Americans Are Finally Admitting We Have a Race Problem


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
What Obama's election revealed is that so many Americans, left and right, have unresolved issues with race. So good for Obama.

The far right racial haters, though, have created the most divisive political opposition in the last 150 years because of Obama, not so much because of his politics, but because a black man is in charge.

Get over it, losers. He won twice. If we in the GOP do not reach out more to women and minorities, we are going to have another term with your favorite girl.

Get over your hate, before it is too late.

Americans Are Finally Admitting We Have a Race Problem - Yahoo News
No one of importance gives a shit about Obama being black. If there is a race problem today, it isnt coming from the white community. When is the last time you sw a mob of white people violently assault a black person? If youre willing to ignore the violent racism coming from the black community, then you are just a disingenuous troll.
another far lefty rant by mr. republican

why is it you blame only the right? there is racism in both parties. and americans have admitted we have a race problem for decades now. just more liberal rubbish by fakey.

the only people injecting race into politics are mostly liberals. it is insulting that obama can't be judged on his politics and instead must be judged by the left based on his skin color.
No one of importance gives a shit about Obama being black. If there is a race problem today, it isnt coming from the white community.

It's coming from the blogosphere. See below.

When is the last time you sw a mob of white people violently assault a black person?

Check out today's bullshit threads on Michelle Obama opening a museum, bending over backward to pretend she said all kinds of shit she never said.

That recent enough?
Obama was gonna be a post-racial President.
He was going to heal our wounds.
Instead, he's just an idiot who made things worse.
the article is about police racism/disparate treatment of minorities and somehow fakey thinks the article is about obama

What Obama's election revealed is that so many Americans, left and right, have unresolved issues with race. So good for Obama.

The far right racial haters, though, have created the most divisive political opposition in the last 150 years because of Obama, not so much because of his politics, but because a black man is in charge.

Get over it, losers. He won twice. If we in the GOP do not reach out more to women and minorities, we are going to have another term with your favorite girl.

Get over your hate, before it is too late.

Americans Are Finally Admitting We Have a Race Problem - Yahoo News

Get over it ? You're a little late. This was the mantra from a few years back. We are over it, because Obama is over. The next year and a half will fly by.
What Obama's election revealed is that so many Americans, left and right, have unresolved issues with race. So good for Obama.

The far right racial haters, though, have created the most divisive political opposition in the last 150 years because of Obama, not so much because of his politics, but because a black man is in charge.

Get over it, losers. He won twice. If we in the GOP do not reach out more to women and minorities, we are going to have another term with your favorite girl.

Get over your hate, before it is too late.

Americans Are Finally Admitting We Have a Race Problem - Yahoo News

Get over it ? You're a little late. This was the mantra from a few years back. We are over it, because Obama is over. The next year and a half will fly by.

Not fast enough...
What Obama's election revealed is that so many Americans, left and right, have unresolved issues with race. So good for Obama.

The far right racial haters, though, have created the most divisive political opposition in the last 150 years because of Obama, not so much because of his politics, but because a black man is in charge.

Get over it, losers. He won twice. If we in the GOP do not reach out more to women and minorities, we are going to have another term with your favorite girl.

Get over your hate, before it is too late.

Americans Are Finally Admitting We Have a Race Problem - Yahoo News
FYI ---- Race issues and racism have been with us for almost two centuries, at least. Sure, we have a problem, and regardless of politics or who wins in 2016, the race issues and racism will still be here, and will remain for the foreseeable future. Race is NOT a Republican problem, nor is it a Democrat problem, it's a social issues problem that adversely affects all of us, regardless of our political views and alliances. It's silly and ridiculous to try and connect racism and racial issues to a political party. Our racial issues have been with us through many presidents, and through many administrations, both Republican and Democrat.

Obama is NOT the cause of racism, nor is he responsible for racism in this country. It was here long before he was president, and it'll be here long after he leaves the oval office. Any attempt to connect our shameful race issues to politics, or to a political party, is ridiculous and totally unfounded.
No one of importance gives a shit about Obama being black. If there is a race problem today, it isnt coming from the white community.

It's coming from the blogosphere. See below.

When is the last time you sw a mob of white people violently assault a black person?

Check out today's bullshit threads on Michelle Obama opening a museum, bending over backward to pretend she said all kinds of shit she never said.

That recent enough?
Oooh, someone made a thread?! You're comparing a thread to mob attacks on white people? How fucking stupid ARE you?
We have a teaper problem....they are destroying the GOP and virtually guaranteeing a Hillary win. It is despicable.
I made the thread (about michelle). Then realized what she said was taken out of context and admitted I fucked up.
It means squat in the grand scheme of things, this taking out of context. What is not squat are the blacks like Tigerred59 or whatever her name is, that is black, cries that "niggas" can't open carry and others with her mindset. That is what will keep this war going and gaining strength. Ignorant people like her that live off this shit and probably teach their kids the same mindset. Domino effect, so to speak.
I made the thread (about michelle). Then realized what she said was taken out of context and admitted I fucked up.
It means squat in the grand scheme of things, this taking out of context. What is not squat are the blacks like Tigerred59 or whatever her name is, that is black, cries that "niggas" can't open carry and others with her mindset. That is what will keep this war going and gaining strength. Ignorant people like her that live off this shit and probably teach their kids the same mindset. Domino effect, so to speak.
Oh shut up you racist old biddy.

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