Amazing BBC documentary: King Solomon's Tablet (and other now proven forgeries)


VIP Member
Sep 19, 2017
Investigators have established that collectors around the world have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for artefacts that came through Oded Golan's associates. Dozens of these items have now been examined by Dr Goren, and all have been revealed to be forgeries. Police now suspect that artifacts made by the same team of forgers have found their way into leading museums around the world. Some archaeologists have now concluded that everything that came to market in the last 20 years without clear provenance should be considered a fake. Many of these objects, like the stone tablet which started the investigation, were cynically playing on the desire of many of the collectors to see the bible confirmed as history. For those in search of the temple of Solomon - their goal is as far away as ever.
Watch all 5 parts here: King Solomon's tablet of stone - YouTube

Part 1:

Questions: Why are zionists so obsessed with their narrative that they manufacture 'evidence?' And if the narrative were true, would the evidence not just be there for all to see? Is it possible to to occupy an entire land, hold the people of that land hostage, base the whole concept on lies and still tell the world you only want peace?
I believe you can stop flogging him now ...

Investigators have established that collectors around the world have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for artefacts that came through Oded Golan's associates. Dozens of these items have now been examined by Dr Goren, and all have been revealed to be forgeries. Police now suspect that artifacts made by the same team of forgers have found their way into leading museums around the world. Some archaeologists have now concluded that everything that came to market in the last 20 years without clear provenance should be considered a fake. Many of these objects, like the stone tablet which started the investigation, were cynically playing on the desire of many of the collectors to see the bible confirmed as history. For those in search of the temple of Solomon - their goal is as far away as ever.
Watch all 5 parts here: King Solomon's tablet of stone - YouTube

Part 1:

Questions: Why are zionists so obsessed with their narrative that they manufacture 'evidence?' And if the narrative were true, would the evidence not just be there for all to see? Is it possible to to occupy an entire land, hold the people of that land hostage, base the whole concept on lies and still tell the world you only want peace?

I’m guessing you were impressed by the pretty colors and brightly colored graphics?

Come on, Louie. You’re not the least bit embarrassed by that silly YouTube tripe?
OK so at what point is this guy abi just a pallywood troll using the forum as a launching pad for these ludicrous anti Israeli op ed pieces.

Me thinkst its time to start asking for some moderation here

OK reported. I'm not suggesting you or your anti semitic rantings not have a forum, some of this crap is actually pretty funny, it's a free country after all. But really abi, your just flooding the site with anti Israeli nonsense as if you're some kinda paid bot or whatever.

How about if the site creates a folder for you to post the hate and that way the rest of us won't be constantly interrupted with your posts ;-). That way you can rant on and we don't see it in our notifications
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OK so at what point is this guy abi just a pallywood troll using the forum as a launching pad for these ludicrous anti Israeli op ed pieces.

Me thinkst its time to start asking for some moderation here
For posting a BBC documentary? Why does truth scare you?
OK so at what point is this guy abi just a pallywood troll using the forum as a launching pad for these ludicrous anti Israeli op ed pieces.

Me thinkst its time to start asking for some moderation here

OK reported. I'm not suggesting you or your anti semitic rantings have a forum, it's a free country after all. But really abi, your just flooding the site with anti Israeli nonsense as if you're some kinda paid bot or whatever.

How about if the site creates a folder for you to post the hate and that we the rest of us won't be constantly interrupted with your posts ;-). That way you can rant on and we don't see it in our notifications
If he is, it's fine because he's countered by plenty of equivalent opponents here
OK so at what point is this guy abi just a pallywood troll using the forum as a launching pad for these ludicrous anti Israeli op ed pieces.

Me thinkst its time to start asking for some moderation here
For posting a BBC documentary? Why does truth scare you?

Um, yeah, didn't the BBC also run an anti climate science piece entitled The Great Global Warming Swindle which was resoundingly rebuked by just about every single real climate scientist out there and eventually they had to retract their endorsement of the film as factual.


