2. The Democrat Party will do ANYTHING to prevent a communist from being their champion.

Bernie Sanders: We Have a Grotesque and Immoral Distribution of Wealth and Income

3. "A contrary view: Mini Mike isn’t done despite debate debacle
Some multiple of the number of people who saw the debate will see his advertisements, and most important, Bloomberg isn’t on a ballot until Super Tuesday. Between now and then, one or more candidates will be damaged by low showings in Nevada and South Carolina.

The so-called ‘moderate’ segment of the electorate isn’t going to Bernie or Warren. This may have been the best night for Buttigieg, whose vapid bromides might sell with the non-socialist Democrat wing.

Bloomberg’s reason to be in this contest is to be the last non-Bernie non-Warren candidate standing.

Bernie doesn’t accept or understand that in capitalism the amount of wealth grows — Bloomberg didn’t take his wealth from someone else. Bernie is alien to our economic system, which is his appeal to a large segment of Democrats. The politics of envy sells well.

Get ready for the contest we need as a nation, Trump versus Bernie, capitalism versus socialism, economic freedom versus statist control. Bernie v. Trump is the battle we need, just as Britain needed Corbyn v. Johnson. Nothing that happened last night changed the likelihood that this is how it ends up."
A contrary view: Mini Mike isn't done despite debate debacle
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In full disclosure, I watched more of the Ranger game than the Democrat Debate....but I believe it is a mistake to count Bloomberg out just yet.

My observation was that he allowed the vituperation to simply wash off him like water off a duck's though he simply assumed he'd get the nomination.

And he has two huggggggeeee reasons to assume that:
1. immense wealth....he's spent $500 million, yet his wealth has increased by $100 million each day he's been in the race.

2. The Democrat Party will do ANYTHING to prevent a communist from being their champion.

Bernie Sanders: We Have a Grotesque and Immoral Distribution of Wealth and Income

3. "A contrary view: Mini Mike isn’t done despite debate debacle
Some multiple of the number of people who saw the debate will see his advertisements, and most important, Bloomberg isn’t on a ballot until Super Tuesday. Between now and then, one or more candidates will be damaged by low showings in Nevada and South Carolina.

The so-called ‘moderate’ segment of the electorate isn’t going to Bernie or Warren. This may have been the best night for Buttigieg, whose vapid bromides might sell with the non-socialist Democrat wing.

Bloomberg’s reason to be in this contest is to be the last non-Bernie non-Warren candidate standing.

Bernie doesn’t accept or understand that in capitalism the amount of wealth grows — Bloomberg didn’t take his wealth from someone else. Bernie is alien to our economic system, which is his appeal to a large segment of Democrats. The politics of envy sells well.

Get ready for the contest we need as a nation, Trump versus Bernie, capitalism versus socialism, economic freedom versus statist control. Bernie v. Trump is the battle we need, just as Britain needed Corbyn v. Johnson. Nothing that happened last night changed the likelihood that this is how it ends up."
A contrary view: Mini Mike isn't done despite debate debacle
I tend to agree with you.
I read a pretty lengthy article about him yesterday. He's had an interesting life/career according to the article-
I'd never vote for him as he has implemented some draconian laws- his personal views can be seen from when he was younger and got fired from a job and allegedly said; I can run this goddamn business better than you can- well, he is a billionaire, so it seems he was right. He got his start with some of his severance pay in the IT world for giving Wall Street a tool for making decisions from the Internet perspective- interesting man- though his politics suck.
Brokered Convention and Bloomy made his fortune selling information to brokers.

Bloomberg/Hillary 2020 and it might only cost him the $1.3B that Hillary wasted in 2016
You may end up being right, but as of today IMHO Bloomberg is toast, at least with democrat voters.

