Americans Are Sick to Death of Both Parties

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
This one paragraph pretty much sums it up quite well. What bothers me is that instead of going out and voting for third party or independent candidates, Americans choose sit home on their asses. If all of the disenfranchised people who stayed home because they felt it was pointless actually went out and voted for these other candidates they'd win quite handily and we might be able to get some real change in our government.

Though the full figures are still coming in, we are confident that what Ferguson, Jorgensen, and Chen demonstrated to be true in 2012 will hold for 2014, despite claims to the contrary in parts of the media: The President and the Democratic Party are almost as dependent on big money – defined, for example, in terms of the percentage of contributions (over $500 or $1000) from the 1 percent as the Republicans. To expect top down money-driven political parties to make strong economic appeals to voters is idle. Instead the Golden Rule dominates: Money-driven parties emphasize appeals to particular interest groups instead of the broad interests of working Americans that would lead their donors to shut their wallets.

Americans Are Sick to Death of Both Parties Why Our Politics Is in Worse Shape Than We Thought Alternet
This one paragraph pretty much sums it up quite well. What bothers me is that instead of going out and voting for third party or independent candidates, Americans choose sit home on their asses. If all of the disenfranchised people who stayed home because they felt it was pointless actually went out and voted for these other candidates they'd win quite handily and we might be able to get some real change in our government.

Though the full figures are still coming in, we are confident that what Ferguson, Jorgensen, and Chen demonstrated to be true in 2012 will hold for 2014, despite claims to the contrary in parts of the media: The President and the Democratic Party are almost as dependent on big money – defined, for example, in terms of the percentage of contributions (over $500 or $1000) from the 1 percent as the Republicans. To expect top down money-driven political parties to make strong economic appeals to voters is idle. Instead the Golden Rule dominates: Money-driven parties emphasize appeals to particular interest groups instead of the broad interests of working Americans that would lead their donors to shut their wallets.

Americans Are Sick to Death of Both Parties Why Our Politics Is in Worse Shape Than We Thought Alternet

This is how people think.

Dim: "The DNC is for the work'in man! The GOP is for the rich.

Repube: "The DNC is socialism and economic down turns, the GOP is for free trade and prosperity"

Any other vote is a wasted vote.

You will never be able to break the partisan idiots even though there is no real change between either party
Both part's have become so caustic and polarized that common sense has been replaced by devout ideology.

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