America's Best Jobs Market in US History stays Incredibly Strong

That figures.
Too bad your stuck in an entry-level job, that a Mexican can steal from you.
Better luck in your next life.
Mexicans are only capable of working black people jobs…Remember when you cherished black people, remember when you wanted them to work those sanitation jobs?
Mexicans are only capable of working black people jobs…Remember when you cherished black people, remember when you wanted them to work those sanitation jobs?
So..................another teabagger stuck in an entry-level job, trying to compete?
Good luck.
At least there are plenty of Biden jobs, stick with one, they will move you up, eventually.
Inflation is at 3.8 percent
Tell that to the people in the apartment complex I moved out of 2 years ago, when our rents were $600/month.
Now they're $1,350. Do the math. . 125% inflation.

When Trump left office, gas at the pump was $1.89/gallon at the convenience store down the street from my house. Now it $3.87. 104% inflation.

Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

Tell that to the people in the apartment complex I moved out of 2 years ago, when our rents were $600/month.
Now they're $1,350. Do the math. . 125% inflation.

When Trump left office, gas at the pump was $1.89/gallon at the convenience store down the street from my house. Now it $3.87. 104% inflation.

Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

View attachment 839187

You are welcome to post any economic figures that show inflation is not at 3.8 percent

Maybe you can post employment numbers that prove otherwise
Last 6 Presidents
Republicans created 200,000 jobs
Democrats created 48.6 million jobs

Numbers ? HA HA HA. Democrats listen to Democrat concoctions, and call them "numbers".

EARTH TO RW: Maybe you believe this lunacy. Most people don't. You want "numbers" ? HERE'S your "numbers" >>>

You are welcome to post any economic figures that show inflation is not at 3.8 percent
"Figures" ? HA HA HA HA. The trouble with liberals is they go by "figures". Conservatives go by REAL LIFE.

Did you think that we go by your "figures" - getting enough sleep lately ?
Numbers ? HA HA HA. Democrats listen to Democrat concoctions, and call them "numbers".

EARTH TO RW: Maybe you believe this lunacy. Most people don't. You want "numbers" ? HERE'S your "numbers" >>>

View attachment 839193


You know, the things economies are evaluated on
Not a picture of a bunch of people
Interesting watching Republicans dismiss jobs reports under Obama and Biden while they bragged about those same statistics from the same source under Trump

Yeah, recall how they abandoned the U-3 rate altogether when jobs were being created under Obama. Back then, their argument was the real unemployment rate was the U-6 rate, which they prefered only because it was higher. An argument they abandoned on 1.20.2017
Blow out jobs number this morning!

+336k jobs.
Biden is the jobs president and no president has created the jobs Biden has, and no president has the strong jobs market that Biden has.

Bidenomics = Jobs Jobs and more Jobs !

How is your link related to your thread? The link does nothing to support your contention, why no facts?
Well, you do speak english.
THAT should give you a leg up on finding/advancing on a job.
Good luck.
No. What would give me a leg up in finding/advancing in a job is that I am part Hispanic and I speak Spanish. A leg up over all the white folks.

Speak English ? You been to WalMart lately ? They have a FEW employees there who speak English. Not many.

Thank goodness I'm 77, retired, and long out of the wackadoodle job market, and most everything else going on out there in nutjob 2023.
Yeah, recall how they abandoned the U-3 rate altogether when jobs were being created under Obama. Back then, their argument was the real unemployment rate was the U-6 rate, which they prefered only because it was higher. An argument they abandoned on 1.20.2017
Crazy liberals actually pay attention to these rates/numbers, (while ignoring everything going on around them)
Pheeew!! :rolleyes: :disbelief:

You know, the things economies are evaluated on
Not a picture of a bunch of people
Yeah, I know. The things guys like you are dumb enough to be hoodwinked into believing. nd dumb enough come in here, and admit that you believe Biden's "numbers" Pheeeew!!

As for the picture of tens of thousands of people, can we conclude that it flew right over your head ? You really don't get it ? o_O
Blow out jobs number this morning!

+336k jobs.
Biden is the jobs president and no president has created the jobs Biden has, and no president has the strong jobs market that Biden has.

Bidenomics = Jobs Jobs and more Jobs !

Unless the voter is feeling it, the data doesn’t mean shit. That data point runs smack into the latest that Americans trust Republicans more than Democrats when it comes to the economy.


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