America Absorbed...

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
What happens when America is completely absorbed by the Chinese/foreign influence?

Both of our major political parties have sold out and pass regulations to prohibit or make it near impossible to profit from products made within the United States.

The joke is on us, we're just spectators at the circus..
Actually, manftring is up a tick. It's certainly better for Germans to assemble stuff here. I put a link to a podcast on the PansPacific trade thread. China's labor costs are increasing, and their currency is up in value. While this weeks stock market is buffetted by EU currency values, overall the trend should be on the dollar to decline, which helps our manftring. In the Clinton years, the dollar was really overvalued, but it's shifting. We will soon be an energy exporter, and natl gas prices might actually decline in real dollars. It's not gonna be 1964, but it's not all bleak.

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