Americans want border security, and the numbers show it

We spend $600B on defense a year. Apparently he can order the military to build the wall using something like 5% of that….

Why hasn’t he done it?
He might just end up doing that. Then it will get held up in Federal Court!
Actually no... Congress has no authority, under a state of emergency, to do anything for 6 months at which time it can only review the presidents actions and make recommendations. They will have no standing for 6 months to do anything.
Federal Court isn't congress! That being said, we will find out for sure if Federal Court can hold it up if Trump pulls the trigger.
Border security, sure.

But not a wall.

How has that worked out for you guys? 22M illegally in your country isn't enough?

Some don't want a wall as it is permanent and apolitical. No future president can just say "let them all in if they sneak in". The wall prevents this and deters them from even trying to come.
Border security, sure.

But not a wall.

How has that worked out for you guys? 22M illegally in your country isn't enough?

Some don't want a wall as it is permanent and apolitical. No future president can just say "let them all in if they sneak in". The wall prevents this and deters them from even trying to come.

Well considering that we haven't gotten the wall, it's going pretty well. Thanks for asking.

And most people agree with me.

Most Americans don't support building the wall
As I've stated here before, I didn't realize how big a deal this was for you guys until I saw multiple posts about it on a forum. People got in line behind him when Trump talked about getting rid of NAFTA and building a wall. It drove some of them to vote for him, and it gave me an education about what challenges America was facing.

Americans want border security, and the numbers show it

President Trump is far from alone in his determination to secure our borders — according to a recent Gallup poll, Americans view immigration as the second-biggest problem facing the country today.

That’s bad news for the Democrat Party, which is hellbent on opposing the president’s efforts to fix our broken immigration system, especially the border wall he needs in order to get illegal immigration under control.

The basis of the story you posted, "according to a recent Gallup poll, Americans view immigration as the second-biggest problem facing the country today."

People seeing immigration as a problem doesn't mean they see building a wall as the solution. I view vehicle accidents as a problem that doesn't mean I support banning driving. Basically, the Fox news article took a fact and twisted to support their agenda.

As for getting rid of NAFTA...we can see how that played out. We got NAFTA 2.0 which is almost the same as the original version.

Nowhere in that article does Fox or the author say that people see building Trump's wall as the solution. Nowhere. You lied sir, Fox didn't twist anything.

And show me where NAFTA 2.0 is almost the same as the original. Is that your opinion, or did you read it on HuffPo or hear it on MSNBC?

Several times I have pointed out how Schumer, Obama, Clinton and many other Dem Senators voted to fund a 700-mile stretch border wall back in 2006. It wasn't ineffective or immoral then, so why is it different now? I won't hold my breath waiting for a cogent reply.

From the article...
"President Trump is far from alone in his determination to secure our borders — according to a recent Gallup poll, Americans view immigration as the second-biggest problem facing the country today.

That’s bad news for the Democrat Party, which is hellbent on opposing the president’s efforts to fix our broken immigration system, especially the border wall he needs"

You can read it how you want to but it clearly ties the results of the poll to the border wall. BTW, following the word "lied" with "sir" is pointless. If you want to call someone a liar don't try and put lipstick on it.

You said Schumer and the bunch voted on a "700-mile stretch border wall" You lied...they voted for a border fence. Congress set aside $1.4B for the fence. The Department of Homeland Security estimated Trump's wall would cost $21.6B. Trump already said a fence wasn't good enough. It has to be a big beautiful wall.
As I've stated here before, I didn't realize how big a deal this was for you guys until I saw multiple posts about it on a forum. People got in line behind him when Trump talked about getting rid of NAFTA and building a wall. It drove some of them to vote for him, and it gave me an education about what challenges America was facing.

Americans want border security, and the numbers show it

President Trump is far from alone in his determination to secure our borders — according to a recent Gallup poll, Americans view immigration as the second-biggest problem facing the country today.

That’s bad news for the Democrat Party, which is hellbent on opposing the president’s efforts to fix our broken immigration system, especially the border wall he needs in order to get illegal immigration under control.

The basis of the story you posted, "according to a recent Gallup poll, Americans view immigration as the second-biggest problem facing the country today."

People seeing immigration as a problem doesn't mean they see building a wall as the solution. I view vehicle accidents as a problem that doesn't mean I support banning driving. Basically, the Fox news article took a fact and twisted to support their agenda.

As for getting rid of NAFTA...we can see how that played out. We got NAFTA 2.0 which is almost the same as the original version.

Nowhere in that article does Fox or the author say that people see building Trump's wall as the solution. Nowhere. You lied sir, Fox didn't twist anything.

And show me where NAFTA 2.0 is almost the same as the original. Is that your opinion, or did you read it on HuffPo or hear it on MSNBC?

USMCA? Thats easy, better access to Mexican and Canadian markets. Dairy farmers in Canada are still crying as the socialist nation of Canada decided to they "bestow" more market access to it's citizens in the form of increased competition in dairy.

They've already bumped the prices of Canadian milk in expectation of cheaper U.S milk. This alone is worth many billions to U.S dairy farmers.

That's just one quick issue as I am multi tasking but wanted to respond.

So you say the USMCA gives Dairy farmers more access to Canadian markets. Is that what you consider a significant change? Trump called it the worse trade deal ever made and a job-killing disaster and you come back with a 3.6% increase in Dairy from a country that already bought more of our junk than we bought of theirs. NAFTA 2.0

Drug manufacturers won. They get a few more years of high drug prices before a Canadian knock-off can be produced. Oh boy!!!

A few more parts for cars will be made in the US. That will create a few more jobs but the cost will be out of my pocket when I buy a new car. NAFTA 2.0

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