In an 8400-word official judgement issued on 21 July 2008 the British media regulator Ofcom declared that the final part of the film dealing with the politics of climate change had broken rules on "due impartiality on matters of major political and industrial controversy and major matters relating to current public policy". Ofcom also backed complaints by Sir David King, stating that his views were misrepresented, and Carl Wunsch, on the points that he had been misled as to its intent, and that the impression had been given that he agreed with the programme's position on climate change. Ofcom further ruled that the IPCC had not been given an adequate chance to respond to adverse claims that its work was politicised and that it had made misleading claims about malaria. However, the regulator said that because "the link between human activity and global warming... became settled before March 2007", in parts 1–4 the audience was not "materially misled so as to cause harm or offence".[67] According to Ofcom the program caused no harm because "the discussion about the causes of global warming was to a very great extent settled by the date of broadcast", meaning that climate change was no longer a matter of political controversy.[68]

Channel 4 said in its defence against the complaints that The Great Global Warming Swindle "was clearly identified as an authored polemic of the kind that is characteristic of some of Channel 4’s output", and Ofcom said in its decision that it was "of paramount importance that broadcasters, such as Channel 4, continue to explore controversial subject matter". Ofcom declined to rule on the accuracy of the programme, saying: "It is not within Ofcom's remit or ability in this case as the regulator of the 'communications industry' to establish or seek to adjudicate on 'facts' such as whether global warming is a man-made phenomenon." It noted that it only regulates "misleading material where that material is likely to cause harm or offence" and "as a consequence, the requirement that content must not materially mislead the audience is necessarily a high test."[6]

The regulator ruled that the parts of the programme about the scientific debate "were not matters of political or industrial controversy or matters relating to public policy and therefore the rules on due impartiality did not apply." In the fifth segment of the programme concerning the political controversy and public policy, however, Ofcom ruled that the programme-makers were "required to include an appropriate wide range of the significant views" but "failed to do this."[6] Channel 4 was required to broadcast a summary of the Ofcom ruling but was given no further sanctions.

End Quote

So yeah, just because it's on British TV doesn't exactly make it peer reviewed and published work
Well, either way we still have the Arch of Titus:


I highly doubt that a menorah of that size would just be gracing someone's damn living room. Or are you now going to claim that the Arch of Titus is a fake too, abi?

Heck, this picture looks like they may also have carried off the Ark of the Covenant:


Source: Arch of Titus - Wikipedia
The Israeli zionists have been cobbling together a fraudlent narrative for decades in order to legitimize their land theft and genocide of the Palestinian people.

Much like how the Nazi's used the ancient Aryan fables to make a case for their military domination of Europe. ..... :cool:
The Israeli zionists have been cobbling together a fraudlent narrative for decades in order to legitimize their land theft and genocide of the Palestinian people.

Much like how the Nazi's used the ancient Aryan fables to make a case for their military domination of Europe. ..... :cool:
So, are you saying that the Arch of Titus is part of that fraudulent narrative? It goes back almost two thousand years.
So, are you saying that the Arch of Titus is part of that fraudulent narrative? It goes back almost two thousand years.
What do you think it proves (we probably agree here).
So, are you saying that the Arch of Titus is part of that fraudulent narrative? It goes back almost two thousand years.
What do you think it proves (we probably agree here).
It proves that there was a Jewish temple in Jerusalem. Two Thousand Years Ago. Which had the sacred artifacts carried over from the First Temple a Thousand years before.
It proves that there was a Jewish temple in Jerusalem. Two Thousand Years Ago. Which had the sacred artifacts carried over from the First Temple a Thousand years before.
Oh boy, okay, whatever you say. But you know that that pic was of a Roman structure in Rome, Italy, yes?
It proves that there was a Jewish temple in Jerusalem. Two Thousand Years Ago. Which had the sacred artifacts carried over from the First Temple a Thousand years before.
Oh boy, okay, whatever you say. But you know that that pic was of a Roman structure in Rome, Italy, yes?
Yes. It was a picture of the Arch of Titus. In Rome, Italy. A Roman creation created by the Romans almost two thousand years ago to this year. Or, exactly 1,947 years ago. It depicted the conquest and destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple in 70 CE. With all the artifacts that the Romans carried off to Rome after said destruction. Clearly shown and engraved.

There was a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Two thousand years ago.
So, where do you think that huge menorah came from then?

I mean for all hells sake. You claim to be a Jew, yet deny that the Jews ever had a Temple and/or lived in Israel???????

You are pretty fucked up in the head.
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