Alternative für Deutschland (AFD) seeks persecution of Merkel


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Mother of all Muslims Merkel wants to replace Germans by Muslims, therefore she invited tens of millions Muslims in the country to live at cost of German taxpayers.Unfortunately only civil war can stop this crazy carrier-obsessed woman ( she desire the office of UN Secretary General ) because she has transformed former BRD to DDR 2.0 where only Merkel can decide and all other institutions have nothing to say. Sure it will be not any police investigations against Merkel until her Agenda will be finished: Annihilation of Germany and its people.

A new popularist right wing party, Alternative für Deutschland, said it would seek to have Chancellor Angela Merkel prosecuted for people trafficking, because she opened the country‘s borders to hundreds of thousands of Muslim illegal aliens a month ago.

Read here more:

Previously, I dealt with a rabbit much as I would a bird, except rabbits are easier to pluck. You don't even really need a knife to skin an Az rabbit. Still, pull the skin off, then yank the guts out was how I did it. A bit stinky and requiring of some rinse, I suppose. Kinda quarter and fry.
Mother of all Muslims Merkel wants to replace Germans by Muslims, therefore she invited tens of millions Muslims in the country to live at cost of German taxpayers.Unfortunately only civil war can stop this crazy carrier-obsessed woman ( she desire the office of UN Secretary General ) because she has transformed former BRD to DDR 2.0 where only Merkel can decide and all other institutions have nothing to say. Sure it will be not any police investigations against Merkel until her Agenda will be finished: Annihilation of Germany and its people.

A new popularist right wing party, Alternative für Deutschland, said it would seek to have Chancellor Angela Merkel prosecuted for people trafficking, because she opened the country‘s borders to hundreds of thousands of Muslim illegal aliens a month ago.

Read here more:


In case enough time has passed that a significant number of Germans will self-identify as losers who are once again ready to blame their loser status on a new boogey man.

Good luck, "Baron" with the obliviously self-mocking moniker.
Maybe they should also prosecute her legally, just persecuting doesn't seem enough.
In a normal situation Merkel would be arrested, what she's done is actually treason.

She's totally disrespecting her own people, the actual Germans appear to have no human rights or civil rights anymore. Merkel has given all those rights to hordes of "refugees", who not only haven't contribute one iota to German society or economics, but also have not legally been even invited no debate in the German Bundestag, no referendum of the German people.

Merkel is an absolute traitor.

Germany to save herself needs a new leader, not only to save Germany but to save Western Europe.

The Eastern European leaders are absolutely correct to keep the "refugees" out of their beautiful countries.

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