Amazing engines promise 60 to 100 mpg


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Mar 16, 2010
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Amazing engines promise 60 to 100 mpg

September 26, 2012
by Jim Motavalli
It would be a mistake to count out the internal-combustion engine as yesterday's technology, soon to expire in a puff of exhaust gas. Electrification is coming, but meanwhile engineers have offered more innovation for the venerable gas engine in the last three years than they did in the previous 20. The result is 40 mpg on the highway, from four-cylinder power plants with the same performance as older V-6s or even V-8s.

Achates Power typifies the new thinking. Its target is a chronic polluter: the two-stroke oil burner normally seen in scooters, weed whackers, lawn-mowers and old Saabs. The East German Trabant used a two-stroke engine, which could usually be seen trailing a cloud of black smoke. It was rated by Time as one of the 50 worst cars ever made. Achates, an engine developer based in San Diego, claims its opposed-piston, compression-ignition two-stroke diesel can power a 40-mpg (highway) economy car like the Ford Fiesta with a 50 percent or more improvement.

Yes, 60 mpg is possible, the company says, while also meeting the tough smog/greenhouse gas emissions regulations that automakers soon will face. According to CEO Dave Johnson, the Achates innovations include two cylinders in one combustion chamber and eliminates both the valve train and cylinder head, "giving us tremendous efficiency advantages." It also uses less raw material and fewer components, but a completely conventional manufacturing process, which Johnson says will dramatically lower automakers power plant costs. Diesels also have an inherent fuel economy advantage. Johnson told me all this, but Achates doesn't actually have a car to show the press, proving its claims. I'm impressed that the company's fuel lab boasts "laser Doppler anemometry and laser-induced fluorescence," but I have no idea what it means. The privately held firm hasn't signed on any high-volume automakers, though it boasts a string of Ph.D. engineers and backing from big names such as Sequoia Capital, RockPort Capital, Madrone Capital, InterWest Partners and Triangle Peak.

Its founder is Dr. James Lemke, who initially drew investment from the late John Walton, son of Walmart's Sam. Before I proclaim this engine the greatest thing since sliced bread, I'd like to see it much further down the road. I'd want to see independent fuel economy and emissions validation. I'd want to see noise, vibration and harshness studies. I have unpleasant memories of the Trabant. Frankly, I've had other meetings with "breakthrough" engine companies whose tech never amounted to anything. One of the biggest hurdles for companies like Achates is to get major automakers - which have huge power plant R&D staffs, after all - to want to license their innovations. Unless Achates wants to start building cars itself, that's its only option.
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