Amy Klobuchar


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
A break-through night for her? Absolutely.

I do not like a thing she stands fact I detest everything she represents......unfortunately she will make a formidable candidate.....if the DNC does not somehow manage to subvert her for one their lackeys aka biden, hillary or bloomberg.

She speaks well, obviously very intelligent and whilst not what I would call beautiful....she is attractive and has a likeable personality. Of all the democratic candidates I think she is the one that might stand a chance of beating Trump....heaven forbid! kthrough-night-for-amy-klobuchar/
Friday was a good night for Klobuchar. She successfully sold herself as the Democratic Party’s ideal centrist pick, focusing on Buttigieg’s lack of experience and youth.

Klobuchar has sold herself as the pragmatist with a history of winning elections in the politically divided Midwest, but now, she is trying to prove that she’s a fighter...someone who can go toe-to-toe with Trump if given the chance
I don't see her as anything more than a bathroom cleaner at the local Whole Foods.
A break-through night for her? Absolutely.

I do not like a thing she stands fact I detest everything she represents......unfortunately she will make a formidable candidate.....if the DNC does not somehow manage to subvert her for one their lackeys aka biden, hillary or bloomberg.

She speaks well, obviously very intelligent and whilst not what I would call beautiful....she is attractive and has a likeable personality. Of all the democratic candidates I think she is the one that might stand a chance of beating Trump....heaven forbid! kthrough-night-for-amy-klobuchar/
She's unattractive and unlikable when the cameras aren't pointed her way.....And she would still be shuffling papers in the Hennepin County D.A.'s office, were it not for her name.
She struggles to come across as personable, almost amiable in front of the cameras... like the Bag Lady. But it's a very thin facade. She has a high detestability coefficient..... like the Bag Lady. And like the bag lady Amy is a card-carrying c*nt that treats her staff and everyone around her like shit.
She struggles to come across as personable, almost amiable in front of the cameras... like the Bag Lady. But it's a very thin facade. She has a high detestability coefficient..... like the Bag Lady. And like the bag lady Amy is a card-carrying c*nt that treats her staff and everyone around her like shit.
Trump is no treat to deal with either. Is that why you didn't vote for him?
She is toast placing 5th in Iowa. If she couldn't make it in a neighboring state, she has no chance.
Most of the country hasn't heard of her and the liberal media is all but ignoring her.
While the most sane of the clown car, she is just another liberal Pander Bear mouthing the popular narrative of the week.
I have a vague feeling that Amy Klobuchar might win New Hampshire tonight. She is the only one, besides Andrew Yang, who has stood up against the pandering tactics used by the rest of the candidates, and has denounced socialism.
Right now I think she has the best chance of beating Trump in the general, but are DNC members even aware of her strengths? Honestly, I had not given her much thought til the debate last Friday night.
She is a moderate across the board, except for supporting the Green New Deal, which could work if they pushed Thorium Molten Salt Reactors instead of banning it reflexively as a part of a generic 'nuclear is bad' reaction.
She wants to ban evil looking semi-automatic rifles, which is stupid and she is not in favor of Medicare for all, like most of the others.
She seems like a solid Democrat moderate alternative to Sleepy Joe Biden.
Poor Confused Dems, cannot choose between turning America in to The Land of Sodomites, Building Guillotine Factories, Increasing Infanticide, Or Building Concentration Camps for Christians.

Their Hate is so irrational, they don't know who they want to elect, nor who they want to kill first if they gain the power to do so.
I have a vague feeling that Amy Klobuchar might win New Hampshire tonight. She is the only one, besides Andrew Yang, who has stood up against the pandering tactics used by the rest of the candidates, and has denounced socialism.
Right now I think she has the best chance of beating Trump in the general, but are DNC members even aware of her strengths? Honestly, I had not given her much thought til the debate last Friday night.
She is a moderate across the board, except for supporting the Green New Deal, which could work if they pushed Thorium Molten Salt Reactors instead of banning it reflexively as a part of a generic 'nuclear is bad' reaction.
She wants to ban evil looking semi-automatic rifles, which is stupid and she is not in favor of Medicare for all, like most of the others.
She seems like a solid Democrat moderate alternative to Sleepy Joe Biden.
She is still a Socialist and So is Yang.
I have a vague feeling that Amy Klobuchar might win New Hampshire tonight. She is the only one, besides Andrew Yang, who has stood up against the pandering tactics used by the rest of the candidates, and has denounced socialism.
Right now I think she has the best chance of beating Trump in the general, but are DNC members even aware of her strengths? Honestly, I had not given her much thought til the debate last Friday night.
She is a moderate across the board, except for supporting the Green New Deal, which could work if they pushed Thorium Molten Salt Reactors instead of banning it reflexively as a part of a generic 'nuclear is bad' reaction.
She wants to ban evil looking semi-automatic rifles, which is stupid and she is not in favor of Medicare for all, like most of the others.
She seems like a solid Democrat moderate alternative to Sleepy Joe Biden.

Not sure about Klobuchar but you are right about Molten Salt Nuclear Reactors. It is the most sensible solution to providing clean energy.

I have a vague feeling that Amy Klobuchar might win New Hampshire tonight. She is the only one, besides Andrew Yang, who has stood up against the pandering tactics used by the rest of the candidates, and has denounced socialism.
Right now I think she has the best chance of beating Trump in the general, but are DNC members even aware of her strengths? Honestly, I had not given her much thought til the debate last Friday night.
She is a moderate across the board, except for supporting the Green New Deal, which could work if they pushed Thorium Molten Salt Reactors instead of banning it reflexively as a part of a generic 'nuclear is bad' reaction.
She wants to ban evil looking semi-automatic rifles, which is stupid and she is not in favor of Medicare for all, like most of the others.
She seems like a solid Democrat moderate alternative to Sleepy Joe Biden.

I have some swampland in Florida I will sell you to.

I personally promise that if your prognostication comes to pass, I will come back to this thread and apologize.
Not sure about Klobuchar but you are right about Molten Salt Nuclear Reactors. It is the most sensible solution to providing clean energy.
Well, I am still going to vote for Trump, God Willing, but I think she has the best shot at beating him (other than Yang and Gabbard, neither of whom can get the nom).

I think that by the year 2100 AD, Thorium MS reactors will be providing 80% of the worlds energy.
So it will be a perfect split among candidates in each state which will lead to a forced convention and then an Establishment, or Hillary can swoop in and lead the Dems?

Moderate Democrat


1. An actor who brings the Progressive end of the Democratic Party into power through the back door.

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