Americans, mark you doors


Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2019
Hi America. It's like me and stuff, The Great Satan. Perhaps you've heard of me? I just want to tell you, mass bad is afoot. Like totally. ;) 😉 As of like rules and stuff I gotta post a link and stuff.

Everyday, people ask me, Satan, how can little old me make a difference?

I bust out my digital communications device, and be like BLAM!!!
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Hi America. It's like me and stuff, The Great Satan. Perhaps you've heard of me? I just want to tell you, mass bad is afoot. Like totally. As of like rules and stuff I gotta post a link and stuff.

Everyday, people ask me, Satan, how can little old me make a difference?

I bust out my digital communications device, and be like BLAM!!!
i always suspected you had a contract signed in trump blood. when you go to collect (probably soon, due to his maximally healthy lifestyle) be sure to bring your fiddle.
i always suspected you had a contract signed in trump blood. when you go to collect (probably soon, due to his maximally healthy lifestyle) be sure to bring your fiddle.
A fiddle is more than enough if it plays truth
i know you have a great legal team down there , but i recommend the fiddle. trump's lawyers can delay until the second coming.
I know.

Trump will go to jail before super Tuesday.

After super Tuesday, Bribin will "suddenly" step down and appoint the anti christ

The 3 Years are up.
I know.

Trump will go to jail before super Tuesday.

After super Tuesday, Bribin will "suddenly" step down and appoint the anti christ

The 3 Years are up.
trump ain;t going to jail. no judge can enforce a gag order, how can they lock him u8p.
Seems our last best hope is all those Big Macs and fried chicken. Lets hear it for a Myocardial infarction!!! YAY HAMBURGERS!!
Hi America. It's like me and stuff, The Great Satan. Perhaps you've heard of me? I just want to tell you, mass bad is afoot. Like totally. ;) 😉 As of like rules and stuff I gotta post a link and stuff.

Everyday, people ask me, Satan, how can little old me make a difference?

I bust out my digital communications device, and be like BLAM!!!
It always comes down to just one question , are you an American or are you a Democrat?

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