Americans bigger fans of ObamaCare than you might think

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Americans are bigger fans of Obamacare than you might think | Eclectablog



But since most people know the law by the term “Obamacare” instead of its official name, the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” let’s forget the label and just look at the facts.


Here are a few highlights:

Nearly 90 percent support making healthcare costs more affordable for small businesses by offering tax credits for buying health insurance.
80 percent support closing the Medicare “donut hole” in prescription drug coverage to make healthcare more affordable for senior citizens.
80 percent are in favor of making healthcare more affordable for families by letting college-age Americans stay on their parents’ health insurance.
80 percent support the creation of healthcare marketplaces to let consumers shop for competitively priced insurance benefits.
76 percent think providing subsidies to help people pay for private insurance is a good idea.
Just over 71 percent think their states should expand Medicaid to cover low-income people who are currently uninsured
yes they are many fascists in America. thanks for bringing that up
Americans bigger fans of ObamaCare ?

That's right luddly, keep telling yourself that :cuckoo:
And all of you can save money on heath insurance with ObamaCare.


if obama care is so cheap why are congressional staffers bitching about the cost and forcing the tax payer to pay their portion??

And why do they need Obamacare police? This is the real deal. Why do they need police for something so good?
because it was built on a lie. It's a shame that those staffers can't offered the bull shit they help write into this monster
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