American Gods Season 1


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie

Only 3 episodes have aired so far, so this is my review of the first three episodes. This is based on a book of the same name by comic book author, Neil Gaiman. I never read the book, but I've liked some of Gaiman's comic books works like the Sandman series and Death: The High Cost of Living.

I wasn't sure what to expect with this show, but, so far, I actually quite enjoy it. It's extremely graphic with lots of penises and even a nearly hardcore gay porn scene, which I thought was unnecessary but didn't detract from my enjoyment of the show.

Without giving too much away, the show shows the personification of old gods (Odin, a Leprechaun, Anubis, etc.) versus the new gods (Jesus, the god of the internet, the god of the media, etc.).

So far, I'd rate the first 3 episodes, collectively, an 8/10. The acting is top notch, especially by Ian McShane of Deadwood fame.
Episode 4:

The first half of this episode sucked. It was all back story about Shadow Moon's wife. For reasons that will become apparent fast if you watch this show, I didn't care about her character, so this bored the shit out of me.

However, the show got MUCH better in the second half when it comes back to the relatively present day.

I'd give the first half of the episode a 5/10, and I'd give the second half of the episode a 9/10. By averaging the two scores, I give the episode, as a whole, a 7/10.
I've watched the first two episodes so far. Interesting show, and McShane is as good as he ever has been. I don't think I've seen him in a bad movie.
So that's why Mad Sweeney is so familiar...


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