American's Trapped in Afghanistan; if Hostages Taken Will This Have Same Consequence for Biden as it did Carter?


May 23, 2014
Will media cover a hostage crisis with Biden administration like it did the Carter administration or will they continue to protect Biden as they have since he took office? Will Biden be mentally up to the task? Hostage crisis in 1979-80 pushed Carter to his limits mentally and physically by Carter's own admission. If hostages taken or Americans murdered in cold blood how much of an impact would that have on Biden re-election chances in 2024?
Nobody is taking any hostages. The Taliban have won, the last thing they need is an excuse for the Americans to come in and have a last hurrah, or worst yet, stay longer.
That is why everything has progressed, in an orderly, peaceful manner. The Americans were given a date to have their people out, and the Taliban will honor that.
Nobody is taking any hostages. The Taliban have won, the last thing they need is an excuse for the Americans to come in and have a last hurrah, or worst yet, stay longer.
That is why everything has progressed, in an orderly, peaceful manner. The Americans were given a date to have their people out, and the Taliban will honor that.
"Orderly peaceful manner?" You must be on hallucinogenic drugs! It's chaos in Afghanistan right now. The Taliban will "honor that?" These savages will honor nothing. Worried that Americans will "come in and have a last hurrah?" Biden doesn't have the testicular fortitude to do that. If our people do get out I wonder how many millions in U.S. tax dollars he will pay in bribes to Taliban to do it?
Hostages have been taken. We’ll find out.
With thousands of Americans left there right now I sadly think execution and being taken hostage is a real possibility. The Biden administration should be preparing for this contingency right now. Based on what the world has already seen I find it very unlikely that they have. If they do have such a plan would Biden by cognitive enough to understand it?
"Orderly peaceful manner?" You must be on hallucinogenic drugs! It's chaos in Afghanistan right now. The Taliban will "honor that?" These savages will honor nothing. Worried that Americans will "come in and have a last hurrah?" Biden doesn't have the testicular fortitude to do that. If our people do get out I wonder how many millions in U.S. tax dollars he will pay in bribes to Taliban to do it?
The airport is open and Americans are flying out. Your desire for American blood is noted and rejected.
From all around Afghanistan? Nope. Just those that have already made it to the airport.
The Pentagon estimates there are as many as 10000 Americans still in Afghanistan; in and around Kabul, where the airport is. There have been no Americans kidnapped or killed. They are leaving Afghanistan. Your desire for American blood is noted and rejected.
With thousands of Americans left there right now I sadly think execution and being taken hostage is a real possibility. The Biden administration should be preparing for this contingency right now. Based on what the world has already seen I find it very unlikely that they have. If they do have such a plan would Biden by cognitive enough to understand it?

Nope.. The Taliban is standing by while the Americans and Australians evacuate their people.

The Taliban wants a peaceful transition.
Nope.. The Taliban is standing by while the Americans and Australians evacuate their people.

The Taliban wants a peaceful transition.
But is Kabul in charge of the leaders in the countryside, including foreign fighters? Doubtful.
The Pentagon estimates there are as many as 10000 Americans still in Afghanistan; in and around Kabul, where the airport is. There have been no Americans kidnapped or killed. They are leaving Afghanistan. Your desire for American blood is noted and rejected.
Your rose covered lenses are noted and rejected. Biden administration has just botched this whole thing. No faith in them now.
But is Kabul in charge of the leaders in the countryside, including foreign fighters? Doubtful.

This isn't 2001.

In 1994 when the Taliban was founded they fought against the warlords and the Afghan mafia. Afghanistan was completely lawless after the US pulled out.
This isn't 2001.

In 1994 when the Taliban was founded they fought against the warlords and the Afghan mafia. Afghanistan was completely lawless after the US pulled out.
So they could be the new warlords and Afghan mafia. Biden administration should have understood the level of corruption in Afghan government.
Any "American" voluntarily in Faganistan over the past 20 years is a crook (or mentally ill) and not an American in the sense that an American is an legal American citizen.
Will media cover a hostage crisis with Biden administration like it did the Carter administration or will they continue to protect Biden as they have since he took office? Will Biden be mentally up to the task? Hostage crisis in 1979-80 pushed Carter to his limits mentally and physically by Carter's own admission. If hostages taken or Americans murdered in cold blood how much of an impact would that have on Biden re-election chances in 2024?
it should for Reagan. Word is the Reagan admin made a deal with Iran, seems the hostages got released the same day Jan 20, 1981 was when Reagan was sworn in.
The Pentagon estimates there are as many as 10000 Americans still in Afghanistan; in and around Kabul, where the airport is. There have been no Americans kidnapped or killed. They are leaving Afghanistan. Your desire for American blood is noted and rejected.
Well how would you know who has and hasn't been killed--the taliban are already starting with their favorite victims---women.

The Pentagon estimates there are as many as 10000 Americans still in Afghanistan; in and around Kabul, where the airport is. There have been no Americans kidnapped or killed. They are leaving Afghanistan. Your desire for American blood is noted and rejected.
Biden has no plans for those outside Kabul.

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