American Culture - Great? Or Gone to Crap?

Wow. its like you read my mind. yes, the culture in America has definitely changed and not for the better. I think there are a number of factors that are at play. for one, the more diverse we become, the more the culture gets diluted. in the past immigrants who came to this country mostly assimilated. yes, they kept many of their customs but the became Americanized fairly quickly. they had to to survive. there was no press two para espanol, there was no safety net of entitlements. You had to become part of society to survive. today people maintain their own cultures much longer and congregate into communities of their own kind. many newer immigrants still feel they are their old nationalities. not Americans first. even among americans a lot has changed. the 60's brought a huge revolution of self expression and individualism. being yourself. breaking away from the societal norms. then we evolved into the "Me" generation. Self satisfaction and self gratitude. Now we have entered the era of lack of self responsibility. there is always a fault for something, a reason to blame. It's not that our kids screwed up. oh, they have ADD or something. no one can lose. no one can be made to feel they are not good at what they do. But none of this is the real world. We get so wrapped up in ourselves we fail to see the bigger picture. we fail to see society as a whole. we no longer worry about the other guy.

but there are also some real factors that give us this I don't care attitude. we work harder to get less. we don't have loyalty to the companies we work for and corporations don't have loyalty to their employees. you rarely got to work for a company and retire from it anymore. it is harder to make ends meet and things are much more expensive. we are over taxed for little in return. it creates a huge amount of frustration and apathy. We've also lost faith in our leaders. we used to believe they were acting in our best interest. whether they were or not. today, it is more than obvious, they are not. again, this all makes us lose faith in the community as a whole and focus more on the at hand. ourselves.

When we don't take pride in ourselves and our appearance, we put forth less effort. Malcolm X realized this and his primary focus was on instilling pride in the black community. No drugs, no drinking, a rigid dress code, no swearing, respecting women, no infidelity. His message was how can we expect others to respect us when we don't respect ourselves?
America was better pre-Hyphenation.

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