America's 2-class tax system

Liberals think that we can just tax a few millionaires and the "evil rich" and we'll be out of debt. They call it "shared sacrifice" and "paying your fair share". Ok, lets look at something.

What is the National Debt?:
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
14.2 Trillion Dollars
What is the US GDP? (Market value of all goods and services from a nation in a given year)
List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
14.1 Trillion Dollars
The US Government could confiscate all goods and services, everything we have, and STILL NOT pay off the national debt. They would come up 100 Billion dollars short.

So as you can see the idea that government can tax the rich to pay off the debt is patently wrong.

What are the businesses actually paying monkey, forget about the rates on the books, what are they actually paying? I'll give you one example of what they're paying:

General Electric Paid No Federal Taxes in 2010 - ABC News

They're paying so damn much aren't they? Stupid monkey, now defend that.

Fuck you you racist pile of pig vomit.

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