During the debate Mini-Mike was savaged. Yet he barely noticed. He looks at the other candidates as "chattel", just poor minions vying to get his $billions to beat Trump. He did say if he's not the nominee he'd still fund the democrat candidate just to beat Trump.
I'm not sure how much someone can legally donate per year??
Anyway, aloof Mike will count the votes on super-Tuesday and find out that democrats don't like billionaires.
Will he hang around to see if super-delegates like billionaires?
It's impossible to get an alternative view of Bloomberg...All we ever see is the top of his head :auiqs.jpg:
I read a pretty lengthy article about him yesterday. He's had an interesting life/career according to the article-
I'd never vote for him as he has implemented some draconian laws- his personal views can be seen from when he was younger and got fired from a job and allegedly said; I can run this goddamn business better than you can- well, he is a billionaire, so it seems he was right. He got his start with some of his severance pay in the IT world for giving Wall Street a tool for making decisions from the Internet perspective- interesting man- though his politics suck.

I wouldn't vote for him either....but I did when he ran for mayor.

He was right about stop and frisk...and most black folks agreed.
It is really pathetic when you think the Democrat's alternative to a Communist is a racist hateful dumbass billionaire.
He has no chance, his past is catching up with him, his attitudes about people are going to haunt him, he is a jackass:


Michael Bloomberg Alienates Indians

Democrats may resent Michael Bloomberg’s attempt to buy the nomination out from under the communist Bernie Sanders, but they can’t say Mini Mike is not inclusive. He alienates everybody — blacks, Hispanics, farm and factory workers, women, pro-lifers, people who like freedom, the elderly, transsexuals, and also Indians:


Many voters are going to be repelled by his snobbery and excessive wealth, his numerous statements that has spawned lawsuits against him, the one last year is still simmering today:

ABC News

Bloomberg's sexist remarks fostered company culture that degraded women, lawsuits allege


American Thinker

Michael Bloomberg, girl-dad of the year


"Was this a father, or was this a pimp? What kind of man hints that his 16 year-old would only be interested in sex on a trip to China (seriously? Going to China and having no curiosity at all?) and then accommodates those supposed teenage animal instincts by finding his daughter "dates" in every city in China? What kind of bacchanal was this?"


The man is scum!
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It is really pathetic when you think the Democrat's alternative to a Communist is a racist hateful dumbass billionaire.

He's not a racist.....he's a solipsist: he believes he is the center of the universe.

(He doesn't know that I am.)
In full disclosure, I watched more of the Ranger game than the Democrat Debate....but I believe it is a mistake to count Bloomberg out just yet.

My observation was that he allowed the vituperation to simply wash off him like water off a duck's though he simply assumed he'd get the nomination.

And he has two huggggggeeee reasons to assume that:
1. immense wealth....he's spent $500 million, yet his wealth has increased by $100 million each day he's been in the race.

2. The Democrat Party will do ANYTHING to prevent a communist from being their champion.

Bernie Sanders: We Have a Grotesque and Immoral Distribution of Wealth and Income

3. "A contrary view: Mini Mike isn’t done despite debate debacle
Some multiple of the number of people who saw the debate will see his advertisements, and most important, Bloomberg isn’t on a ballot until Super Tuesday. Between now and then, one or more candidates will be damaged by low showings in Nevada and South Carolina.

The so-called ‘moderate’ segment of the electorate isn’t going to Bernie or Warren. This may have been the best night for Buttigieg, whose vapid bromides might sell with the non-socialist Democrat wing.

Bloomberg’s reason to be in this contest is to be the last non-Bernie non-Warren candidate standing.

Bernie doesn’t accept or understand that in capitalism the amount of wealth grows — Bloomberg didn’t take his wealth from someone else. Bernie is alien to our economic system, which is his appeal to a large segment of Democrats. The politics of envy sells well.

Get ready for the contest we need as a nation, Trump versus Bernie, capitalism versus socialism, economic freedom versus statist control. Bernie v. Trump is the battle we need, just as Britain needed Corbyn v. Johnson. Nothing that happened last night changed the likelihood that this is how it ends up."
A contrary view: Mini Mike isn't done despite debate debacle

One indication of how fearful the, Democrat Party is of their long association with communism is, is their claim to be "Blue States"

1. Remember when the 'red states' were Democrat, 'cause, well, Democrats/Liberals were so closely identified with communists, reds, socialists....

