America's first black governor tells Joe Biden: 'Slavery is nothing to joke about.’

These points the Governor made were most interesting.

In this quote he lays out that without a doubt Biden was appealing to race. No brainer for conservatives, but liberals have been trying to deny this.

Douglas Wilder, who was governor of Virginia from 1990 to 1994, told CNN that ‘without question’ Biden’s remarks in Danville, Virginia ‘were appeals to race’.

But then Wilder had this insight. Very telling.

He continued: ‘The important thing I got out of this was Biden separated himself from what he accused the people of doing.

As a matter of fact, what he said is they are going to do something to y’all, not to me. Not us. So he was still involved with that separate American.

"Biden is still involved with that separate America". Good call Governor. Nice to see a real Democrat speaking out.

Sheesh. Democrats are a rare breed these days. I miss them. All we have now is the lunatic left wing fringe.

Joe Biden: America's first black governor lambasts Joe Biden over 'y'all in chains' remark | Mail Online
Right! Biden didn't say "we'd be back in chains" he said "Y'all" ! Totally distinctive and stupid also trying to do his "southern" dialect!
Remember this is the same idiot that said:
Jan 31, 2007 – Senators Joseph Biden said of Obama .."is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,"

As if most blacks aren't articulate, bright "clean?"
The black race should celebrate slavery as it was the best thing that ever happened to them. Are there any black americans today who'd rather be living in africa?. The victims of slavery are today's whites who must take care of these criminal welfare bums and their IQs of 75.
You can make all kind of assumptions about me, it doesn't make your thread any less silly.

So you are calling the first black democrat governor "silly"??
What are you a racist? I bet you say "some of my best friends are blacks" but behind their back you being the racist you are would like them to be in chains???

there have actually been three. I don't expect Democrats to get racial history correct they have a lot to forget.

Three Black Governors Since Reconstruction—Who Have They Been? « Texas Liberal

there can't be three first black governors. there can't be three first anything.

The attempt at a fake Black dialect was appalling, strange and disturbing.

It was insulting more than anything else and just one more example of how rich white "liberals" look down on people of color and treat them like they're stupid.
Right! Biden didn't say "we'd be back in chains" he said "Y'all" ! Totally distinctive and stupid also trying to do his "southern" dialect!
Remember this is the same idiot that said:
Jan 31, 2007 – Senators Joseph Biden said of Obama .."is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,"

As if most blacks aren't articulate, bright "clean?"

The "dialect" issue is truly bizarre. Why do politicians try to come off as a local? Frankly I'm thrilled my Prime Minister never ever attempts to pull off a Newf dialect.

I'd die a quizzillion deaths of embarrassment :lol:

This goes for both sides of the aisle on this. This would be as horrid to me as Romney OR Obama coming up here and going "how's it going eh?" or"hey Stephen, you've been doing a fucking eh job on your economy" or "glad to see you've kept your stick on the ice there Flaherty".

You can make all kind of assumptions about me, it doesn't make your thread any less silly.

So you are calling the first black democrat governor "silly"??
What are you a racist? I bet you say "some of my best friends are blacks" but behind their back you being the racist you are would like them to be in chains???

I can do that too.

Why do you think a reference to chains means black slavery? White people just want to enslave blacks? Why do you hate white people?

^ Really? What exactly do you think Biden was talking about? :confused:
So you are calling the first black democrat governor "silly"??
What are you a racist? I bet you say "some of my best friends are blacks" but behind their back you being the racist you are would like them to be in chains???

I can do that too.

Why do you think a reference to chains means black slavery? White people just want to enslave blacks? Why do you hate white people?

^ Really? What exactly do you think Biden was talking about? :confused:

He was refrencing,(albeit, poorly) Romney's quote where he said he was going to remove the government shackles on business. That is why Biden said "they are going to unchain Wallstreet, and chain y'all".

Hint, Wallstreet is not literally chained.

Also find it amusing that people suggest he was only talking to the black people in the crowd, because the room did not have "just black folk"
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The only thing Biden suffers from is hoof in mouth disease.


Yes it was a stupid thing to say, however to say he was telling black people Romney would enslave them is equally stupid.

So let me get this right.

Biden says " They're going to put y'all back in chains." and he doesn't mean slavery according to you and others.

Lets see.

Is Biden then referring to Romney wanting some S&M with blacks?


Is Biden then saying that Romney wants to imprison blacks?


Is Biden saying that Romney wants to give them heavy gold jewellery?


I know. Biden's really saying that Romney wants to give their cars extra traction in winter!

There. We've got it. The perfect liberal explanation! It was a winter tire reference.

Nothing to do with slavery. Gee I should have had a V8.I would have got that right away.

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The only thing Biden suffers from is hoof in mouth disease.


Yes it was a stupid thing to say, however to say he was telling black people Romney would enslave them is equally stupid.

So let me get this right.

Biden says " They're going to put y'all back in chains." and he doesn't mean slavery according to you and others.

Lets see.

Is Biden then referring to Romney wanting some S&M with blacks?


Is Biden then saying that Romney wants to imprison blacks?


Is Biden saying that Romney wants to give them heavy gold jewellery?


I know. Biden's really saying that Romney wants to give their cars extra traction in winter!

There. We've got it. The perfect liberal explanation! It was a winter tire reference.

Nothing to do with slavery. Gee I should have had a V8.I would have got that right away.

See above for your answer.
I can do that too.

Why do you think a reference to chains means black slavery? White people just want to enslave blacks? Why do you hate white people?

^ Really? What exactly do you think Biden was talking about? :confused:

He was refrencing,(albeit, poorly) Romney's quote where he said he was going to remove the government shackles on business. That is why Biden said "they are going to unchain Wallstreet, and chain y'all".

Hint, Wallstreet is not literally chained.

Also find it amusing that people suggest he was only talking to the black people in the crowd, because the room did not have "just black folk"

Utter bullshit!

Biden was referencing Romney's statement to be sure, he said as much.
But he was also using that reference as a double entendre referencing the ties he believed many in the crowd had to slavery made clear by the words "BACK IN CHAINS".

If that were not the case, at what other time might enough of that crowd to make the reference relevant have been in chains as implied by the word "BACK"?

"He's going to put y'all (See Also: YOU PEOPLE) back (a reference to a return to a previous state) in chains. (A blatant reference to slavery and a scathing indictment against Biden and his own racist hangups)

And now you come along and in perfect form attempt to twist the man's clear intent because you're too much of a drone to simply say, "Yeah, he fucked up but I'm still voting for him and his 'clean' boss".

It's astounding the lengths people like you will go to to rationalize the inexplicable.
Clearly you are as sure of your position as I am in mine *shrug* makes no diffrence to me if you want to whine about this. It however reminds me of all those people who ranted when Romney said " I don't care about the very poor", diffrent sides of the same coin I suppose.

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