American Communism (Socialism, redistribution, Progressive etc.), this time it'll wor


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
It's an article of faith on the "American" Left that their 100% Guaranteed Failed Economic ideology of demonizing successful people and rewarding slackers and failures, will work in the USA.

It's failed and has been abandoned in Russia, China, Vietnam and Cuba.

It is failing in Europe

But, not to worry, it's gonna work in the USA.

What in the world makes them think they have a good idea?
It's an article of faith on the "American" Left that their 100% Guaranteed Failed Economic ideology of demonizing successful people and rewarding slackers and failures, will work in the USA.

It's failed and has been abandoned in Russia, China, Vietnam and Cuba.

It is failing in Europe

But, not to worry, it's gonna work in the USA.

What in the world makes them think they have a good idea?

Guess we'll worry about that when people actually advocate Communism here. In the meantime, you just keep on the lookout, ok?
It's an article of faith on the "American" Left that their 100% Guaranteed Failed Economic ideology of demonizing successful people and rewarding slackers and failures, will work in the USA.

It's failed and has been abandoned in Russia, China, Vietnam and Cuba.

It is failing in Europe

But, not to worry, it's gonna work in the USA.

What in the world makes them think they have a good idea?

Guess we'll worry about that when people actually advocate Communism here. In the meantime, you just keep on the lookout, ok?

Distribution of wealth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Communism arose as a reaction to a distribution of wealth in which a few lived in luxury while the masses lived in extreme poverty

Redistribution of Wealth - Chapter 1
Some of the poorer nations of the world decided to base their entire government on Marxists theory - we call them communist.

Pravda Warns Americans About Gun Control and How Soviet Communism Began
Pravda Warns Americans About Gun Control and How Soviet Communism Began | Delusions of Adequacy
We haven't even gotten in to telling people what they can and cannot eat, drink, where and when they can smoke or not.. SOCIALIZED healthcare with an UNCONSTITUTIONAL taxation. Forcing religious organizations to hand out abortion pills which go against their beliefs..
It's an article of faith on the "American" Left that their 100% Guaranteed Failed Economic ideology of demonizing successful people and rewarding slackers and failures, will work in the USA.

It's failed and has been abandoned in Russia, China, Vietnam and Cuba.

It is failing in Europe

But, not to worry, it's gonna work in the USA.

What in the world makes them think they have a good idea?

Guess we'll worry about that when people actually advocate Communism here. In the meantime, you just keep on the lookout, ok?

Distribution of wealth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Communism arose as a reaction to a distribution of wealth in which a few lived in luxury while the masses lived in extreme poverty

Redistribution of Wealth - Chapter 1
Some of the poorer nations of the world decided to base their entire government on Marxists theory - we call them communist.

Pravda Warns Americans About Gun Control and How Soviet Communism Began
Pravda Warns Americans About Gun Control and How Soviet Communism Began | Delusions of Adequacy

Do you agree that our current system of income taxation and taxation IS actually "Redistribution of Wealth"? If so, how come when the republicans and conservatives had control of both Houses and the Executive branch, they didn't implement a "Flat tax", "Fairtax", "Consumption tax", or at least an option to file the regular way or do it the "flat tax" way?
It's an article of faith on the "American" Left that their 100% Guaranteed Failed Economic ideology of demonizing successful people and rewarding slackers and failures, will work in the USA.

It's failed and has been abandoned in Russia, China, Vietnam and Cuba.

It is failing in Europe

But, not to worry, it's gonna work in the USA.

What in the world makes them think they have a good idea?

Insanity is defined by doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
The actions of the "American" Left just prove they are insane.
It's an article of faith on the "American" Left that their 100% Guaranteed Failed Economic ideology of demonizing successful people and rewarding slackers and failures, will work in the USA.

It's failed and has been abandoned in Russia, China, Vietnam and Cuba.

It is failing in Europe

But, not to worry, it's gonna work in the USA.

What in the world makes them think they have a good idea?

Poor Frank, living in the past. :eusa_shhh:
Communism is NEVER democratic, takes land and property from people and gives it to the government or poor. Not 4% higher taxes on the bloated rich.

O-care is the Pub plan, doesn't socialize a thing. Pubs are incredible hypocrites who would never vote for any plan that ends ridiculous profits of Big Health.

The dupes are brainwashed idiots.
the U S Constitution is a freewheeling document allowing just about anything anyone cares to vote for ... however long it works, even slavery for the southern states.
Case in point: Obama got his tax increases....what did it accomplish?
It's an article of faith on the "American" Left that their 100% Guaranteed Failed Economic ideology of demonizing successful people and rewarding slackers and failures, will work in the USA.

It's failed and has been abandoned in Russia, China, Vietnam and Cuba.

It is failing in Europe

But, not to worry, it's gonna work in the USA.

What in the world makes them think they have a good idea?

Guess we'll worry about that when people actually advocate Communism here. In the meantime, you just keep on the lookout, ok?
leftist traitors do not even deny the charges against them .they just laugh and post something stupid.
It's an article of faith on the "American" Left that their 100% Guaranteed Failed Economic ideology of demonizing successful people and rewarding slackers and failures, will work in the USA.

It's failed and has been abandoned in Russia, China, Vietnam and Cuba.

It is failing in Europe

But, not to worry, it's gonna work in the USA.

What in the world makes them think they have a good idea?

Guess we'll worry about that when people actually advocate Communism here. In the meantime, you just keep on the lookout, ok?
leftist traitors do not even deny the charges against them .they just laugh and post something stupid.

You keep looking out, too, ok?
Communism is NEVER democratic, takes land and property from people and gives it to the government or poor. Not 4% higher taxes on the bloated rich.

O-care is the Pub plan, doesn't socialize a thing. Pubs are incredible hypocrites who would never vote for any plan that ends ridiculous profits of Big Health.

The dupes are brainwashed idiots.
You are a commie butt kissing fag.
It's an article of faith on the "American" Left that their 100% Guaranteed Failed Economic ideology of demonizing successful people and rewarding slackers and failures, will work in the USA.

It's failed and has been abandoned in Russia, China, Vietnam and Cuba.

It is failing in Europe

But, not to worry, it's gonna work in the USA.

What in the world makes them think they have a good idea?

Guess we'll worry about that when people actually advocate Communism here. In the meantime, you just keep on the lookout, ok?
leftist traitors do not even deny the charges against them .they just laugh and post something stupid.

Wow, as an authority on posting "something stupid" I almost took you seriously.
How long now have the Republicans been telling America that the nation is going communistic, must be going on 75 years now. When we hit 100 years of Republicans telling us of how we should fear communism maybe we should take a little break say a six month period with no fear of communism. Sure gets tiresome.

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