America Must Follow the European Lead in Green Energy


In physics, Planck's law describes the spectral density of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a black body in thermal equilibrium at a given temperature T, when there is no net flow of matter or energy between the body and its environment.[1]

At the end of the 19th century, physicists were unable to explain why the observed spectrum of black-body radiation, which by then had been accurately measured, diverged significantly at higher frequencies from that predicted by existing theories. In 1900, German physicist Max Planck heuristically derived a formula for the observed spectrum by assuming that a hypothetical electrically charged oscillator in a cavity that contained black-body radiation could only change its energy in a minimal increment, E, that was proportional to the frequency of its associated electromagnetic wave. This resolved the problem of the ultraviolet catastrophe predicted by classical physics. This discovery was a pioneering insight of modern physics and is of fundamental importance to quantum theory.}

You really are jaw droppingly stupid!
It is related. It is certainly used in the calculation of greenhouse effect heating or simply the heat budget of the planet. That minimal increment was the first appearance of the quantum.
It is related. It is certainly used in the calculation of greenhouse effect heating or simply the heat budget of the planet. That minimal increment was the first appearance of the quantum.

Planck's law is a staple of quantum physics. Anthropogenic global warming is a constant of frauds, charlatans, hucksters, and grifters.

No relation.
I have no religion. My position throughout my entire life has been that it is the government's primary obligation to do what the Constitution allows to improve the welfare of its citizens. I believe in public school through a doctorate for anyone that can pass the exams. I believe in free medical for anyone inside the borders of this nation. I believe in the elimination of the Electoral College and efforts to get as many citizens as possible to cast their ballots. My position through my entire life has also been that our guaranteed civil rights and the human rights that undergird them are the core of our Constitutional republic. The one thing I have always seen from political conservatives was an unfounded fear that the unchecked exercise of those rights threatened the wealth of their idols. It has always seemed as if every republican was either wealthy or wanted to be and both categories were willing to do almost anything to attain their goals. All I ever hear from you people is the charge that democrats want power over others. Is that not precisely what YOU want? Is that not why you want a Republican House and a Republican Senate and a Republican president or even Trump, whatever the fuck he might actually be? Is that not why you now have a supermajority on the Supreme Court? Is that not why the filibuster is so staunchly defended? Is that not why Mitch McConnel threw every iota of integrity he possessed onto a stinking garbage pile to keep Merrick Garland off the court and to put Amy Coney Barrett on to it? Is that not why you are all willing to put a dangerously ignorant and amoral human being into the most powerful office on the entire planet? Is that not why you are all perfectly willing to passionately pretend to believe his lies about the 2020 election and to overlook his blatant attempts to overthrow this fucking nation. Take a time capsule back ten years and describe anonymously to any American what Trump has done and ask what should be such a person's punishment. You and I both know that 99 out of 100 would laugh at even envisaging such an event taking place but, when pressed, would say without question he should be executed for treason. Yet YOU WANT TO PUT HIM BACK IN OFFICE. It's not me or any of my fellow liberals that are exercising an unhealthy quest for power. It is you and yours.

My belief that we should be listening and intelligently responding to what decades of research by thousands of mainstream scientists the world over has driven all scientists to effectively, unanimously conclude: that AGW is real, it is a threat and we must act decisively and with sincere commitment to eliminate GHG emissions as rapidly as we can. I don't give two shits in this regard as to who is in power because outside of Donald Trump and his supporters, I do not see any threat to our Constitutional order thus no threat to the civil rights guaranteed therein. I am not as worried about Trump as I used to be because I believe he will shortly be behind bars or, at the absolute worst, simply banned from holding public office. But there are still the millions of Americans just like you; in a less idealistic world, too stupid, really, to be entrusted with a vote. But in this world, with the Constitution some Americans don't really deserve, you have that vote to use or abuse any way you like. So we are left with attempting to show you how things work and how you ought to be making critical decisions and what sort of things you should commit to and what you should not. I bet you can imagine exactly how well that goes.

I have no idea what "buddy" you're speaking of and have never read comments such as you describe.
TL; DR , Commie faggot.

Oh, but your TDS is on full display. I fear it interferes with cognitive functions.
LOL! You mean to drive EVs like this guy? You know, to save the planet?


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