Americas awful choice

It's the private sector that always improves the economy, after presidents like Trump and Biden inject trillions of new money into the system, creating all that inflation.

Exactly what prices has Biden increased?

Perhaps you're just regurgitating another big lie.

Businesspeople cause inflation. Just because there's more money in the economy does not mean that businesspeople HAVE to raise prices.

They do it out of pure greed.
It's the private sector that always improves the economy, after presidents like Trump and Biden inject trillions of new money into the system, creating all that inflation.

Was it the government that caused the 2008 crash?

Or was it the private financial, banking & Real Estate sectors?
I don't expect any human to be perfect. But there are some lines that don't need to be crossed. Overbloated spender and debt ceiling increases is one of those lines.
Those are two things that makes both Trump and Biden turds.

Government spending helps stimulate the economy.

If the Federal debt was detrimental to the economy, the U.S. would have been destroyed years ago.

Please stop regurgitating the BULLSHIT that the millionaires feed you!
I have never been middle of the road. Trump being shit doesnt make biden better. I will never vote conservative. never have never will. But I wish the civilised part of the US was better organised and planned ahead.
Maybe have a 50 year old who wasnt up Netanyahus arse.
US is just isn't that left... It is a very much a center right country.

Democrats are Centre Right, Closer to the Tories (back in the sane days) than Labour.

Problem in US is a pretty dire voting system coupled with insane lobbying (bribery). Mix that with Commercialised News which is built for entertainment rather than informing.
Compare that to UK, until Brexit, UK just watched/listened to the News once a day and got on with there life. Red Tops did there bit to tip the scales.
US has turned into an entertainment business which needs ratings... So they are more interested in keeping you watching than actually telling you the truth. They are about confirmation bias and keep them watching...

Compare that to BBC, Channel 4 News,... They want to be exact in there reporting. Get the facts right, trusted Journalism is very important and the public expects it. There is the odd gap e.g. Post Office scandal.. but they are the exceptions.

Look at the far less punditry, UK is polling for for 3 years that it was wrong to leave. Yet we don't really get a lot of pundits on TV saying they should avenue to reverse the decision... BTW, majority of EU population is happy to take UK (with a few conditions)...
On the one hand you have Biden. Generally well meaning but totally out of touch with the country. He is sending troops into universities to beat up kids who dont support his policies in Gaza.
He knows that Netty is a fascist thug. But backed him anyway, This is his mess He should be punished for it.
But on the other hand look at his opposition.
An actual fascist who is also a convicted fraudster and sex offender who steals top secret papers and tries to steal elections.
What a choice for the US.
There is no credible choice for the US. Only 2 parties can win.
One that looks the other way during genocide and one that lacks simple decency and appeals to the worst of humanity.
Stay on the current path of failure or go back to success. What a terrible choice.
Government spending helps stimulate the economy.

No it doesn't. It creates inflation. Inflation is nothing more than too much money in the economy. Injecting trillions makes every existing dollar worth even less. So it takes more.

The left has this retarded idea that all this mega billionaires are hoarding their money in a bank.
Banks don't hoard money. They loan it out to people and it goes right back into the economy.
If the Federal debt was detrimental to the economy, the U.S. would have been destroyed years ago.

Please stop regurgitating the BULLSHIT that the millionaires feed you!

A little debt is fine. But this much, is doing nothing but increasing the cost of everything. Then wages have to increase. Then the government injects another few trillion, raises the debt ceiling, and then the value goes down again and the cycle restarts.

Tell me something, if you could make $5hr right now, and it buy as much as $20hr, what difference would it make? You'd still be able to afford the same exact things. Only using less money.
This means your $200 week pay check would buy you what that $800 week paycheck would buy.

It wouldn't mean much of anything to 99% of us. But it would mean the difference between outsourcing jobs to China for an American manufacturer. It would mean China and those other countries would have a trade deficit with us. Not the other way around. It would mean millions more jobs. So many that immigration wouldn't even matter. Legal or not.
But we'd still be able to buy a luxury care for $10,000. You can't even get a nice zero turn mower for that now days. And try getting a decent truck for under $40,000.
On the one hand you have Biden. Generally well meaning but totally out of touch with the country. He is sending troops into universities to beat up kids who dont support his policies in Gaza.
He knows that Netty is a fascist thug. But backed him anyway, This is his mess He should be punished for it.
But on the other hand look at his opposition.
An actual fascist who is also a convicted fraudster and sex offender who steals top secret papers and tries to steal elections.
What a choice for the US.
There is no credible choice for the US. Only 2 parties can win.
One that looks the other way during genocide and one that lacks simple decency and appeals to the worst of humanity.

The worst Biden is the worst you imagine Trump is. You don't get company for your miserable choice.

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