America's Real Criminal Element

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
America's Real Criminal Element: Lead | Mother Jones
New research finds Pb is the hidden villain behind violent crime, lower IQs, and even the ADHD epidemic. And fixing the problem is a lot cheaper than doing nothing.

How many years ago was it that the US started getting rid of lead?

Now, check out the first item below.

This isn't rocket surgery, as they say. We cannot afford to keep going backward just because the Rs want it.

America's Real Criminal Element: Lead | Mother Jones
New research finds Pb is the hidden villain behind violent crime, lower IQs, and even the ADHD epidemic. And fixing the problem is a lot cheaper than doing nothing.

How many years ago was it that the US started getting rid of lead?

Now, check out the first item below.

This isn't rocket surgery, as they say. We cannot afford to keep going backward just because the Rs want it.

It's hardly fair to compare Ron Paul to other Rs. The right wing hates him too.

As for this bill, it's trying to fix a problem that we ourselves created. The overwhelming majority of these lead infested toys are all from China. We never had this problem until we started importing most of our products from China. How about we stop importing from them until they, at least, stop trying to poison us. I would actually prefer if we brought those manufacturing jobs back here, but that has little to no chance of happening.
America's Real Criminal Element: Lead | Mother Jones
New research finds Pb is the hidden villain behind violent crime, lower IQs, and even the ADHD epidemic. And fixing the problem is a lot cheaper than doing nothing.

How many years ago was it that the US started getting rid of lead?

Now, check out the first item below.

This isn't rocket surgery, as they say. We cannot afford to keep going backward just because the Rs want it.

It's hardly fair to compare Ron Paul to other Rs. The right wing hates him too.

As for this bill, it's trying to fix a problem that we ourselves created. The overwhelming majority of these lead infested toys are all from China. We never had this problem until we started importing most of our products from China. How about we stop importing from them until they, at least, stop trying to poison us. I would actually prefer if we brought those manufacturing jobs back here, but that has little to no chance of happening.
not for this dipshit it isnt...........
America's Real Criminal Element: Lead | Mother Jones
New research finds Pb is the hidden villain behind violent crime, lower IQs, and even the ADHD epidemic. And fixing the problem is a lot cheaper than doing nothing.

How many years ago was it that the US started getting rid of lead?

Now, check out the first item below.

This isn't rocket surgery, as they say. We cannot afford to keep going backward just because the Rs want it.

It's hardly fair to compare Ron Paul to other Rs. The right wing hates him too.

As for this bill, it's trying to fix a problem that we ourselves created. The overwhelming majority of these lead infested toys are all from China. We never had this problem until we started importing most of our products from China. How about we stop importing from them until they, at least, stop trying to poison us. I would actually prefer if we brought those manufacturing jobs back here, but that has little to no chance of happening.

Try shutting down trade with China and you will have the entire US debt called in.. IT'S CALLED TOTAL COLLAPSE.
America's Real Criminal Element: Lead | Mother Jones
New research finds Pb is the hidden villain behind violent crime, lower IQs, and even the ADHD epidemic. And fixing the problem is a lot cheaper than doing nothing.

How many years ago was it that the US started getting rid of lead?

Now, check out the first item below.

This isn't rocket surgery, as they say. We cannot afford to keep going backward just because the Rs want it.


I don't see anything wrong with that voting record. I'm sure most don't.
America's Real Criminal Element: Lead | Mother Jones

How many years ago was it that the US started getting rid of lead?

Now, check out the first item below.

This isn't rocket surgery, as they say. We cannot afford to keep going backward just because the Rs want it.

It's hardly fair to compare Ron Paul to other Rs. The right wing hates him too.

As for this bill, it's trying to fix a problem that we ourselves created. The overwhelming majority of these lead infested toys are all from China. We never had this problem until we started importing most of our products from China. How about we stop importing from them until they, at least, stop trying to poison us. I would actually prefer if we brought those manufacturing jobs back here, but that has little to no chance of happening.

Try shutting down trade with China and you will have the entire US debt called in.. IT'S CALLED TOTAL COLLAPSE.

Not all trade, just blacklist manufacturers who use harmful materials and refuse to comply with US standards.

On topic though, I agree with Ron Paul that simply doubling the size and budget of the Consumer Safety Protections Commission isn't the right way to solve the problem.
Just a note for the op, are you aware that Dr. Paul retired? You might want to talk to a doctor about you obsessive compulsive behavior, I'm not sure it's healthy.
Just a note for the op, are you aware that Dr. Paul retired? You might want to talk to a doctor about you obsessive compulsive behavior, I'm not sure it's healthy.

as long as its about a Republican this little crybaby will cry.....but you notice he never questions his lovable caring Democrats.....
Luddy, so you're telling us you regret growing up on a diet of PaintChip Flakes?

i doubt if the little twerp will answer.....he claims he is not responsible to answer questions he brings up in the threads HE STARTS.....but yet he has had the gall to criticize others for running from a thread.....
From the article:
Gasoline lead may explain as much as 90 percent of the rise and fall of violent crime over the past half century.
I blame Lefty controlled Public Education.
Luddy, to your emphasis on "And fixing the problem is a lot cheaper than doing nothing." There are two options for fixing a problem such as lead. Do nothing or pay way more than what it should actually cost to fix a problem.

Every time there is a problem to fix like lead ambulance chasers will jump on the problem and keep explaining how complicated the problem is to fix until it max's out at at least 10x the necessary cost. Can you just imagination the 'cost' of addressing the lead issue. Besides there are already whole industries built up addressing the symptoms. Why find a cure? I kind of wonder if your OP was rhetorical. :(
America's Real Criminal Element: Lead | Mother Jones
New research finds Pb is the hidden villain behind violent crime, lower IQs, and even the ADHD epidemic. And fixing the problem is a lot cheaper than doing nothing.

How many years ago was it that the US started getting rid of lead?

Now, check out the first item below.

This isn't rocket surgery, as they say. We cannot afford to keep going backward just because the Rs want it.


I don't see anything wrong with that voting record. I'm sure most don't.

Of course you don't, your the same sympathizer of child neglect and abduction.
Thanks for pointing out Ron Paul's outstanding voting record. Fantastic stuff. :clap2:
You have to wonder how some of these people get through LIFE...they have so much on their shoulders to worry over..

good grief
Just a note for the op, are you aware that Dr. Paul retired? You might want to talk to a doctor about you obsessive compulsive behavior, I'm not sure it's healthy.

It may be the result of lead ingestion.

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