Am I the only one who thinks that? We shouldn't do anything about global warming just yet?


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2021
I know global warming is a major issue, but it's the same time We have a great opportunity to get rid of florida once and for all. Within twenty years the everglades will be flooded with sea water, And all the idiots who call global warming a Hoax will not have any fresh water to drink. So let's wait until after that happens before we start doing anything. Since it's only florida and a couple Other red states that rely on the everglades for their drinking water.
we may as well think that. nothing will be done about climate change.

my theory is that "america's job creators" have determined that warming will be extremely profitable and really do not care what happens to the everglades or anything else.

as for these "real" 'murkins who can not be bothered to stop littering , how can we ever expect our fellow citizens to sacrifice their suvs or gas stoves merely to save the only habitable planet we will ever have.

i am old, and am betting that i will die before my home in new orleans sinks into the gulf of mexico. if i lose, oh well, drowning is relatively fast and painless compared to cancer and old age.
Why not?
Nobody else is doing anything either. Only pretending to.
Europe before the climate fad: Energy independence! Make our own energy sources!!
Europe after the climate fad: Egads!! our carbon footprint is too big with these energy sources! Outsource to Russia so our numbers look better! We are sooo awesome!!
"WE" do not and cannot CONTROL THE WEATHER!!!!
I'm not a scientist nor do I pretend to be but climate change isn't an issue I concern myself with because I realize it is out of my control and the doomsayers, I ignore because of their hypocrisy. If the wheels are really about to come off and the earth experiences dire consequences then China and India might need to make some efforts as well. Destroying the economies of western nations while ignoring the so-called developing countries verifies to me that this movement is about money and power.
Lets be honest
There is nothing humans can do that will harm the planet

The Earth is one big son of a bitch piece of rock. It does not care what we do to it.
It may affect our ability to live on this planet, but the planet does not care if we are here or not
I'm not a scientist nor do I pretend to be but climate change isn't an issue I concern myself with because I realize it is out of my control and the doomsayers, I ignore because of their hypocrisy. If the wheels are really about to come off and the earth experiences dire consequences then China and India might need to make some efforts as well. Destroying the economies of western nations while ignoring the so-called developing countries verifies to me that this movement is about money and power.
Exactly... it is all bullshit. All of it.
It is an institution ran by a child and other entertainers rather than scientist.
Global warming is.... wait for it... a GLOBAL thing. Britain taking steps to reduce carbon output only to outsource the carbon to China and Russia doesn't do a freaking thing to reduce carbon.
But the superchild and entertainers get to pat each other on the back and return to their private jets and 8000 sq. foot homes.
I'm not a scientist nor do I pretend to be but climate change isn't an issue I concern myself with because I realize it is out of my control and the doomsayers, I ignore because of their hypocrisy. If the wheels are really about to come off and the earth experiences dire consequences then China and India might need to make some efforts as well. Destroying the economies of western nations while ignoring the so-called developing countries verifies to me that this movement is about money and power.
I'm no scientist either, but it's obvious that the demonization of CO2 is INSANE!!!
we may as well think that. nothing will be done about climate change.

my theory is that "america's job creators" have determined that warming will be extremely profitable and really do not care what happens to the everglades or anything else.

as for these "real" 'murkins who can not be bothered to stop littering , how can we ever expect our fellow citizens to sacrifice their suvs or gas stoves merely to save the only habitable planet we will ever have.

i am old, and am betting that i will die before my home in new orleans sinks into the gulf of mexico. if i lose, oh well, drowning is relatively fast and painless compared to cancer and old age.
That city is below sea level. Common sense would reduce the city size and let the Mississippi change its course. Instead, we get the global climate agenda. The levees and mechanical infrastructure were given many billions of dollars and some of that they do not know what happened to it. And the city is sinking each year. In around 1970 when the climate scam started in earnest, Florida was supposed to be underwater by now.
Nope, we're but a pinprick. Its the height of mans arrogance to think we can cause a planets climate to change when this has been happening for eons and an even dumber idea to think we can offer solutions. The atmospheres on several planets have been changing along with the earths atmosphere. Our own sun is going through radical changes. No, this is the left's glowarm religion, earth worship crap.
I know global warming is a major issue, but it's the same time We have a great opportunity to get rid of florida once and for all. Within twenty years the everglades will be flooded with sea water, And all the idiots who call global warming a Hoax will not have any fresh water to drink. So let's wait until after that happens before we start doing anything. Since it's only florida and a couple Other red states that rely on the everglades for their drinking water.
The scam artists combine climate change agendas with weather and pollution, and they convince the peons. They have made trillions of dollars off of this.
the activity of 8 bullion large mammals can, and has, demonstrably effected the climate. weather is something else entirely.
That way of thinking leads to your SICK notion that our existence is detrimental to THE PLANET.
That's YOUR excuse for GREEN GENOCIDE!
You ASSHOLES are no better than the AZTECS that committed HUMAN SACRIFICES to appease the weather gods!

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