Then the control of the media really paid off for the Leftists....and now the obfuscation is complete.

2. Red is traditionally associated with socialism and communism. The oldest symbol of socialism (and, by extension, communism) is the Red Flag, which dates back to the revolutions of 1848. The colour red was chosen to represent the blood of the workers who died in the struggle against capitalism. All major socialist and communist alliances and organisations – including the First, Second, and Third Internationals – used red as their official colour. The association between the colour red and communism is particularly strong. Communists use red much more often and more extensively than other ideologies use their respective traditional colours.

§ In Europe and Latin America, red is also associated with parties of social democracy, and often their allies within the labour movement. Sometimes these parties use pink instead, as a "moderate" colour instead of the more "radical" red.

§ In the United States, since the year 2000, the mass media have associated red with the Republican Party, despite the fact that the Republican Party is a conservative-leaning party.
Political colour - Wikipedia

3. "The former system made more sense and was deliberately changed by media partisans who didn’t like to suggest Democrats should be associated with the color red....What’s a little more surprising, however, is how easily Republicans fell in line, apparently without realizing the reason they went from blue to red overnight. There’s even a Republican-leaning opinion site called How shortsighted and gullible can you get?

That made even more sense because Reagan’s convictions were decidedly and unabashedly anti-red.

I propose to you it’s time we – real Americans, the rest of us – stopped being manipulated like this."
How red states turned blue and vice versa

4. The Democrats should be Gray….reminiscent of the outfits they wore when they were the Confederacy, and we’re Blue….the color we wore when we pried their slaves away from them.

The Dems have got to 'deep-six' Bernie at any cost!!!
You may end up being right, but as of today IMHO Bloomberg is toast, at least with democrat voters.

During the debate Mini-Mike was savaged. Yet he barely noticed. He looks at the other candidates as "chattel", just poor minions vying to get his $billions to beat Trump. He did say if he's not the nominee he'd still fund the democrat candidate just to beat Trump.
I'm not sure how much someone can legally donate per year??
Anyway, aloof Mike will count the votes on super-Tuesday and find out that democrats don't like billionaires.
Will he hang around to see if super-delegates like billionaires?

Never under estimate exactly how desperate the Democrats are today. They are quite literally fighting for the life of their party. They've already been reduced to their fanatic minority as the sane ones have bailed and jumped ship already.

You both realize who you’re also describing don’t you?

The dumbass Moon Bat Presidential candidate. The one that is the alternative to the Communist.
No... the current president. You dont see that?

Ben Shapiro calls Trump a 'Mud Monster'....made of mud, so no one cares how much mud you Leftists sling at him.....

We on the Right voted for the policy successes and the economy he's brought......and you Democrats can't stand it.

You both realize who you’re also describing don’t you?

The dumbass Moon Bat Presidential candidate. The one that is the alternative to the Communist.
No... the current president. You dont see that?

Ben Shapiro calls Trump a 'Mud Monster'....made of mud, so no one cares how much mud you Leftists sling at him.....

We on the Right voted for the policy successes and the economy he's brought......and you Democrats can't stand it.
I’m not a democrat. I lean right but don’t vote for people who I think are morally corrupt. I didn’t vote for Trump or Clinton in 2016. And we weren’t talking about why you support trump.... I simply said that the way Flash and you describe Bloomberg fits Trump to a T
[.. I simply said that the way Flash and you describe Bloomberg fits Trump to a T

They are both arrogant New York billionaires.

However, that is where the similarities end.

Trump has been great for this country. Mini Mike would be a disaster.
[.. I simply said that the way Flash and you describe Bloomberg fits Trump to a T

They are both arrogant New York billionaires.

However, that is where the similarities end.

Trump has been great for this country. Mini Mike would be a disaster.
Person A says Trump is great and Mike is bad... person B says Trump is bad and Mike good... those statements don’t mean a thing

the fact that you are calling him mini mike does show how trumps influence has degraded the discourse further away from civilized and respectable into behavior that wouldn’t even be accepted in grade school. That’s not great IMO

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