American Jews on the Brink of Civil War: The "Jexodus" is happening and long may it thrive!


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
American Jews on the Brink of Civil War: The "Jexodus" is happening and long may it thrive!

American Jews on the Brink of Civil War | Roger L. Simon
03/22/2019 ~ By Roger Simon
After decades of tilting left-liberal in the most conventional sense, something may be brewing among American Jewry that could result in real change, if it doesn't start an internal civil war. The day Donald Trump announced the recognition of Israeli control of the Golan Heights is the same day it was reported that none--that's zero--- of the many 2020 Democratic Party presidential candidates would be speaking at or attending the AIPAC (America-Israel Public Affairs Committee) annual meeting later this month.... had urged on them to avoid the conference, which has historically bent over backward to be welcoming to Democrats, and the candidates complied like dutiful lemmings. The spokesman for Bernie Sanders, the one Jewish candidate (if you exempt "independent" Howard Schulz who also is not coming), said Bernie was not attending because of the prevalence of people "who oppose the two-state solution" between Israel and the Palestinians. This is an outright lie since virtually no one at AIPAC opposes the two-state solution. In fact, most of them yearn for it. But to Bernie, whose admiration of the Soviet Union is well known, such unashamed dishonesty is just more ends justifying the means. The truth is of little significance, nor is it of interest that it is the Palestinians who, if recent history is any indication, have no interest in the two-state solution. If they had had such an interest, they would have had a state of their own years ago.
Meanwhile, the same Democrat Party could not find it in itself directly to confront Rep. Ilhan Omar's overt anti-Semitism and chose to water down their condemnation in some vague pseudo-even-handed pabulum about opposing all discrimination.
All this is happening while Donald Trump has been the most pro-Israel president since Truman, who first recognized the state. Indeed, Donald may have passed Harry, moving, as he did, the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem (the first president to honor that pledge) and walking away from the Iran deal that did nothing for peace and only allowed the mullahs to wreak havoc in Syria and Yemen and continue to threaten Israel with annihilation. Trump also placed restrictions on the funding the Palestinians used to provide pensions to terrorists and their families.

When you punish people who are feeling chronically, irrationally guilty, they tend to embrace you even more avidly. It is emotionally devastating for most to finally act rationally.
Bath House Barry Obama lured the Democrat base into thinking anti-Semitism was cool. It’s NOT. But when you stop and think about it, his agitation and radicalization.
Some may believe this all began with the former president. The Political Left has been playing Radical Chic games with Islamic terrorism since Jimmy Carter's administration, more shame to them. Many may have forgotten Barry's direct interference in Israel's elections during his tenure.
How can we forget the late night deliveries of pallets of American dollars shipped to Iran by Obama, which partially went directly to fund Hamas and the PLO.
Jews are the "canary in the coal mine" -- an old saying that has importance today.

The canary in the coal mine refers to the practice of miners taking a canary into the mine to test for poisonous gas. The canary will die before the human miners are affected, saving their lives.

Jews are like that in the political world. When a group of people, like a political party, become toxic to freedom, the Jews will be impacted first. They will be the first victims of the new toxic atmosphere.

The Democrats have now become toxic. Abortion long ago defined them, but now they've expanded to infanticide and now Jew hatred.

Jews who are paying attention know that the Democrats are no longer friends who can be counted on. They know that they are in danger from the party they have been voting for since the beginning of the Republic.
the left fully and openly professed hatred for white Christians long before Omar came to congress and criticized israel.
Gee.. Thanks for warning me.. Better stock up on bagels and smoked salmon and cream cheese... It's gonna be a long war...

Seems like Dems have developed a knack for pissing off the constituencies that they've divided and depend on.. Polling on this is more bad news for the party with the bigger problems at the moment. The jews, the blacks, the labor vote, the SANE (LOL)...

It's now an internal pissing match about "scoring" the social credit points for potential Dem candidates. I'm a bigger loser than the fake Indian or the fake Hispanic that's already running.. Because I'm male, and white and Jewish.. My score wouldn't let me be a page for a freshman Dem congress-critter... :badgrin:

Watching them fight over what "groups" they represent is entertaining, but sad. It's also confusing. Because you have to decide if pointing out that men can't get pregnant or have periods is actually trannyphobic...
What the hell is a "jexodus"? Is that supposed to be some kind of Jewish exodus? As opposed to the original?
Gee.. Thanks for warning me.. Better stock up on bagels and smoked salmon and cream cheese... It's gonna be a long war...

Seems like Dems have developed a knack for pissing off the constituencies that they've divided and depend on.. Polling on this is more bad news for the party with the bigger problems at the moment. The jews, the blacks, the labor vote, the SANE (LOL)...

It's now an internal pissing match about "scoring" the social credit points for potential Dem candidates. I'm a bigger loser than the fake Indian or the fake Hispanic that's already running.. Because I'm male, and white and Jewish.. My score wouldn't let me be a page for a freshman Dem congress-critter... :badgrin:

Watching them fight over what "groups" they represent is entertaining, but sad. It's also confusing. Because you have to decide if pointing out that men can't get pregnant or have periods is actually trannyphobic...

The dems and their total embrace of militant identity politics has formed a tenuous alliance of groups that only hate white America more than they do one another.
I can read a lot of things, but I have trouble with the OP. :(

Can someone break it down Barney-style for me?
the left fully and openly professed hatred for white Christians long before Omar came to congress and criticized israel.
True, but not the topic of this thread.

Why is it only the mild and correct criticism of Israeli influence over american politics that gets the dems called out for their racism when they have literally launched an all out war against the white male? I don't care what you say, nothing is going to stop elitist metropolitian jews from voting democrat because they hate white people too.
Jews are the "canary in the coal mine" -- an old saying that has importance today.

The canary in the coal mine refers to the practice of miners taking a canary into the mine to test for poisonous gas. The canary will die before the human miners are affected, saving their lives.

Jews are like that in the political world. When a group of people, like a political party, become toxic to freedom, the Jews will be impacted first. They will be the first victims of the new toxic atmosphere.

The Democrats have now become toxic. Abortion long ago defined them, but now they've expanded to infanticide and now Jew hatred.

Jews who are paying attention know that the Democrats are no longer friends who can be counted on. They know that they are in danger from the party they have been voting for since the beginning of the Republic.
Why do you think I call them
the left fully and openly professed hatred for white Christians long before Omar came to congress and criticized israel.
True, but not the topic of this thread.

Why is it only the mild and correct criticism of Israeli influence over american politics that gets the dems called out for their racism when they have literally launched an all out war against the white male? I don't care what you say, nothing is going to stop elitist metropolitian jews from voting democrat because they hate white people too.
Not all Jews are "elitists" or "metropolitan."

I happen to know Jews who are just regular folks.
The Jews were integral in the creation of the conditions which created the problem they now face. Jews push mass immigration of non-white cultures into predominantly white nations then cry out in pain when these cultures to do not accept them with open arms. Stupid is as stupid does...or is it?
I feel no sympathy for Jews...77% of Jews vote Democrat. Nearly every ultra liberal and socialist organization has been founded by and headed by Jews.
Their hatred of Europeans as a diaspora will be their undoing.
What the hell is a "jexodus"? Is that supposed to be some kind of Jewish exodus? As opposed to the original?

It's just like the original Exodus.. An escape from bondage and neglect.. But I prefer the term Jexit... LOL...

SERIOUSLY -- I don't think the Muslims in Congress or anti-Zionist choir have breached any anti-semitism boundaries YET... But they will...

My bigger concern is the hypocrisy of having those same Muslim representatives whoring for the Muslim Brotherhood and conflict areas in the Middle East -- while complaining about lobbying for Israel..

That show of force from CAIR outside Omar's office last week from the big burly CAIR folks protecting her is a much more cogent "special interest" connection....
I’m just looking forward to the day when all Jews return to Israel and Yahweh utterly annihilates Islam in the battle of Gog & Magog leaving Israel free to build the third temple!
The Jews were integral in the creation of the conditions which created the problem they now face. Jews push mass immigration of non-white cultures into predominantly white nations then cry out in pain when these cultures to do not accept them with open arms. Stupid is as stupid does...or is it?
I feel no sympathy for Jews...77% of Jews vote Democrat. Nearly every ultra liberal and socialist organization has been founded by and headed by Jews.
Their hatred of Europeans as a diaspora will be their undoing.

This right here. The truth might be unpalatable to many American conservatives but these people are not our friends. The last thing they want is assertive white men. They want us demoralized and humiliated, backed into a corner staring at porn on a smartphone while muslims invade our lands and rape our women like what is happening in the UK and Germany.
The Jews were integral in the creation of the conditions which created the problem they now face. Jews push mass immigration of non-white cultures into predominantly white nations then cry out in pain when these cultures to do not accept them with open arms. Stupid is as stupid does...or is it?
I feel no sympathy for Jews...77% of Jews vote Democrat. Nearly every ultra liberal and socialist organization has been founded by and headed by Jews.
Their hatred of Europeans as a diaspora will be their undoing.

This right here. The truth might be unpalatable to many American conservatives but these people are not our friends. The last thing they want is assertive white men. They want us demoralized and humiliated, backed into a corner staring at porn on a smartphone while muslims invade our lands and rape our women like what is happening in the UK and Germany.
Pretty much.
I can read a lot of things, but I have trouble with the OP. :(

Can someone break it down Barney-style for me?

You mean Barney Frank or the big purple dinosaur?? LOL...

Dems have fractured Americans into so many separate baskets that NOW they need a semi to load them all into going the same directions.. Because EVERYTHING the party does is pandering to one fraction at a time..

Jews have been a 85% "sure thing" for them.. But because it's chique to be anti-Israel and pretend like it's ONLY Israel's fault that Palestinians kill each other for power and control of any govt they try to create.. Dems LOVE underdogs. Thus the growth of anti-Zionism and anti-semitism in academia and party politics for them..

SO -- it's obvious that like the labor basket or the black basket or even the hispanic basket, all these divided constituencies are gonna re-evaluate their allegiance to one party..

They're bleeding loyalists from EVERY one of the constituencies I've mentioned.. THe "Jewish vote" is just their latest problem..

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